Projection of the Heavens

v2 Chapter 1179: 1 confused big bull

"Great creation?"

Feng Wuji's heart moved, his face was overjoyed, and he said, "The disciple still doesn't know the power of the master..."

"Haha! I don't belong to the Heavenly Emperor for my teacher, and I don't belong to the Underworld! Jump out of the Five Elements, not in the Sixth Dao! Being ordered by Heaven, even the Heavenly Emperor can't help me!"

The strange eye laughed and threw out a few orders:

"I'm here to give you an edict, I have something important to do for the teacher! Remember, the key to the sword is to protect against the wounded!"

"The disciple respectfully sends the master."

Feng Wuji looked humble, and received the edict that floated down.

The strange eyes disappeared, Feng Wuji straightened up, and a sneer appeared on his face: "Great fortune? If you can refine these old gods, ambush, and ward off evil spirits together with you, then it will be called great fortune."

With a flip of his hand to put away the edict, Feng Wuji stepped out of the hall and walked into the vast mountains.

Those old gods are all timid, and it is impossible for them to be obedient. If they want to cause them to be injured, he still needs to plan a lot.


In the Sword Gate, on the Jade Sword Cliff, the injured sit cross-legged on the jade stone.

Not far away, two white fat dolls were sitting on the ground learning to lie down, but they were Gongsun Xuanyuan and Jiang Feng's son, Jiang Zhiyou.

These two little guys are gifted with extraordinary talents and strong bloodlines. Although they are young, their destructive power should not be underestimated.

During this period of time, the entire Jianmen has been in chaos.

No, Shuizi Anjun Sixie could only send these two treasures to the Jade Sword Cliff.

In the entire Jianmen, only when they are here, these two little guys will be a little more peaceful.

"Do you two remember the idea of ​​​​the Void Tianzhou concept and the Jiuli Tianzhou concept?"

Fushang glanced at the two little guys who were constantly wriggling and restless, and asked lightly.


The two little guys answered honestly, quite afraid of being injured.

"Then go and play."

Fushang waved his hand and let these two little things get out of the way.

After this period of polishing, the temperament of these two bear children has also stabilized a little.

"Thank you, Master!"

"Thank you elder!"

The two little guys were very surprised, they jumped up with a cheer, and slid down the Jade Sword Cliff.

During this time, the two of them were suffocated.

Fushang shook his head slightly, but didn't care much.

Children's nature is to be curious, to be curious about everything, and it is not good to force oneself to suppress.

In this regard, he still has some experience.

"The deity wants me to prove the Tao with three thousand reincarnations, but it is a little troublesome."

Looking back, Fu frowned slightly in sadness.

The future of Feng Xiaozhong is the existence of the most peak Daluo, who can break through the Primordial Primordial and become a supreme giant only by breaking through the calamity of enlightenment.

The way is naturally extraordinary.

And the foundation of its three thousand reincarnations comes from this world.

This world visualizes and trains qi and opens up the mysterious realm of Yuanyuan. At first, there were only six secret realms including Daoyi, Yin and Yang, Shencai, Vientiane, Five Elements, and Bloodline. Of course, there were only five secret realms above the Fuxi Ancestral Star, which was regarded as a waste star at this time. .

With the opening of the Six Paths Secret Realm, Qi Practitioners are enough to raise the Primordial Spirit to an extremely tyrannical level.

Going a step further, it is to evolve the six secret realms into six reincarnations, that is, the reincarnation of the Tao, the reincarnation of yin and yang, the reincarnation of gods, the reincarnation of all phenomena, the reincarnation of the five elements, and the reincarnation of blood.

In the deity's finger, Feng Xiaozhong opened up the seventh secret realm of the constellations on top of the six reincarnations.

And the three thousand reincarnations, Feng Xiaozhong did not really prove it.

Otherwise, he is already Hunyuan, even if Gu Shaoshang's combat power is extraordinary, it is absolutely impossible to attack the Hunyuan giant with the body of Da Luo.

After all, the three thousand are just empty fingers, not only the three thousand avenues.

Three thousand means that it covers all the ways of the heavens and the world!

Feng Xiaozhong's arrogance is inconceivable, and he wants to unify all the great Luos and even all the ways of Hunyuan in the heavens and the world.

If you really let him know all kinds of avenues, decipher all the great Luos and even the Hunyuan, you will really become a Taoist.

At that time, yin and yang are him, the five elements are him, time and space are him, fate is him, karma is him, and all the avenues are him!

This ambition is incredible, and the difficulty is self-evident.

Nearly impossible to complete.

After all, looking at the heavens and the world, in the endless and infinite sea of ​​chaos, the only one who is called the ancestor of the myriad ways is the legendary Li Laojun!

However, if he succeeded, he might not be as good as Li Laojun, but he would be a giant of the same level.

How difficult is it to prove this way?

"Three thousand reincarnations..."

Fushang let out a long breath, feeling a hint of urgency.

Although 100 million years is a long time, it seems extremely short if you want to prove the Dao with 3,000 reincarnations.

However, he gradually had some ideas.

Naturally, he is not as crazy as Feng Xiaozhong, dissecting the gods and demons and even the universe, but this does not mean that he has no other way.

If he can completely complete the map of Shenting Zhenshi, visualize the deity sitting in the center of Shenting as a spirit, uniting many heavenly emperors, great emperors, and immortal kings.

Then, his Primordial Spirit can hold at least 10,800 "spirits"!

If he can take a step closer, he can even split his spirit out, use his spirit to see the world and understand the Dao clearly.

