Projection of the Heavens

v2 Chapter 1355: Good words can't persuade a **** ghost

Shocked, angry, about to attack and apprehensive.

For a time, the face of Ten Ten Yan Jun was extremely ugly.

After a while, King Qin Guang took a deep breath, looked at the young man in white with his back to everyone in the white light, and said:

"Your Excellency is so domineering, aren't you afraid of the Great Heavenly Venerate?"

Yan Luo Wang and other Yan Jun also looked rather ugly. After Qin Guang opened his mouth, he slowly came back to his senses.

It's not that they are timid and afraid, but the incarnation of the Martial Ancestor Lian Lingshan World Honored, the five great kings dare to suppress and destroy them, how can they not be frightened.

However, after hearing King Qin Guang mentioning the Great Heavenly Venerate, they regained some composure.

The Heavenly Court Great Heavenly Venerate is one of the strongest giants in the heavens and myriad worlds. Although the Martial Ancestor is tyrannical, he cannot overpower the Great Heavenly Venerate.

Otherwise, if he directly dared to suppress the domineering temperament of the Five Great Kings, perhaps he should take action at this time, rather than persuading him with good words.

"That's my business."

The sound of the wooden fish never stopped, and Gu Xuanshang's voice did not fluctuate at all.

King Qin Guang's face became even more ugly: "How do you want me to do it?"


The wooden fish paused slightly, Gu Xuanshang turned around and smiled:

"That's the matter of all of you Yan Jun."

After all, he didn't speak.

The white light in the hall also slowly receded, as if he just wanted to say such a sentence.

You Yan Jun looked at each other silently, with an ugly face like constipation.

Niu Tau Ma Mian was even more trembling, and secretly hated that he was involved in this matter.

Seeing the disgrace of the ten immediate bosses with my own eyes, it will not look good no matter how they end up.

"King Yama, what do you think I should do when I wait?"

The Wheel Runner King couldn't hold it in any longer, and felt a little blame in his heart.

If it wasn't for King Yama who called them here, he wouldn't have to be involved in such a thing.

What does it have to do with Monkey or the World-Honored One of Lingshan?

King Yama pinched his brows and was absolutely embarrassed.

Although this Martial Ancestor is not a figure in the Heavenly Court system, he cannot control their promotion. It seems that there is no Great Heavenly Venerate, and the great deterrence of Emperor Fengdu is great.

However, for them, it is too dangerous to be a lawless giant who is outside the system.

The former may be able to demote their position as Lord Yan, but the latter may directly kill them!

Even if the Great Heavenly Venerate may take revenge for them, but they are dead, who cares if they can avenge their revenge?

"As the master of the Yin Division, the Great Emperor's intentions are omnipresent, and he must know what happened here."

After thinking for a long time, King Yama still slowly opened his mouth and said:

"So, I might as well wait for a while, waiting for the emperor's decree, if it can't come down, we will"

Speaking of this, King Yama still paused:

"You can only open one eye and close one eye"

All the other Yan Jun sighed.

The position of Lord Yan is already an unimaginable big man for mortals, but in the Heavenly Court system, he is not a high-ranking person.

The Great Emperor Fengdu had ninety percent of the authority of the Yin Division, how could they have the right to challenge that Martial Ancestor?

"It's too much to deceive people! The mere junior, dare to deceive me like this?!!"

In the big red sky, Emperor Fengdu's eyes were red and his heart was furious.

If it wasn't for his sanity, he would almost have roared.

But Rao was like this, and the tumultuous aura still shook the entire Great Chitian, causing Lao Jun, who was preaching, to frown involuntarily.

"The disciple has lost his temper, and I hope Daozu forgives his sins!"

Seeing Laojun frowning, the Great Emperor Fengdu hurriedly turned over and bowed down: "It's really that the Martial Ancestor deceived people too much, he went directly to the underworld, bullied the Ten Temple Yama, and bullied me too much!"

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){} As the Great Emperor of Fengdu, all the Ten Halls Yama are his subordinates.

The land of Yin Si is basically his private land. In a word, he can break the reincarnation of the East Earth, and he is in charge of the reincarnation of all realms. He can be called a giant.

Even the Great Heavenly Venerate will give him three points of thin noodles.

Although this Martial Ancestor also became Dao, but after a short time of becoming Dao, how shallow his qualifications are, even an incarnation dares to enter the underworld to show off his power, how can he bear it?

Saying that reincarnation is better than never ending, it's clearly hitting him in the face!

If the Ten Temples Yama was frightened and opened the door to the monkey according to his intention, how could he have the face to meet other colleagues, the Great Emperor?

How do I go to see the Great Celestial Venerable?


Before Lao Jun spoke, the Queen Mother of the West sneered:

"As the master of the Yin Division, you have closed the land of reincarnation in the East because of your likes and dislikes, so that 30 billion dead souls cannot enter the reincarnation! You are so overbearing, who can insult you?"

"The Master is clearly trying to persuade him with gentle words, so why has he ever been humiliated?


The Great Emperor Fengdu was secretly angry in his heart, he did not go to see the Queen Mother of the West, and bowed down again: "The disciple begged Daozu to let me go out of the Great Chitian and go and kill the person who interfered with the calamity in Nanzhan!"

He has made up his mind that no matter how furious the Queen Mother of the West is, he will not allow anyone to use his position in the Yin Division.

If the Queen Mother of the West wanted to make a move, he would not believe that the Great Heavenly Venerate would sit back and watch!

The other great masters sat still, seemingly immersed in Daozu's sermons, and seemed to have no intention of paying attention to this matter at all.

One by one was silent.

"Do you have to do this?"

