Projection of the Heavens

v2 Chapter 1359: Monkey King, the Great Sage of Equaling

The breeze blows, and the old branches and leaves of Bodhi move with a rustling.

As Gu Shaoshang closed his eyes, the stars that had fallen like rain went upstream one after another, and all the broken mountains and rivers were restored to their original appearance.

Hunyuan thought moves to open up three thousand worlds, and there are only one thought in the world.

Heaven and earth are false, only I am true.


Earth Immortal World, Netherland.

Yan Jun of the Tenth Palace looked at the broken and collapsed Fengdu City, he hesitated, and his expression was very wonderful.

The Great Emperor Fengdu, who reigned in the nether world for countless eons, was killed like this?

For a while, it was because they were used to seeing life and death, and some were not used to it.

"That Martial Ancestor..."

After a long time, King Qin Guang slowly exhaled a long breath: "I can't afford to provoke..."

They have become Yan Jun, and it is the first time they have seen such a tyrannical person, who spanned many great worlds, and directly killed the Great Emperor Fengdu with one punch.

It even blocked Da Tianzun's finger.

This kind of strength, they can only look up.

"Fortunately, I'm not in the eyes of that Martial Ancestor."

The wheel runner seemed to be fortunate, and smiled like a self-deprecating smile.

Although they were not very close to Emperor Fengdu, the mountain that was pressing on their heads was gone for a while, and they were really uncomfortable.

However, they also knew that even if the Great Emperor Fengdu was gone, they would definitely not be able to become the Emperor of Yin Si.

After all, that symbolizes the fruit status of a Hunyuan.

Perhaps in the eyes of many Hunyuan Wuji giants, this fruit position is not very rare, but for a group of ghosts and gods, and even the great gods of heaven, as well as many Daluo who have no hope of advancing into Hunyuan.

It's what they want the most.

I don't know how many great gods they want to compete for, but they obviously can't grab it.

"Quantitative robbery cannot be easily involved."

King Yama had a complicated expression, like crying and laughing, and he was a little fortunate in his heart.

Fortunately, the mage's words made them hesitant, otherwise, they would not be able to ask for it at this time.

"Report! Report!"

At this time, outside the crumbling hall, a ghost ran in very embarrassedly:

"It's a disaster, you Yan Jun, it's a disaster! A monkey with a hairy face and Lei Gong's mouth came in, killed two ghost messengers, scared away the ghosts and spirits in the city, grabbed the judge, and forcibly asked for the book of life and death! "


You Yan Jun looked at each other and shook their heads.

King Qin Guang straightened his clothes and said solemnly: "Where is the demon monkey dare to invade my nether place? Let me go and see."

Several other Yan Jun also restrained their expressions, and walked to the front hall with King Qin Guang.

Although he has made up his mind not to block, he still has to act.

If someone stole the book of life and death without saying a word, it would inevitably be criticized.

Several Yan Jun walked out of the hall, and saw that Fengdu City was almost in ruins, and only a few halls were still crumbling and never collapsed.

For a while, there is a sense of sadness of the death of a rabbit and a fox.

"Wu Na Yan Jun, my old grandson has the supernatural power of immortality, beyond the three realms, not in the five elements, why did you hook my soul?"

When several Yan Jun came to the front hall, they saw a hairy monkey with five short statures shouting loudly, and they couldn't help getting tired of it.

This monkey has not found his previous life at this time. If a few people want to, they can still beat him out.

However, there is a backer behind it.

Therefore, King Yama held his nose and cupped his hands: "This Shangxian Mingjian, perhaps the soul-enchanting messenger has hooked the wrong person. There are countless creatures in this world, and it is inevitable that there are people with the same name and surname..."

Hearing the words, the monkey sneered: "You Yan Luo old man doesn't say good things, the lifespan of all beings is on this book of life and death, even if you have the same name and surname, how can you make a mistake? You are not trying to coax me!"

Saying that, the monkey threw the judge in his hand and pulled out the book of life and death.

After opening it, I found myself:

【The natural stone monkey Sun Wukong......】

You Yan Jun looked ugly, but he was strong and patient.

Seeing that the monkey hooked his name and walked away.

"Forget it, that Daoist Wukong is someone who can compete with Buddha, even if he is humiliated again, it is nothing."

King Yama rejoiced in bitterness and comforted himself.

Compared to Emperor Fengdu, they were only humiliated, which is an acceptable fact.

"Never mind. Colleagues, I'll go to Lingxiao together after this, and tell the Great Heavenly Venerate."

King Qin Guang put away the book of life and death, and sighed:

"By the way, let's take a look at the new Emperor Yin Si, who is the great god!"

Yan Luowang and other Yan Jun have different thoughts, and they all nodded.


Huaguo Mountain, the monkey lying under the shade of the tree suddenly moved, and his soul returned.

"The monkey is back!"

Bull Demon King and others have been paying attention to the monkey, and they all reacted immediately.

Li Qingshan calmed down and looked under the shade of the tree,

I saw strands of golden light escaping from the monkey's body, and gradually dyed it into a golden color.

At first glance, it looks like it was made of gold.


Threads of golden light gushed out, more and more, stronger and stronger.

At first, it was just a wisp, and it was a rush in an instant, and then it was like a surging river.

After a while, the tyranny of the golden light was already unstoppable!

"The Great Sage has found his way back!"

