Profound Pure Guard

Chapter 89: Longevity

"Zongqi, I have seen the bodies of the two prisoners. They have a fleshy ball on their chest and abdomen near the heart vein. That is a death syndrome. Generally speaking, they will not live for three years when they grow this kind of thing. But there is no major problem. It seems that the body spontaneously has a confinement ability to confine the viciousness of death syndrome in a very small area without spreading...

   In addition, these two celebrities committed abnormal mental states, but they could not find the reason. "

   The doctor came to report the results and confirmed that the Zhao brothers were indeed suffering from a disease, and because of unknown reasons, they survived forcibly. The reason is that they are really inseparable from the so-called blood steaming.

   Let the Zhao brothers rest a little bit for the whole morning, and the interrogation continued after noon, starting with Zhao Hekun.

   "My brother and I were born in the 9th year of Kaiyuan..."

   Shen Hao felt absurd when he heard the words. Now it is the Jingjiu calendar. The Kaiyuan calendar was the previous calendar cycle. According to the customs of the Jingjiu dynasty, a legislative cycle is ninety-nine years. If what Zhao Hekun said is true, isn't he one hundred and sixteen years old this year? !

   "I know you don't believe it, but it's true. The reason why we want to start a family and get a fake identity is because we have lived too long, and it will cause suspicion for a long time..."

According to Zhao Hekun, the two brothers have obtained the method of blood steaming for nearly a hundred years. They ran from east to west and from south to north on the land of the old Jing Dynasty, and each place only stayed at most for 20 years. It will change places in ten years.

   At the beginning, under the guise of "hexagrams", they walked around the streets to inquire about the births of children from all over the world, and then used the magical tools and animistic stones that You Fang Xiuzhen gave them to start abducting people.

   But later they found that the income from walking around the streets was too low, and they couldn't afford the consumption of animetic stones. In addition, the inefficiency of inquiries from one place to one place was also prone to suspicion. After thinking about it, they set their sights on the Population Division who had information about the local population. As long as they could enter the Yamen Population Division as a errand, it wouldn't be easier to find a target in the future.

   So the two brothers began to study how to enter the Yamen Population Department.

   Others may not have so much energy and time to study how to enter a Qingshui yamen, but the Zhao brothers have plenty of money. According to Zhao and Kun, the two brothers can rejuvenate after receiving the "treatment" of blood steaming, and their physical characteristics will continue to cycle within a specific range.

   Brother Zhao Hesheng will continue to cycle between the ages of 20 and 50, neither too young nor too old. On the other hand, Zhao and Kun will cycle between the ages of 30 and 60. This is why Zhao Hesheng looks much younger than Zhao Hekun.

However, these are the words of the two brothers, and no one knows whether they made the words in advance, so in order to confirm the statement of the two, Shen Hao borrowed the "Suishi" from the recruitment station of Guishan Monastery in Licheng. , A stone mirror that can accurately measure the true age of a person.

   This thing is used when the Guishan seminary recruits disciples. It is very precious. At least Licheng Guardian has no ability to deploy this kind of thing.

   It is now in the incubation period of Guishan Seminary, so Suishi is just idle in the resident, and the people in Renjia's Foreign Affairs Hall also give Heiqiying's face. Hearing Shen Hao's request, he immediately brought Suishi with him.

   "These two people are weird...the real age is over a hundred years old..."

   The deacon of the outer door of the Guishan Seminary was very curious, but he was embarrassed to ask more. He was also worried that the case of Xuan Qingwei was too abrupt and caused misunderstanding. So after leaving the results of the Shishi, I left. When I left, I could still hear the man's muttering. I also couldn't understand how two people who didn't practice at all lived to be so beautiful.

   Shen Hao sent away the deacon of the outer gate of Guishan Seminary and returned to the sanctuary, but he was shocked.

   The Zhao family brothers really resisted the mortal disease by means of blood steaming, and they also lived to be more than a hundred years old and still have no aging state.

   In other words, if this continues, wouldn’t the Zhao brothers become "longevity" in the general sense? !

  Thinking deeper, Shen Hao felt a bitter cold.

   turned back and said word by word to Wang Jian and Zhang Lao who had been following him: "Without my permission, nothing about blood steaming is allowed to be disclosed to the outside world, and those who violate the order shall be cut!"

  Wang Jian and Zhang Lio nodded quickly and did not dare to say anything else, and they knew in their hearts that if the blood-steaming thing were to be passed on, it might be a big mess.

  Man, many times can be so bad that he can't even imagine it.

  Killing others and letting yourself live forever, this business is probably not a loss-making business in the eyes of many people, but it makes a lot of money!

   But Shen Hao still doesn't believe it, he doesn't believe that there is such a cheap longevity in the world! If so, what else do you practice? When all monks are fools?

However, in the next three days, no matter what method Shen Hao used, he could not get more information from the Zhao brothers. It turns out that the two have been drained, and they don’t know about that person. Who is it that "save their cultivation"? Even the faces of each other were very general and couldn't be accurately outlined.

   Even so, Shen Hao boldly inferred that the monk who taught the Zhao brothers blood-steaming method was most likely an evil monk. It's just that Shen Hao still doesn't know the purpose of that evil monk teaching the Zhao family brothers' blood-steaming method.

   In fact, up to now, the series of missing cases headed by the Liu Yan case can be closed. The murderer caught it, the evidence was solid, and the confession was confessed, which is in full compliance with the closing procedure. But Shen Hao dragged He always believed that things would never be that simple. His instinct told him that the case was still missing a hidden jigsaw.

   can be dragged to the fifth day, it can't be dragged. Not only did Tang Qingyuan ask Shen Hao to close the case quickly so as to put out a complete dossier to block the pressure on Fengri City, even Chen Yiyun and Jiang Cheng also expressly hinted that Shen Hao could speed up the progress.

   In the end, Shen Hao had no choice but to classify the file as "Top Secret", and then reported it to a few people such as Tang Qingyuan, Chen Yiyun, Jiang Cheng. Shen Hao had to be cautious because it involved the blood-steaming method, which was not really understood.

   The reaction of the Qianhu Office in Fengri City after the file was reported exceeded Shen Hao's expectations.

   wrote in the reply note: Immediately execute Zhao Hekun and Zhao Hesheng, and the execution shall not be made public. Zhang Bang also cannot mention any words about evil monks, nor can it describe in detail the process of the perpetrators committing the crime.

   This is about to close the lid quickly.

   Although it was not a formal order, Shen Hao did not dare not follow it. Jiang Cheng could point out how much pressure he had put on him. If he didn't listen to him, he would be shameless.

   That night, Shen Hao personally caught the knife, and found a torture room at Li Chengxuan’s Qingwei Heiqi Camp as a place to execute the Zhao brothers.

   "Good and evil will eventually be rewarded. If you have the next life, you two should still be pigs and dogs to pay off your debts."

Shen Hao raised the wild goose spine knife in his hand and raised it to the top. When the voice fell, he swiped it down with a slash. The knife flicked across, and two human heads fell into the bamboo basket bang, and the blood spewed out from the remaining half of the neck. Mi Duoyuan quickly loses its strength and sprinkles to the ground.

   But the few people in the torture room who were going to collect their bodies were suddenly stopped by Shen Hao and told them to go out immediately...