Projection of the Heavens

v2 Chapter 1095: The peak genius battle of the universe b

?Sitting on the mountain set off a huge wave in the heart.

Countless years ago, when he was the Divine King of Jin, he knew that there was a realm above the Divine King, that is, the legendary existence of "Yuan".

But whether it is the sea of ​​​​cosmos or the continent of origin, there may be traces left by "Yuan" in the immeasurable universe.

But no one has really seen "Yuan", and there are many people who know that there is a realm above the **** king, but what kind of realm is that, no one knows.

When he saw Gu Shaoshang, he had doubts in his heart. When he saw Gu Shaoshang admit it, he couldn't help but ask.

"What kind of power..."

Gu Shaoshang was slightly dumbfounded.

I thought that the first question of the mountain guest should be the method of taking that step, but I didn't expect that the question was actually about power.

"The realm above the God King is called Daluo, Daluo, all time and space are eternal and free, as for its power..."

Gu Shaoshang thought for a while, this question is not easy to answer.

Acquired and Innate, although it is only a step away, they are almost two completely different levels, and ordinary people cannot understand its power.

My heart moved slightly.

Gu Shaoshang raised his head slightly, the divine intent in his eyes moved slightly, and he fell on the mountain guest.

Boom! !

As soon as he fell, Si Shan Ke's heart exploded like thunder, and a huge wave suddenly appeared in his heart.

In the shock of his mind, he saw an invisible big hand that covered the sky, along all the lines of time and space, across endless time and space, occupying all possibilities, and pushing forward in a mighty horizontal direction.

That big hand is boundless and vast, like the sea of ​​​​stars, but wider than the sea of ​​stars, like the sky, but higher and farther than the sky.

The vastness descends, covering all time and space variables, as if it is everywhere, everywhere!

In an instant, the light and shadow turned sharply, and all the unfathomable space-time variables were manifested!

"This is......."

Sishan Ke's mind was shaken violently, and he only felt that he had turned around in an instant, and he had become a million people, and at the same time he saw everything he had experienced!


Above the vast and endless sea of ​​​​cosmics, a mountain guest clenched his teeth and jumped into it. In a startling glance, he saw a giant hand, as if to encompass the endless sea of ​​​​cosmics, suddenly emerged...

In the endless past, in the origin continent, in the capital of the King of Jin, the war is spreading, and the sitting mountain guest in a golden robe is under the joint bombardment of the three tyrannical existences. The hand came over and pressed, wrapped in the sky, and rumbled!

Sitting on the mountain, the mountain passenger shouted in the sky, the king of the Taoist god, just as he was staring at himself, he suddenly saw a big hand pressing down...  

The young man sitting on the mountain, who had just joined the sect, hugged the beautiful woman, and suddenly saw the sky, and pressed his big hand...

On the continent of origin, in a remote village, a child was just born, shouting loudly, and when he opened his eyes for the first time, he saw a huge palm pressing down...

A place in time and space, a place in the past...  

Sitting on the mountain was extremely shocked to find that Gu Shaoshang was everywhere, and his breath, as early as hundreds of millions of years ago, he had already remembered in his heart!

Even from birth to the present, he has been under the palm of Gu Shaoshang all the time!

Life and death are only between one thought!


The sitting mountain guest couldn't help but shouted, staggered and took two steps back.

As he is the most powerful person in this universe, he could only feel cold sweat dripping from his forehead.


Sitting Mountain's chest heaved slightly, raised his head, and saw that nothing had happened.

"how do you feel......."

Gu Shaoshang was sitting there, holding a teacup in one hand, with a smile on his face.

Sishan Ke was in a trance for a moment, then came back to his senses and recalled it carefully, only to feel that his past really seemed to be under the control of Gu Shaoshang, and it was true!

Even looking at Gu Shaoshang, he was very familiar.

"True or false?"

The mountain guest asked in a sullen voice, already guessing in his heart.

"What is true and what is false?"

Gu Shaoshang smiled dumbly, and drank the Enlightenment Tea in one mouthful like a cow chewing peony.

Daluo, all time and space are eternal and free, and in the movement of thoughts, you can occupy countless possibilities on a time line, and you can become the oldest person in the world in an instant.

The giant hand that the mountaineer saw in the past, the consciousness that he sensed, and everything he felt were all real existences.

Although Gu Shaoshang has only been in this world for decades, at this moment, the mountain guest seems to have known him for hundreds of millions of years. This is all true.

Daluo, to a certain extent, can be the oldest, and at the beginning, can coexist in the past, present, and future.

The so-called time cannot be set on them, which does not apply.

Shortly after Gu Shaoshang became a Daluo, his own concept has not yet completely spread in the endless infinite multiverse sea, otherwise, he can occupy the place of the original and the oldest in all universes and all time and space.

Of course, if Gu Shaoshang personally reversed the time and space, back to the beginning of the creation of the endless infinite multiverse, he would become the oldest.

Then you will inevitably encounter an old antique who is also a Daluo.

Although Gu Shaoshang is not afraid, but if he wants to come, there must be a main temple in front of him.

At this time, he was not sure yet.

Although the existence of the great Luozhi of the heavens and the world can theoretically be traced back to the beginning and occupy the ancient times, how many of them can really go and dare to go?

Theories are always just theories.

Just like, the World Honored Lingshan, who has been a Daluo for a long time, should theoretically become the oldest and the first in the endless infinite multiverse, but, up to now, Buddhists recite the Buddha's name, and the Buddha's name is not "" Amitabha".

Shakyamuni is definitely not Amitabha.

Although, maybe he wanted to do it.

