Projection of the Heavens

v2 Chapter 1071: new world

Gu Shaoshang guessed that that world might be the big world that Hong Yi was going to.

That is to say, before he and Hong Yi reversed the time and space, he spent billions of source power to peep into the splendid portal that collided with the main temple.

Although not sure, Gu Shaoshang felt that his guess should be accurate.

"Seven-star world......"

After thinking about it, Gu Shaoshang once again glanced at the many great worlds searched by the All-Heaven Mirror.

But in the big world above the seven stars, the water is very deep.

So far, Gu Shaoshang has only experienced the perfect world, the incomplete seven-star world. This time, he went to the Westward Journey to the cosmos because these monks peeped into the location of the wound.

Otherwise, the current him, to be on the safe side, shouldn't come to the Westward Journey to the cosmos.

Gu Shaoshang still remembers the former mirror master who was buried in the gossip furnace in the great world of Journey to the West.

Scanning them one by one at this time, Gu Shaoshang only felt that among the many seven-star worlds, there is no simple one.

In other words, there is no simple existence in it.

[Master, don't worry, after the Mirror of the Heavens has been repaired to seven stars, although it still does not have the slightest killing or protection power, the ability to avoid peeping has been greatly improved]

[Even if you enter the time and space before those great powers become enlightened, you will not be found by them]

[Unless, you are too high profile]

At this time, the mirrors of the heavens trembled slightly, and the mirror spirit spoke.

"High profile?"

Gu Shaoshang shook his head and said nothing.

He has always acted at will, not deliberately high-profile, but also not deliberately restrained.

However, Jing Ling's words reminded him.

Although the Mirrors of the Heavens have almost no power to kill or protect themselves, at the same time, they have almost reached their peak in terms of time and space, evading the great power of heaven.

Especially after the repair of the seven stars, it can almost block the sight of most of the great powers in the heavens and the world.

The advantages of this are self-evident.

It can allow him to travel freely in any time and space without being discovered by those almighty as an alien.

Although, after many great powers achieve Daluo, they will end their own timelines, and all the past and future will not be visible.

Just like Chen Ang.

But at the same time, there are also many great powers who don't bother to cover up their past and future. As Gu Shaoshang saw before, Linley Barut.

"To go to this incarnation, you need to choose a world whose time flow rate far exceeds that of the Westward Journey Universe..."

Gu Shaoshang called Zhu Tianjing, without making a decision in a hurry, sitting cross-legged, thinking in his heart.

The time flow rate of the Westward Journey Origin Universe was fixed by Gu Shaoshang at the level of a vast day, which is more than a year, and itself, the distance between the Westward Journey Origin Universe and the subsidiary Universe has reached the level equivalent to one day and one year.

As long as he finds a big world with a similar time to the universe attached to the Westward Journey, Gu Shaoshang will have more than one million years of savings!

Time, accumulation, this is a problem that Gu Shaoshang will face after entering the Great Luo Jinshu.

Talent, fortune, comprehension, etc., are no longer important to the existence above Daluo.

Any existence that can be promoted to Daluo will not be far behind, and those who can achieve Daluo Jinshu have undoubtedly reached the peak in many aspects.

The baptism of time and the accumulation of cultivation bases cannot be ignored.

The same as the Great Luo Jinshu, he is still the foundation of martial arts, proving the Tao with strength, but unable to subdue the Tathagata of the Treasures, because the time of the Tathagata of the Treasures becoming enlightened far exceeds his trillion times, and the accumulation far exceeds that of him. .

The huge advantages accumulated by these endless long years are enough to smooth out many gaps.

But in the same way, if Gu Shaoshang can erase the accumulation of years, he can suppress the Duobao Tathagata, enough to compete with the World Honored Lingshan and Taoist Wukong for the position of the first person under Hunyuan.

Even, it might be possible to touch the threshold of the Primordial Yuan!

Therefore, after the All-Heaven Mirrors repaired the Seven Stars and ensured that the "source" could not find its trace, he wanted to use the All-Heaven Mirrors to cross the extremely long accumulation of the Great Luo Jinshu!

"So, incarnate with divine will and go to the world of Emperor Zun."

Many thoughts slowly fell back, and Gu Shaoshang made a decision and decided to go to the great world of Emperor Fang.

[Master, your current source strength is not enough to cross the endless time and space and go to the emperor's great world]

Unexpectedly, after he called the mirrors of the heavens, Jingling gave a reminder.

"Going to the original universe of Journey to the West, it only requires 70 million source power. I have 70 million source power at this time, which is not enough to go to the emperor's great world?"

Gu Shaoshang frowned slightly.

Before, he suppressed Buddhism in a realm, and although the source power obtained was not much, he also had tens of millions, even if he went to the Great Universe of Journey to the West.

Never thought it was not enough.....

[Master, you have some understanding of the transmission mechanism of the mirrors in the sky, you should know that, in addition to the limitations of the world itself, there are factors such as time and space]

[More importantly, some worlds do not refuse others to visit, the obstacles are slight, and some worlds are extremely exclusive...]

[Among the many great worlds listed above, except for the great worlds whose level exceeds the seven-star category, the others are extremely exclusive. Among them, the Emperor World and the Humanity Supreme World are the most serious, requiring 80 million sources to transmit. 】

[Insufficient source power, easy to get lost in unpredictable places]

"Eighty million source power..."