On the Taoist platform, Lao Jun asked.

"Daozu Mingjian!"

The Great Emperor Fengdu kowtowed again.

"Then you can go."

The old gentleman shook his head slightly, his expression calm.

With a flick of the dust, he swept the Great Emperor Fengdu out of the Great Chitian.

Then, the old man glanced at the Queen Mother of the West lightly.

Started to talk about the way of Hunyuan again:

"Hunyuan is everywhere, everywhere, the beginning of heaven and earth, the source of Tao, unimaginable by mortals, unthinkable by immortals, unspeakable by Da Luo"

The Queen Mother of the West had a delicate expression, but she did not stop the Great Emperor Fengdu from leaving the Great Red Heaven.

On the Taoist platform not far away, Zhou Qing shook his head in his heart:

"Those who are not in the same position should have this disaster"

In ancient times, the Great Heavenly Venerate only returned to the throne after the fall of the previous Heavenly Emperors.

However, if it is strong, it is strong, but there is no one available under his command.

Although there is a list of conferred gods in hand and the authority of the avenue in hand, no one can seal it, so that Xingtian was placed in the hall and lost the face of the boss.

Afterwards, after reconciling his pain, he recruited a lot of immortals, divided them into high positions, and forcibly created a lot of big Luos and even Hunyuan.

But this kind of creation, whether it is Daluo or Hunyuan, there are no small hidden dangers.

It would be fine if the gods and demons had attained the fruition status and became Daluo, but some of them were originally only in the gods and demons, but were pulled to the number of Daluo.

As a congenital **** and demon, this Emperor Fengdu is not so unbearable, but he also cannot afford the position of Primordial Primordial.

Against some big Luos, even the former Daoist Wukong who cut off three corpses can crush them.

But for the talent of Tianzong who can achieve Hunyuan by himself, especially the Wuzu who has proved the Tao through martial arts and fought unparalleled battles.

The odds are slim.

"Jie Qi is fascinated."

Zhen Yuanzi also shook her head.

If Lao Jun can say the last sentence, it is already worthy of your interest in listening to the lecture. If you insist on doing this, you will not bother to pay attention to it.

This person who achieves Hunyuan with the fruit status lacks the robbery of Hunyuan and enlightenment.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){} Without the Primordial Primordial and the Dao Calamity, it is impossible to achieve Consummation.

In ordinary times, he is no different from other Primordial Masters, but once the calamity reappears, he is likely to be fascinated by the calamity.

If you stay in the heavenly court, or in the great red sky, that's all, once you go out


But he said that the Great Emperor Fengdu was swept out of the Great Chitian and fell under thirty-three days.

He brushed his sleeves, his face was as black as iron, and his expression was extremely cold:

"Wu that junior, I swear I won't have a break with you!"

Boom! ! !

As he said a word, the vast chaos erupted into a boundless storm.

The extremely terrifying aura instantly swept across many immortal and Buddhist temples thirty-three days away!

And the gentle caressing of his sleeves instantly spanned the distance that even if Da Luo Shenxian had to run for thousands of years, it was enough to accommodate a hundred and ten universes.

Suddenly, he penetrated into the Immortal Realm!

And turned into a pitch-black magic hand that covered the sky and the sun, falling towards Nanzhan Province!

The Earth Immortal Realm is boundless and vast. Since Laojun opened up the world, it has grown every day, much larger than any other universe.

Although Nanzhanbuzhou is not as big as that from Dongsheng Shenzhou, the large universe of leisure can also hold 10,000 or 8,000 people.

After Laojun transformed the eternal river of time and space into a calamity, I don't know how huge it is!

But at this time, the Great Emperor Fengdu rolled down his sleeves, and that pitch-black palm was much bigger than that of Nanzhanbuzhou!

Covering the sky, there is no escape!

It's as if, together with the entire Nanzhanbu Continent, they will be killed together!

Boom! ! !

Thirty-three days of shaking!

The unparalleled majestic force slammed down, as if thousands of galaxies were hanging down together, shaking the entire immortal world.

Even though the emptiness of the immortal world is stronger than any big universe, and the blessing of the long river of time and space is enough to carry the battle of Da Luo, it seems that it can't bear this palm at this It's dark! No, the sky is falling! ! "

"My God, the sky is falling!"

"He Fang can make a move, do you want to destroy Nan Zhan?"

The Earth Immortal World was turned upside down, and the expressions of many practitioners changed wildly, and they were shocked by this palm.

The sky above Nanzhanbu Continent was turned upside down. That palm was far above a trillion miles in the sky. The earth was cracked and the ground was surging due to the overwhelming momentum of the sky.

The mountains collapsed, the rivers stopped flowing, and it was a terrifying mess.

For a time, in the Southern Zhanbu Continent, whether it was a human race, a monster race, or even a little **** like the Mountain God Land, all of them turned pale with fright and their minds swayed.

Nanzhanbuzhou is so large, even if Daluo flew at full speed, it would take many years.

Before the big hand landed, it was impossible for anyone to escape the land covered by the big hand!

"The Emperor has taken action!"

In the Nether Underworld, all Yan Jun, who were waiting for the order of the Great Emperor Fengdu, were even more shocked.

The person who knew the shot was the Great Emperor Fengdu, because at this moment, the entire Netherland was boiling over!

In the Great Tang Dynasty in the East, the flow of people was surging, and the emperor Li Shimin and many generals and ministers all burst out.

Seeing the big hand fall, they all looked extremely ugly.

In a quiet room somewhere in Chang'an, Gu Xuanshang, who was beating the wooden fish, sighed slightly:

"Sure enough, it's a damned ghost who can't persuade with good words."

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