Projection of the Heavens

v2 Chapter 1270: 129,600 Hongmeng Purple Qi

Gu Shaoshang pondered slightly.

In the endless infinite multiverse, there are always some strange places, such as the vast continent, such as the Primordial Realm of Hunyuan, and the great world of the gate of eternal life.

These high-level great worlds are different from the Westward Journey Great Universe and the Conferred God Great Universe.

The Westward Journey Great Universe is because there are too many powerhouses in the original great universe, traces are all over the Chaos Sea, and the derived universes spontaneously converge towards the original universe.

Over time, it turned into an infinite multiverse.

However, a big world like the Great World of the Gate of Eternal Life is different. Such a world is independent and closed. Even the existence of the Daluo series born in it cannot step out of the gate of eternal life.

It is self-contained, whether it is the Dao or the time and space, it is independent of the Chaos Sea.

Even in the main temple, Hua Tiandu was the only one who came from that big world, and the avenues of magic in it had never appeared in the main temple.

This is the result of the causal Taoist investigation.

The gate of eternal life is very special.

Except for Hong Yi and Hua Tiandu, Gu Shaoshang has never touched other things in the gate of immortality.

Can't help but make him a little moved.

"The Gate of Eternal Life..."

Gu Shao felt a ripple in the sea of ​​sadness, slowly opened his eyes, glanced at a place in Xinghai lightly, and said:

"Come on, show up."


As Gu Shaoshang's voice drifted, two incomparably tyrannical wills came out of nowhere.

In an instant, time and space stopped, and everything froze.

The stars are not running, and the radiance of the stars is also stagnant. Even the existence of a large number of big Luos sitting cross-legged in front of Gu Shaoshang has all been stagnant.

Only Liu Rui seemed to sense something.

There was a flash of shock at the last moment, but he had already been suppressed by Gu Shaoshang, and even if he noticed something, he had no power to resist.

Compared with Li Chenzhou and the others, they fell into a stagnation.

"meet again........"

The only flowing ray of time condensed, and the voice of the Lord of Time and Space echoed:

"Little monster... No, Martial Ancestor!"

Gu Shaoshang raised his eyebrows slightly, and saw the indifferent and distant gaze of the Lord of Time and Space, as well as the face that did not seem to exist.

Beside him, there is a more mysterious existence than him.

Unreal to the limit, as if there is no body.

Gu Shaoshang knew that this should be the master of the system whose name is the master of time and space.

"Obviously, I don't want to meet you."

Gu Shaoshang frowned slightly.

Time and space are everywhere, and the master of time and space is everywhere.

Among the heavens and the world, there is only a place that the Lord of Time and Space is not interested in, and there is no place that he cannot go.

This is as good as his fame, and is well known by countless Daluo beings.

The master of the system and the master of time and space can be called the two great scumbags in the heavens and the world. One likes to mess with time and space, regenerates people or peeks into the future, and takes pleasure in changing fate.

One of the favorites is to favor those who have a miserable fate and call them golden fingers, which is to help the system and make them undergo earth-shaking changes.

However, they are completely free to do whatever they want, without any purpose, just for observation.

After leaving a piece of chicken feathers, it floats away.

"You are weird."

A trace of curiosity flashed in the indifferent eyes of the Lord of Time and Space: "You can actually come to this time and space, and you have concealed the sense of this seat. It is really interesting and interesting."

The Lord of Time and Space walked over and stopped at the sea of ​​​​stars thousands of miles away from Gu Shaoshang.

The existence of Gu Shaoshang surprised him very much.

He was in this space and time without any sense of disobedience, as if he was a native of this space and time.

If he hadn't taken the initiative to speak out, or stood in front of him, he would have been deceived.

Compared to the two previous meetings, he was even more surprised.

"Indeed, interesting."

The master of the system sounded as cold as an electronically synthesized voice.

Gu Shaoshang could feel that these two giants were looking at themselves.

"The two of you can play by yourself."

Gu Shaoshang slowly got up, flicked his sleeve robe, and put away Li Chenzhou, Liu Rui and others:

"I will not accompany you."


Gu Shaoshang withdrew his gaze, moved and disappeared into the sea of ​​stars.

The master of the system and the master of time and space just watched silently.

After a long time, the Lord of Time and Space withdrew his gaze and said thoughtfully, "No wonder that woman..."

"Is he carrying a strange treasure, or is he the master of the Immortal Qin Emperor?"

The system master also retracted his gaze:

"Or, both?"

"Have both..."

The Lord of Time and Space seemed to know something, but he didn't say much. He just turned his eyes and looked at somewhere in the sea of ​​​​stars that had resumed its flow.

There, Liu Xiu happened to be pacing out.

"Dare to use this seat?"

The Lord of Time and Space shook his head slightly.

After a second thought, I realized what Gu Shaoshang meant by releasing a trace of qi to induce him to come.

But he wanted the two of them to give his apprentice some benefits.

"Are you coming or me?"

The Lord of Time and Space glanced at Liu Xiu and seemed interested.

"You've shot twice, too much is not good... I'll do it."

The system master said.

"You have given the system to that Lin Daoist, let me do it this time."