Gu Shaoshang raised his brows slightly, and then he didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "It seems that the acquisition of source power will also be put on the agenda."

Tens of thousands of source power, not much to say, but not much to say. At this time, his deity is in a sealed town, and his clones have not yet been differentiated again. Instead, the source power that has been transmitted once again is difficult to hold back.

I still remember that the last time the source power was insufficient, he had just opened the mirrors of the heavens. It took half a year to accumulate ten source power, and he chose to project immediately.

Don't want to, he is now advanced to the big Luo Jinshu, and he will still be difficult to control by Yuanli.

"Never mind."

The bitter smile was only for a moment, Gu Shaoshang restrained, and said lightly: "So, let's go to the origin continent."

The Continent of Origin was a great world that met his conditions and required the least amount of source power.

However, it is also a great world that he is most unfamiliar with.

There are not 10 million, but also 8 million in the continent with the name Origin.

【Yes, Master】

Mirror Ling replied, and the mirrors of the heavens suddenly jumped up, passing through the purple qi above the stone platform, humming and vibrating:

[The Mirror Master chooses Divine Sense projection to travel through the seven-star and half-origin continent... consumes 21 million source power... Travel begins]


There was a slight buzzing sound on the stone platform, and in the dense purple air, the source energy consumption was surging like the rolling river of the Yangtze River.

In a ten-thousandth of a moment, it was wrapped in the divine will of Gu Shaoshang, disappeared in the dark, and escaped into an unpredictable place.



In the great formation of the Tathagata, Gu Shaoshang slowly opened his eyes, exhaled a long breath, and the many Buddhist kingdoms that he blew rustled, causing the heavens and the earth to crack.


In the cracks in the void, the sound of world fragments colliding with each other is endless, and some Buddhist sounds are scattered.

"Wu Zu wants to understand?"

The moment Gu Shaoshang opened his eyes, Duobao Tathagata's voice rang out one after another in the shadowy Buddhist country, making people unable to distinguish its source.

Obviously, his eyes have been staring at Gu Shaoshang tightly, without a trace of relaxation.

Naturally, the six-character mantra of the Five Great Kings of Ming Dynasty, the Mantra of Transcendence, has not stopped for a moment.

However, neither the Five Great Kings nor the Duobao Tathagata who was staring closely at Gu Shaoshang, did not notice anything unusual.

I don't know what happened when Gu Shaoshang closed his eyes and opened his eyes for a moment.

"Ha ha."

The corners of Gu Shaoshang's mouth rose slightly, and he pulled out an indifferent smile, saying: "When I leave this formation, there will be 800 Buddhas falling on the Lingshan Mountain. Flowing like a vast ocean, the blood of the Buddha will surely dye the Western Bull Hezhou red......"

Since he was already on the opposite side, Gu Shaoshang naturally wouldn't lie in his hypocrisy.

Others have to save him, but he doesn't have the ability to do it himself.

"Amitabha, good, good!"

The Duobao Tathagata recited the Buddha's name, with a slight wave, and said: "Then, the poor monk will wait and see, see, it is the Lingshan blood stained, the Buddha's fall, or my Leiyin Temple, one more Dharma protector."

After all, the voice of the Duobao Tathagata no longer remembered.

Instead, the sound of chanting Buddhist sutras roared like the world's birth and death.

Gu Shaoshang's brows wrinkled imperceptibly. The sound of these six old monks chanting sutras was blessed by hundreds of millions of Buddha countries and even the great formation of the

Over time, it was enough to touch his heart.

This kind of contest, without the flames, is cruel beyond imagination.

Once Gu Shaoshang is unable to resist, his life-long practice will fall into the hands of Buddhism, and he will also be washed by Buddhism, becoming the most devout Dharma protector of Buddhism.

Even the World Honored Spirit Mountain did not mind taking it as another incarnation.

Just like the Five Great Kings.

"Mahayana Buddhism......."

Gu Shaoshang's chest and abdomen rose and fell, and the many Buddhist kingdoms that were blowing in the air were not swaying.

But he didn't say anything, just slowly closed his eyes and returned to the darkness.

The transformation of Buddha's sound and Buddha's light is also a catastrophe to a certain extent. It will not survive the eternal calamity. After it has passed, the state of mind will naturally become more stable and pure.



In a distant and unpredictable place, a purple air roared past, across the vast and unpredictable distant time and space, and did not enter a time and space that is infinitely far away from the great universe of Journey to the West.


After an unknown amount of time, the purple light pierced through an invisible barrier, perhaps something called the World Diaphragm.

Entering a vast starry sky.

The sea of ​​​​stars is boundless, the galaxies circulate in countless billions, and the endless stars and celestial bodies flicker with light.

A violet light flickered across trillions of galaxies, the sea of ​​​​no gens, and fell into a small galaxy on the edge, a small star.


Light and shadow flow, time and space flicker.

It seemed like an eternity, and it seemed like an instant, Gu Shaoshang opened his eyes again.

As far as the eye can see, there are towering buildings standing upright, silver-white and cold, like a steel jungle.


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