Use the spirit of emptiness to comprehend the Way of the Void, use the spirit of Jiuli to understand the way of the soldiers, use the spirit of Liushen to understand the life of all things, use the spirit of Tianjiao Ant to understand the way of power, and use the spirit of the Desolate Emperor to understand the eternal reincarnation... ....

With 10,000 spirits of the Great Emperor and the Immortal King, you can practice Wan Dao together!

This can greatly speed up his practice.

100 million years is short, even if Feng Xiaozhong will not become an obstacle, it will be extremely difficult.


Fushang slowly closed his eyes and began to visualize the map of Shenting Town.

Although time is short, practice cannot be rushed.

After all, he is not the deity, and it is impossible to unify the spirit of the ten thousand immortal kings in one thought.

As for the six secret realms and the six reincarnations, he has no intention of practicing at this time. As long as the Shenting Zhenshi map is successfully completed, he can open up six reincarnations or even more in one thought.


In the Western Wilderness Snow Mountain, Zhong Yue turned into a ray of divine light across the sky and slowly landed on the top of a mountain.

Because the lessons of Xiaomang's ancestors are not far away, during this period, Zhong Yue has rarely been chased and killed.

Therefore, he accompanies Shui Qingyan and Qiu A'er two sisters and sisters in a leisurely manner while traveling in the mountains and waters, and practicing by the way.

Of course, this was not carried by Zhong Yue in practice, but because he had already cultivated into a true spirit at this time, and if he thought about it further, it would not happen overnight.

"Junior Sister Shui, Junior Sister Qiu."

Zhong Yue smiled slightly. Not far away, two young girls were wearing white furs, which were unbelievably beautiful.

"Brother Zhong."

"Brother Zhong."

The two girls smiled slightly and bowed back.

"The condor clan lives on the snow mountain in the Western Wilderness. The condor clan are all bald, with their heads and heads shrinking, but they like to eat carrion, and sometimes even knock passers-by to death, and eat them after they have rotted."

Zhong Yue came to the two girls and looked at a cedar tree not far away.

Above the cedar, the two condor clan Qi trainers muttered dissatisfiedly: "You brat, we always just wait for them to freeze to death, when did we do it ourselves?"

"It's a pole, it's a pole!"

Another Qi trainer from the Condor Clan also nodded and said: "It's impossible to do it yourself, it's impossible in this lifetime, it's better to wait for the prey to freeze to death and eat the carrion."

Qiu Yu'er sighed, a little helpless.

These two condor clan qi trainers have been sneaking around with them for many days, and they didn't do anything, just followed behind, waiting for them to freeze to death, which really made them smile bitterly.

Zhong Yue was also a little dumbfounded.

However, this is Daxueshan in the end. In theory, it is the territory of the Condor Clan. They are the outsiders. He doesn't care where they like to go.

Although he was enough to crush the two condor clan qi trainers with one hand, there was no reason for him to take action.

After all, although the condor clan hates it, there are very few **** clan that do not take the initiative to eat people.

No, he took out the beast he killed before and said, "If the two brothers are hungry, just eat, I have something important to do, so don't follow us."

"Don't eat! Don't eat!"

"This corpse is not rotten, how can it be delicious?"


The two condors raised their bald heads and said proudly, "Where can you give it more deliciously from the ground?"


The corner of Zhong Yue's mouth twitched, thinking it would be better to kill these two fools.

Before he could speak, his heart suddenly trembled: "God's breath!"

On the snow-capped mountains not far away, a dharma image of a **** and man rising up to several thousand meters suddenly appeared.

"Jianmen Zhongyue?"

The god-man spoke indifferently and stepped forward.

The ground shook and the mountains shook, and a huge avalanche suddenly occurred on the continuous snow-capped mountains!

"When did I provoke the UFO Protoss? A **** was actually dispatched?"

Zhong Yue was quite surprised.

He didn't get into trouble during this time, and he was a little surprised when a **** suddenly appeared.


Before he had time to think about it, he suddenly turned around and lifted Shui Qingyan and the two of them in his hands. With a shock, he turned into a three-legged golden crow, roaring across thousands of miles.

"Quack! A god..."

The Qi practitioners from the two condor clan were overjoyed: "If this kid was beaten to death by the gods, wouldn't we eat some of it?"

"not good......"

The two condors were talking when one of them suddenly fell down, and they were shocked to death on the spot by the divine power.



boom! !

Zhong Yue turned into a golden light and flew at an extremely fast speed, like a meteor streaking across the sky.

He unfolded the mysterious realm of Yuanyuan, put the two junior sisters in, and fled with all his strength, the tyrannical body was torn by the airflow and the blood flowed.

A god, with his current cultivation base, is definitely not an opponent.

"Human Zhongshan Clan!"

Just as he was fleeing, there seemed to be a sound of thunder blasting, Zhong Yue swept his light away, the mountains in the distance trembled and stood up, and a mountain **** stepped out.

The stone like a hill flew across the sky, sliding down like a meteor shower.

"Another one?!"

Zhong Yue's heart jumped, he couldn't change direction again, and then he fled.

At the same time, I was at a loss: what do these old gods want to do?

The bones of the ancestors of Xiaomang have not yet cooled down, and these old gods suddenly jumped out. Are they trying to provoke and injure their senior brothers?

"Jianmen Zhongyue!"

"Human Zhongshan Clan!"

"Human Zhong Yue!"

Amidst the shaking of the earth and the mountains, a god-like figure suddenly appeared!

All roaring in anger!


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