Projection of the Heavens

v2 Chapter 1254: Professor Gu giving a lecture

"This is a lecturer on warfare? So young?"

Chen Qingzhi was slightly surprised.

This young man looked in his twenties, much younger than many students in the classroom.

However, Chen Qingzhi could vaguely feel that this young man had an inexplicable convincing aura.

"It's Professor Gu!"

A low voice came from the adjacent table: "Professor Gu, but a powerful martial artist from China, is said to have been to the First Emperor Realm! He is a distinguished professor at California State University. I didn't expect him to teach war studies!"

"Doesn't Professor Gu teach martial arts? Do you also understand warfare?"

There was an uproar in the quiet classroom.

With the emergence of Xianqin, Xianqin martial arts are naturally not only studied by Chinese people. After testing, many Western powers have also introduced Chinese warriors to teach martial arts.

The pay is much better than the average professor.

However, a martial arts professor came here to teach war studies?

On the podium, the young man in black knocked on the table lightly to quiet down the class:

"Professor Snoop is temporarily hospitalized. I will teach you this class."

With a light tap, the noisy classroom suddenly quieted down.


At this moment, a white girl raised her hand.

"Student, do you have any questions?"

Gu Shaoshang lowered his eyes and looked at the girl.

"Professor Gu, Professor Snowpool is hospitalized, isn't there Professor William and Professor Struy?"

The girl got up and asked.

Of course, the University of California would not have only one professor of warfare. Even if Professor Snowpool was hospitalized, it would not be appropriate for a martial arts professor to speak.

"Unfortunately, all seven professors of war studies and fourteen assistant professors of war studies were hospitalized."

Gu Shaoshang spread out his hands, expressing that he was helpless too.


The girl was stunned, and so were the other students.

Did this cause an infectious disease? Seven professors and teaching assistants were hospitalized on the same day?

"Several professors lacked exercise and sprained their feet, which is normal."

Gu Shaoshang said.


All the students in the classroom, together with Chen Qingzhi, were all speechless.

And such a coincidence?

"But Professor, do you understand warfare?"

The girl shook her head and asked reluctantly: "Although Professor Gu, you are a martial arts master, but what we want to learn is war science, and China's martial arts, we are not interested."

Today, martial arts are popular, but for most Westerners, it is not a necessary discipline.

All students who are interested in martial arts will also go to China to study through various channels.

After all, a specially-appointed professor is not comparable to the martial arts atmosphere of Huaxia.

For example, in today's China, the academic atmosphere is not as good as that of the lighthouse country.

"War studies, of course I understand."

Gu Shaoshang smiled, let the girl sit down, knocked on the podium, and said:

"However, in this class, I'm talking about martial arts."

"Martial arts?"

Many students looked at each other in dismay.

"Martial Arts Course..."

Chen Qingzhi's eyes narrowed slightly, and his expression calmed down.

His martial arts practice is naturally not shallow, but since this Professor Gu has been to the First Emperor Realm and can return, his cultivation base may not be too weak.

"Let's start class now!"

Gu Shaoshang stopped talking nonsense, glanced at the many students, and said:

"I'm talking, you keep quiet."

His voice was faint, but the students present only felt a chill in their hearts, as if they were facing the abyss, and they couldn't help but feel palpitations.

"Chen Qingzhi..."

Gu Shaoshang glanced at Chen Qingzhi, who was inconspicuous like a good student, and slowly retracted his gaze.

It has been seventy years since the first emperor's realm appeared.

And in these seventy years, he has been staying above the earth star.

To be precise, he has always stayed in the West.

The reason is naturally to analyze the immortal Qin martial arts.

Today, just after the preliminary analysis has been completed, I feel that I have come to this class.

"Xianqin Martial Arts focuses on the physical body, training the flesh, training the muscles and bones, exchanging blood, refining the marrow, integrating the spirit and flesh, opening the acupoints..."

Gu Shaoshang spoke lightly, but he spoke Chinese.

Fortunately, the students present were all elites, and although they frowned, they all understood.

"Professor Gu, is it possible that he is already a human being?"

Hearing the word "Qiao", Chen Qingzhi thought about it in his heart.

The introductory chapter of Xianqin Martial Arts, stop at changing blood, if you want to become a great master, you can only go to Xianqin.

The word "Qiao", even for him, is only a legend.

After all, he has only been in martial arts for ten years.

"However, today, instead of talking about the specific cultivation of martial arts, I will talk about my little discovery."

Gu Shaoshang stood on the podium and talked with Kai Kai, and didn't care whether the people in the classroom could understand it.

"Practice meat martial artist, muscle martial artist, skin warrior, bone martial artist, visceral innate martial artist, bone marrow master, blood-changing martial artist, orifice human immortal..."

Gu Shaoshang said lightly:

"Today, I'm talking about internal organs."


All the students in the classroom were dumbfounded.

They are not students of the martial arts department, not even martial arts students. Speaking of internal organs, who can understand this?

On the other hand, Chen Qingzhi's eyes lit up slightly.

This fellow from Huaxia came to tell him about the cultivation level specifically?

