Projection of the Heavens

v2 Chapter 1369: Five-color Shinko!


"Did Brother Han save me?"

Li Qingshan half sat up and thanked him.

He also did not expect that the power that the Great Sage Huang Feng finally burst out was so terrifying, directly destroying the time and space that was bigger than the universe he was in.

"That Lingji Bodhisattva didn't even think that the robbery was broken, but he also took himself in."

At the same time, he also remembered the last picture he saw before being blown away.

The last blow of the Great Sage Huang Feng was too tyrannical, and Lingji Bodhisattva did not expect it.

I just don't know if the World Honored Spirit Mountain knows.

It would be interesting if he had known it long ago and sent the Lingji Bodhisattva to break the calamity.

"You're welcome. It's just a matter of hand."

Han Li said with a calm expression:

"Before a strange wind came violently, and it broke through time and space for an unknown amount of time. I also found you when I escaped at that time."

Having said that, Han Li felt a little strange in his heart.

In the strange wind, Li Qingshan was not injured at all, but fell into a coma.

You must know that he himself was also destroyed by the strange wind, and I don't know how many magic weapons.

Before, he happened to meet a few people who were with him, but they all ended up worrying.

He didn't know that when the three-flavored divine wind broke out, Li Qingshan just called out a powerful incarnation, which blocked most of the power for him.

In addition, the system can absorb the power of the kamikaze, so he can survive.

Otherwise, his fate might not be as good as that of Lingji Bodhisattva.

"I still want to thank Brother Han for helping me."

Li Qingshan thanked him again and stood up.

He looked around and saw nothing but snow.

The mountains, trees, and the earth are all white.

Even in the sky, the stars are crystal clear like ice sculptures.

It was actually a frozen world.

No, perhaps it is a dead space-time.

Li Qingshan could feel that in this space and time, from the sun, moon and stars, down to the grass and trees, all of them were dead.

Frozen is only the outer minister, but the inner is already dead.

"Before you woke up, I went to inquire about this time and space"

Han Li also stood up, pointed to the time and space covered in ice on all sides, and said:

"This space and time seems to be left over from many eons ago. It is 8.4 billion miles away and is the center of this world. Among the boundless mountains, there is a Pipa Cave, and there is a Lady Fengyue in it."

Having said that, Han Li couldn't help but paused:

"It is said that this space-time was not originally like this, and the reason why it became this way is because Madam Fengyue poisoned this space-time!"

"Poisoned this world, time and space?"

Li Qingshan was stunned: "Pipa Cave is still famous for its poison. Isn't this Mrs. Fengyue good at throwing horses and poisoning piles?"

The Demon King of Chaos had told him about the many calamities in the road of calamity.

Apart from Xingtian, the God of War who was the most difficult to break, there was the Great Sage Huang Feng and a scorpion named Fengyue Demon.

It is said that this scorpion once broke the golden body of the World Honored Tathagata with a poison stake, and is also a tyrannical demon king!

"Qingshan knows?"

Han Li was also startled.

Li Qingshan came to this doomed space and was still blown by a strange wind, and he has not woken up these days, how could he know so clearly?

You know, he also inquired for a long time before he knew this.

"Brother Han, don't be suspicious."

Seeing Han Li, Li Qingshan seemed suspicious, smiled, and told Han Li everything he knew.

The two went all the way from the Chaos Sea to the Immortal Realm, and they had a deep friendship. He also knew that although Han Li was taciturn, he was very reliable.

Can't say it could help.

"Broken, Broken"

Hearing this, Han Li pondered slightly.

Although he came to this fairyland not long ago, he naturally knew that he was involved in the calamity at this time.

However, he is certainly not as good as Li Qingshan in his understanding of the calamity.

Hearing this, he hesitated.

Lingshan, the land of bliss, he naturally knows the name of the Buddha.

I have no enmity or enmity with him, but there is no need to provoke him.

However, he also knew that once he was no longer free, he would not join Li Qingshan himself, and it would be extremely difficult for him to join the Lingshan camp.

He has experienced a lot along the way, and of course he knows that if the two sides reach the final stage of fighting, the first ones to die will be those who fish in troubled waters.

However, Han Li was not in a hurry to express his position. Caution was the biggest reliance on his ability to reach this point.

After turning around in his mind, Han Li said:

"In these days, there are a lot of people gathered in this world, all of whom can't cross the Pipa Mountain. Maybe we can wait a bit and see what Buddhism is doing first."

Li Qingshan probably knew what Han Li was thinking, or he didn't, so he just nodded:

"That's all for now"

The two rested for a day, and the next morning, the two went to Pipa Mountain together.

The distance of eight trillion miles is naturally nothing to Da Luo, but this time and space is where the doom is, and there are many dangers.

Naturally, the two of them would not simply move away stupidly.

Li Qingshan called out the golden boat and walked towards Pipa Mountain unhurriedly.

In the golden boat, Han Li did not give up the slightest cultivation time, closed his eyes and meditated.

Li Qingshan, on the other hand, is communicating with the system in his body.

Although the incarnation of the great power that was called out before seemed to be weak, Li Qingshan knew that it was not because the incarnation was weak.