Of course, at this time, Gu Shaoshang, although he could not go back to the beginning, became the beginning of the endless infinite multiverse.

But in a single thought, occupying all the time and space of the sitting mountain guest, becoming his first, is naturally no problem.

The great power of Buddhism has also evolved this great power into a supreme secret technique.

It is the Tathagata of Many Treasures, the Buddha's salvation technique used by the Ming King of the Five Fangs to save Gu Shaoshang.

The essence of this secret technique is the power of Da Luo, which is to overwhelm all your time and space variables with its own concept.

In layman's terms, it is to imprint your own concept on you.

"This is Daluo......"

Sitting on the mountain, his mind turned around, and finally turned into a faint sigh.

Gu Shaoshang's glance, the will contained in it, shocked his heart.

He could feel that if Gu Shaoshang's eyes fell, he could really erase all his past and all traces.

Dead clean.

"This is Da Luo."

Gu Shaoshang nodded slightly and said.

No matter which side of time and space, Daluo is the most supreme existence.

Just like Gu Shaoshang, if the deity comes to this world, you can think about it and occupy the beginning. Martial Dao will spread in this world since the endless years ago.

Just as when he respected the world in one lifetime, he used his own concept to go back to the beginning, and its existence, in that world, can be as ancient as the Three Purities.

It is a pity that the ancient times of Sanqing cover the infinite and infinite multiverse, which is not comparable to ordinary people.

As for Sanqing, whether it is really that ancient, whether its birth was innate or acquired, and when it became enlightened, few people know.

Most people only know that they are really the oldest and most powerful.

Of course, if the concept of someone can overwhelm the Sanqing, his existence can also become the oldest.

As far as Gu Shaoshang knew, before the endless years, someone almost succeeded and became an existence older than Sanqing.

That existence, holding the Jade Butterfly, is called the ancestor of Hongjun.

Of course he is not Sanqing's teacher, this is because, before he took the last step, Sanqing surpassed him, but if Sanqing was overwhelmed by him.

In the heavens and the world, in the endless time and space, the oldest person is the ancestor Hongjun. It is unknown if he really became the teacher of Sanqing.


Gu Shaoxing thought thousands of times, and suddenly thought of the Taoist.

Going back to the beginning, covering the three thousand oldest innate gods and demons almost made the six supreme beings bow their heads.

How amazing is this!

If he really succeeds, I am afraid that in the endless infinite multiverse, there will be such a master on the head of Sanqing.

Really thoughtful.

Thinking of this, Gu Shaoshang actually lost his mind.

As soon as Gu Shaoshang was distracted, the sitting mountain guest felt a little uneasy in his heart.

Gu Shaoshang's glance covered almost all of his past, which made him lose his calm in front of Gu Shaoshang.

"Sit, sit..."

At this time, Gu Shaoshang came back to his senses, let the mountain guest sit down, shook his head and said, "I've been thinking a lot lately, don't take offense."

"Don't dare, don't dare."

The attitude of the sitting mountain guest was much more respectful than before. Hearing the words, he waved his hands again and again, and said that he did not dare.

"Don't be too polite."

Gu Shaoshang glanced at the mountain guest and said, "About Daluo, if you are interested, I can tell you some of my experiences."

"So, so, thank you, brother."

Sitting on the mountain was overjoyed and thanked him again and again.

He bears a great revenge, surrounded by enemies, and if he can get Gu Shaoshang to teach him, and take that step, he can take revenge.

It is a great grace.

"Why be polite?"

Gu Shao smiled.

It saved him a lot of things by sitting on the mountain to come to Earth.

For some things, it is inconvenient for him to do it, and it is very convenient to do it in a mountain guest.

Even the future Luo Feng could not be blamed for what his master did.


Earth, Jiangnan, West Lake, Luofeng Courtyard, in the virtual universe.

Teng Qingshan, Luo Feng, and Thor are closely watching the opening of the peak genius battle of the universe.

"It's only been an hour, and there are more than 30 billion people who have signed up for the star level! There are more than 2 billion people who have signed up for the cosmos level! This is just the cosmic country, and there are other cosmic countries! This time the contestants participated in the competition. , how many people should there be?!"

Thor was extremely shocked, but the number of people who signed up exceeded the population on Earth!

You must know that these applicants are not ordinary warriors, they are all geniuses!

Such a number is too scary!

"There are hundreds of millions of galaxies in the cosmos country of Ganwu! There are 100 million galaxies, how huge, how many warriors, it is not surprising."

Teng Qingshan shook his head slightly, not surprised.

"Yeah, it's not surprising that there are many geniuses of the human race and humanoid race in the whole universe. After all, the rewards of this peak genius battle are so rich."

Luo Feng's eyes were bright, showing high fighting spirit: "However, with the strength of the three of my brothers, I will definitely be able to emerge from them."


Teng Qingshan and said, "It's worth it if I can see the arrogance in the universe, and I slow down the pace of breakthrough."


Thor shouted suddenly and stood up: "The virtual universe is all over the earth, and those little brats must also know the news, I'm afraid some people have signed up!"

Teng Qingshan was stunned for a moment, and stood up while his expression changed.

It was only then that they remembered that the list of virtual universe companies may not only be seen by them.

But all the warriors who stay on the earth are afraid to know the news.

With the rewards arranged on the official website, I am afraid that no warrior will not be tempted. It is impossible to say that at this time, some warriors on the earth have secretly signed up!

"Big brother, second brother."

Luo Feng stood up, stopped the two of them, and said, "We don't have the right to ban other warriors from participating, and I'm afraid we won't be able to."