The Lord of Time and Space said, suddenly his heart moved.

The system master was also slightly shocked.

The two of them looked sideways slightly, and saw that beyond the endlessly distant time and space, a pair of unfathomable eyes like a multiverse slowly rose.

Indifference with a trace of irresistible domineering:

"Look, or get out!"

The domineering voice reverberated in the minds of the master of time and space and the master of the system.

In the sea of ​​​​the universe that no one can see, there is a boundless frenzy, and the countless rivers of time and space are crushed and cut off by the rolling human energy.

"This seat, it's not that old dragon..."

The Lord of Time and Space raised his eyes, extremely indifferent.

The eyes of the master of the system flickered, and a stream of light shot out, floating on the side of the sea of ​​​​stars, on the body of Liu Xiu, who was at a loss.

Then he said lightly:

"This is not what I meant by waiting, didn't Zu Long find the wrong person?"

He said it meaningfully.

"Only once..."

Domineering's eyes fluctuated slightly, and after saying a word, he slowly closed it.



"Li Chenzhou!"

"Liu Rui, Guan Qi!"

A white light streaks across the bleak Chaos Sea, streaking through the endless chaotic air, and an extremely resentful will within it is boiling and almost burning.

Taking a closer look, in the white light, there is an incomparably evil and terrifying tumor.

The tumor was squirming like flesh and blood, and the evil tumor gas that seemed to be able to contaminate all things could be faintly seen.

Where the white light passed by, even the Qi of Chaos seemed to have been invaded, and it was unable to restore calm for a long time, leaving a trail of unknown length.


Hua Tian was extremely angry.

It was the first time he was so embarrassed since he was pulled out of the gate of immortality by the main temple.

That body, which he had polished for an unknown amount of time, was scrapped like this.

This made his heart twist like a knife.

"How can the way of the tyrant's vitality be so strong? Secret treasure? Or hidden strength?"

Hua Tiandu's mind was almost twisted.

Abandoning the limitations of his physical body, his will was almost perverted by the poisonous gas.


I don't know how long it took, Hua Tian suddenly woke up, and saw a white light straddling the endless chaotic sea, shrouding him like a wave.

[Respected shuttlers of the heavens, Your Excellency Hua Tiandu......Do you need to apply for the assistance of the Lord God]

Above the wriggling sarcoma, Hua Tiandu's distorted face emerged: "Lord God, are you trying to take advantage of the fire?!"

Every Heavenly Traveler has the right to apply for the assistance of the Lord God. They can borrow source power, magic weapons, and even ask the existence to heal their injuries.

However, no one in the sky is willing to apply for assistance.

There are nine out and thirteen for mortals, but compared to the main god, that is nothing.

Previously, Emperor Abandoned Heaven almost fell into the hands of the Immortal Slaying Gourd. He asked the Lord God to rescue him. The price he paid was so tragic that he could never escape the Lord God's palm for almost eternity.

It's not like Hua Tian didn't know.

[The cancerous gas of the gate of eternal life will invade your soul and distort your essence...]

【If you want to transcend the limitations of the tumor and seize the door to eternal life, the soul must not be lost...】

In the white light, a line of large characters appeared, without turbulence, without coercion, just stating a fact.

Above the tumor, the almost twisted Hua Tiandu looked struggling.

He is the combination of Hua Tianjun from the great world of the gate of immortality and the cancer in the door of immortality, not just the cancer itself.

What he wants is to control the essence of the tumor, and then invade the gate of immortality, to control that treasure, not to become the tumor itself again.

Because, the artifact spirit that cannot defeat the gate of eternal life.

He used to be a cancer and competed with the artifact spirit of the Gate of Eternal Life for more than two thousand epochs, but he could not win, so he knew it.

Otherwise, why would he escape the gate of immortality with the help of the main temple?

"How much energy is needed to isolate the cancerous aura?"

Hua Tian struggled to speak.

A simple tumor cannot defeat the artifact of the gate of immortality, and he cannot give up this hard-won opportunity.

[To isolate the cancerous energy, one hundred and twenty-nine Hongmeng purple energy is completely control the power of the cancerous tumor, it takes 1.296 million Hongmeng purple energy...... 】


Hua Tiandu's expression suddenly distorted.

He was sure that the immeasurable Lord God had increased the price by more than ten times!

It is impossible for the invasion of cancerous energy to require so much Hongmeng purple energy!


In the end, Hua Tiandu still bowed his head.

Three thousand epochs is a big limit.

If the last chance has not yet defeated the artifact spirit of the gate of eternal life, he will have no hope.


The white light rippled slightly, and the handwriting changed again:

[Consume one hundred and twenty-nine primordial purple qi to isolate the cancerous qi......]


In the flickering white light, the tumor was immediately suppressed.

Hua Tiandu in a green shirt appeared again.


Hua Tian took a deep breath and suppressed the boiling killing intent.

He owes so much Hongmeng Ziqi, he wants to pay it back, what is easier said than done?

"Lord God.... I want to borrow 129,600 radiances of Hongmeng Purple Qi!"

After letting out a long breath, Hua Tiandu spoke again:

"Send me back to the gate of eternal life!"