But because the three flavors are too strong.

Na Lingji Bodhisattva Daluo Xiuwei, with the magic weapon of restraining the divine wind, was blown to death.

If the almighty incarnation was caught off guard, it would be too terrifying if it could resist the three-flavored **** wind.

[Store the power of the kamikaze, you can also summon a powerful incarnation]

The rigid voice of the system sounded in Li Qingshan's mind.

"One more chance"

Li Qingshan nodded in his heart.

He already understood the operation of the system by this time.

It is said to be a summoning system, but it is more like a transaction.

If you want to call out a powerful incarnation, you must have a cultivation base that you are interested in, or Taoism.

With his cultivation base, it is almost impossible to summon a powerful incarnation that can break the game. This power of the divine wind is his trump card.

Although, he didn't know if the hole card had any effect.

But at least it was better than his own inability to break the game.


The golden boat passed through the void, and every moment was a million miles, gradually approaching Pipa Mountain.

On a mountain peak 300 million miles away from Pipa Mountain, the cold wind howled.

Two unseen figures stood opposite each other, overlooking the Pipa Mountain in the distance.

"That person's method is really unfathomable, that is, the amount of tribulation can be squeezed to such an extent that it cannot damage the Earth Immortal World in the slightest."

One of them opened his mouth, his voice was low and contained a strange rhythm, as if there were countless mysteries in the composition of the law.

He was a little surprised.

The amount of calamity is the number of calamities that all living beings, the heaven, the earth and the universe spontaneously accumulate.

The more vast, the ancient world, the more profound the calamity.

The origin universe of Journey to the West, such as the Earth Immortal World, is the top world among the heavens and the world.

How terrifying the calamity that it has accumulated over the countless years.

To be able to knead the calamity into an ancient road and turn the calamity into a fortune, the power required for this is unimaginable.

Daluo couldn't even imagine it.

"After all, it is the Taoist ancestor."

The other person has a hoarse voice and speaks word by word:

"An existence as majestic as my ancestors that cannot be seen directly"

"Don't talk too much."

Hearing the word "My Ancestor", the one who spoke first issued a warning: "That kind of existence is unthinkable, unthinkable, omniscient and omnipotent. Even if we have the protection of the Demon Ancestor, we may not be able to hide it."

The other nodded, no longer mentioning Daozu.

Turning to say: "This amount of calamity has turned into a number of ninety-nine under the kneading of that person. Although some of them are scumbags, there are also a few of them, which should not be underestimated."

He still speaks word by word, as if he seldom speaks on weekdays, and as if he was just learning the human voice.

"There are so many traces of calamities, of course, that should not be underestimated. For example, the three-flavored divine wind of Huang Feng, if you and I face it directly, you must escape, otherwise you will be disabled if you don't die."

The person who spoke first nodded, pointed at Pipa Mountain, and said:

"That Fengyue Demon was originally an emissary sent by my ancestor to Buddhism. She originally thought that she could become a Bodhisattva without being a Buddha. How could she know that this Fengyue Demon was so daring that she actually wanted to sting Sakyamuni to death and become the ancestor of Buddhism.

If Sakyamuni's power and good fortune were not meant to directly achieve Hunyuan Wuji, I'm afraid he would have already become Hunyuan! Such a person, she dares to make up her mind!

It's really self-defeating! "

"Cui Wei, it's over."

The other person spoke every word, seemingly dissatisfied.

"Cunning! Don't call me by my first name!"

The voice of the person named Cui Wei who made the first voice suddenly changed, and he was cold: "What is this place? You said my name, do you want me to be exposed?"

Hearing the words, the cunning stagnates for a while, and once again said word by word:

"My fault."

Cui Wei gritted his teeth, but he was helpless.

That cunning man is not weak, even if he is dissatisfied, he can't attack at this time, otherwise the two of them will all die here.

He glanced at Ji Yao hatefully, and said, "Don't talk any more, that Sakyamuni's enlightenment hindered my ancestors, so I have to help that Bull Demon King!"

"Difficult, difficult, difficult."

Jiu Yi shook his head and said bluntly, "It's impossible for you and me to do it."

"At least, in Fengyue, Buddhism will not be able to pass!"

Cui Wei didn't speak anymore, and stepped into the void.

But I don't know if I went to Pipa Mountain or something else.

That cunning also dissipated into the void at the same time.

Time flies, and another month has passed.

Li Qingshan and Han Li are standing on a mountain peak, looking at the nine heavens above, the Buddha's light scattered where the ice crystals are broken, their expressions are I don't know, who is here to die this time"

Li Qingshan's expression was subtle.

It has been half a moon since he and Han Li came here.

During this half-month, the two also went to the Pipa Cave with other people who had experienced calamities.

As a result, except for the two of them, everyone else died in Pipa Cave.

Now that he thinks about it, he still has lingering fears about Madam Fengyue's downfall.

In the past half month, Buddhism has made three shots, and the three great Bodhisattvas have all been defeated outside the Pipa Cave.

Heavy casualties.

"It doesn't seem like it's Buddha Light."

Han Li frowned:

"The flow of five colors seems to be like the legendary five-color divine light!". m.