He happened to be facing visceral practice......

Gu Shaoshang, regardless of whether they could understand or not, told his theory:

"Martial arts practice is not only about whether the talent is outstanding, but also about the acquisition of resources, to serve oneself with heaven and earth..."

"The ancient Chinese cultivators talk about the unity of heaven and man, the way of nature, the way of man, the way of earth, the way of heaven and the way of heaven... But that is the way of immortality, not martial way, not humanism!"

"What is humanism, fit people, not heaven, not Tao! What is martial arts, people's arrogance is martial arts, and martial arts is the way to protect people!"

"Fit to people?"

Chen Qingzhi was attentive.

When he was sitting in the Southern and Northern Dynasties, although the Qi practitioners almost disappeared due to the weakening of spiritual energy, the legend of Qi practitioners has been circulating.

Legends such as traveling to the North Sea at dusk, eating qi without grains, and immortality of gods have led to many people from all dynasties and dynasties to excavate.

On the contrary, it is Martial Dao, which appears far behind the way of practicing Qi.

"It is humane if it fits people."

Gu Shaoshang took a deep look at Chen Qingzhi and said to himself:

"Humans have internal organs, which carry energy to strengthen themselves, ... the digestive system composed of large intestine, small intestine, stomach and other organs, this is the origin of human practice, the origin of martial arts practice... .."

"By swallowing the treasures of heaven and earth, people can be strengthened, and by eating whole grains, they can only maintain their own needs?"


Gu Shaoshang chuckled lightly: "Heavenly materials and earthly treasures are no different from five grains and miscellaneous grains. Eating five grains is like eating heavenly materials and earthly treasures!"

"Extreme urination is eternal greatness! The energy generated by the cracking of atomic nuclei so small that they are invisible to the naked eye is equivalent to a blow from a human being!"

"Atomic bomb!"

In the classroom, many students looked at each other.

They don't understand martial arts, and of course they don't know about nuclear fission.

Can martial arts also be related to nuclear fission?

"The reason why the five grains are not enough to supply cultivation is because you cannot absorb this kind of energy... In my imagination, the innate martial artist should be the beginning of the Xianqin martial arts, and the internal organs are the cultivation. The source of it!"

"In the cultivation of the innate martial artist, if you can cultivate the internal organs enough to absorb this kind of subtle energy...a piece of bread is enough to become an immortal."

"Nuclear fission?"

Chen Qingzhi's scalp was numb, and he couldn't help muttering to himself: "This is really a crazy idea..."

Can martial arts still practice like this?

Can the internal organs of human beings really be able to obtain inexhaustible energy with cultivation?

How to do?

Rao is Chen Qingzhi's extraordinary state of mind, and ripples could not help but appear at this time.

If it is really feasible, how many immortals will be born in this world?

How powerful will Xianqin be?

"Stomach with controlled nuclear fission?"

In the class, a group of students were dumbfounded.

Although most of them did not have martial arts cultivation, at this time, they couldn't help holding their breaths, wanting to hear what they should do to achieve this level.

jingle bell~

Just then, the bell rang.

"Let's talk about it here."

Gu Shaoshang smiled slightly, picked up the textbook, and Shi Shiran walked out of the classroom.

"Professor Gu!"

As soon as a group of students entered the state, they could not help shouting when they heard the bell for the end of get out of class.

Gu Shaoshang didn't care, as soon as he turned around, he disappeared from everyone's eyes.

Professor Gu, if you are so decisive, you will have no friends. I will tell you!

A group of students went Although they may not think that this crazy idea can be realized, but after listening to half of it, they are still unhappy.

Even Chen Qingzhi could not help but grit his teeth.

After spending a full class to pick up their interest, Shi Shiran left.

Rao was Chen Qingzhi, and he couldn't help but feel a little itchy.

"This idea, if feasible..."

Such a thought flashed through Chen Qingzhi's mind, and he faintly felt that this was not impossible.

Thinking about it, he packed up his desk and got up and walked out of the classroom.

Always have a look, if it's true?

"So fast?"

As soon as he walked out, Chen Qingzhi looked in the direction where Gu Shaoshang left, but there was nowhere to see the shadow.

"Hey! Dude, do you also believe Professor Gu's wild words?"

At this time, a Chinese language with a strong nasal tone entered Chen Qingzhi's ears.


Chen Qingzhi turned his head, but it was a white young man who was not tall.

"My name is Peter, and I like Huaxia Martial Arts!"

The white young man stepped back and made a series of movements.

Chen Qingzhi didn't know whether to laugh or cry. This young man named Peter used Tiger Roaring Fist.

Xianqin martial arts are popular in the world, and Tiger Pao Fist is a set of boxing techniques that elementary school students have to use between classes.

"Professor Gu said, it's cool and great!"

Peter was carrying a shoulder bag, and said very familiarly: "I have always wanted to learn martial arts with Professor Gu, buddy, do you want to go?"

"My name is Chen Qingzhi."

Chen Qingzhi stretched out his hand and shook hands with Peter:

"Do you know where Professor Gu lives? Can you take me there?"


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