The Demon King of Chaos was shocked, and his expression was a little dazed, as if he had witnessed a myth.

There is this scene in the legends he has heard in "later generations".

Then, is the chaos in the Heavenly Palace?

"My grandson......"

In the golden light that rolled and covered the entire Huaguo Mountain, a boundless and tyrannical voice suddenly sounded like a volcano that had been suppressed for countless years:

"came back!!!"

Boom! ! !

The mighty golden light spread vertically and horizontally, shaking the world.

Li Qingshan and the others only felt their scalp numb and their ears buzzing.

When I looked up, I saw that the boundless golden light turned into a golden chainmail after being released and closed, covering a golden ape!

I saw the monkey wearing a phoenix-winged purple-gold crown, wearing a gold chain mail, and walking on lotus threads, his body was domineering and wanton, and his fighting spirit went straight to the bullfight!

Li Qingshan was shocked and couldn't help but blurted out: "Great Sage Monkey King!"

He has been in this fairyland for a long time, but he has never felt the domineering power of the legendary Monkey King from this monkey.

Until now!


The void shook, the giant ape stepped out, and the cloak rolled like fire behind him.

"Come on stick!"

Sun Wukong stretched out his hand and snorted softly.

Just a light drink.

In the vast East China Sea adjacent to Huaguo Mountain, boundless waves suddenly erupted, as if thousands of Tianhes were rushing straight into the nine heavens at the same time.

The sound was enormous.

In the East China Sea, countless demons fled back and forth, not knowing what happened.


As the waves roared and slapped the sky, a terrifying sound like thousands of stars exploding at the same time burst out in the sea.

In the next moment, a sacred mountain rose from the sea, and in an instant it reached the sky, like a sacred mountain.

The golden light of the sacred mountain bloomed deeply and brightly, and there was a Dao pattern on it that made a big vertical character shine brightly:

Such as





In the East China Sea Dragon Palace, an old dragon shook his head again and again, not daring to stop him in the slightest.


In Huaguo Mountain, the golden giant ape snorted again.

The lofty divine mountain poured out in one go, swaying thousands of thousands of hectares of smoke and clouds, as if the sky was collapsing, and fell towards Huaguo Mountain.


In the end, it turned into a golden hoop rod with a length of many feet and the thickness of the bowl, and was caught by the monkey in the palm of his hand.


With the start of the golden hoop stick, the monkey's momentum has skyrocketed by three points, and the domineering and tyrannical aura is almost breaking through the sky!


In Huaguo Mountain, the Bull Demon King laughed loudly, held a mixed iron rod, and stepped up to the sky:

"Monkey, you are finally back!"

"Seventh brother!"

"Seventh brother!"

The other great saints of the demon clan also laughed and ascended the sky, and Li Qingshan also ascended the sky, taking a few glances at the legendary Monkey King.

Sun Wukong's golden eyes shone with a hint of softness:

"I have you brothers to help you in the robbery!"

"My brother, what are you polite?"

The Bull Demon King waved his hand and said, "If you can escape the calamity, it will be even better. If you can't escape the calamity, then the Western Niu Hezhou, and even the Immortal Realm, will have no place for my old cow to live!"

"It's better to help you fight!"

The other demon kings also nodded.

The Earth Immortal Realm is a mixed bag, and the demon clan is at an absolute disadvantage.

Without the Primordial Yuan belonging to the demon clan, they have no hope of going further in their lifetime.

Helping Sun Wukong is like helping themselves.

Sun Wukong was not too polite, he just said: "You should live up to the kindness of your brothers for helping each other."

"Next, what should I do?"

Li Qingshan turned his thoughts in his mind and asked directly:

"Seventh brother, are you going to enter the heavenly court next?"

Sun Wukong nodded and did not hide:

"The golden body is still in heaven, so I have to go."

When he entered the robbery, in order to occupy the general trend, he cut off his own dao fruit, previous experience, and golden body.

Among them, the Dao fruit is in the heart, the former dust is in the underworld, and the golden body is in the heaven.

He had to take it back one by one.

"You acted too recklessly, and you have to lose your golden body and never fall into Lingshan, otherwise you will have no hope."

The lion camel king shook his head.

I still think Sun Wukong is too adventurous.

It is too dangerous to cut oneself into a calamity, that fruit, the past, the golden body, but one thing fell into the hands of Lingshan, and Sun Wukong almost failed.

Even if it didn't fall into Lingshan's hands, it would be quite difficult to retrieve the golden body from Heaven.

"Have to."

Sun Wukong just shook his head and said no more.

Lifting the golden hoop upside down, he walked slowly towards the heavenly court.

Want to get back the golden In the Heavenly Court Lingxiao Hall, the Great Heavenly Venerate is holding a court meeting to discuss who will control the Yin Si after the fall of the Great Emperor Fengdu.

Suddenly, Clairvoyance and Shunfenger hurriedly came:

"Great Heavenly Venerate! After that monkey made trouble in the underworld, he took the Donghai Divine Iron and came to the heaven!"


All the great gods in the hall raised their eyebrows when they heard the words, and looked at the Great Heavenly Venerate above the throne.

"Little monkey, not small."

Above the throne, the Great Heavenly Venerate looked indifferent, and his expression did not change in the slightest.

Just tap the throne lightly and say:

"Let the Tathagata come to subdue the demon!"