Projection of the Heavens

v2 Chapter 1380: Karma red lotus, great sun Tathagata

In the mighty sound waves, the world is shocked.

Except for the common people, no one in the sky does not know that this three-burial mage is the incarnation of the martial ancestor of his world.

Hunyuan has become a Dao calamity. After the calamity is truly received, no one can intervene when it shakes Wan Dao.

However, Gu Xuanshang was an exception.

His arrival had already taken up a fraction of the calamity in the doom.

The calamity is divided into ninety-nine, the road to the calamity is eighty, and the last calamity is in Chang'an, but in Gu Xuanshang.

Everyone thought that with the defeat of Monkey King, everything would be settled, and the Martial Ancestor would no longer intervene, acquiescing to Sakyamuni's enlightenment. .

Unexpectedly, he actually stood up again at this time.

"Big Brother Gu! That God of War Xingtian is not the last calamity, and it can be bigger than Xingtian, it really is Big Brother Gu!"

Li Qingshan suddenly felt in his heart.

Long ago, he was still surprised that the number of calamities was ninety-nine, but Xingtian was not the last calamity.

It turned out that the last calamity was actually outside the road of measuring calamity, in Chang'an City, on his brother Gu.

The sound of chanting Buddhist scriptures in the Daleiyin Temple was all slightly stunned.

Jin Chanzi trembled even more.

Jin Chan's coming into the world should have been the first calamity, but because he was no match for the Three Burial Mage, there was a disaster at this time.

"The disciple is guilty of mistaking my Buddhist plan for thousands of eons!"

Jin Chanzi covered her face with her sleeves, ashamed.

Buddhism's plan runs through many kalpas, even before Laojun kneads the way of kalpas.

In the land of bliss in Lingshan, there is no shortage of great Luojinshu. However, even if he is as strong as Sakyamuni, he has never proved the Tao.

For this amount of calamity.

With the savings of millions of kalpas, Sakyamuni has forged the position of the master of Buddhism, which is comparable to the Great Heavenly Venerate.

At that time, Buddhism can leap into a huge system compared to the heaven.

Many great Buddhas and Bodhisattvas can rely on the power of countless believers in the Buddhaland to achieve Hunyuan.

"Great achievements will inevitably face catastrophe!"

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, who guides the great world of hundreds of billions of Buddha countries like a lamp in the burning Buddha's light, sighed softly:

"Even if there is no Martial Ancestor to block the way, I am afraid that there will be other disasters. We can only help the World Honored by burning ourselves and speeding up the formation of the fruit!"

"Good, good!"

Countless Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, Arhats, King Kong, and Bhikkhunis all nodded their heads and began to mobilize the magic power to evoke the Buddhaland.

The sky is the highest place, surrounded by the infinite Buddha light, the great Buddha lowered his eyes:


The Buddha's eyes narrowed slightly, and he seemed a little surprised.

He came for the monkeys, the monkeys were defeated, and he actually wanted to shoot again?

However, he had to pay attention.

If the doomsday is not broken, he will not be able to become enlightened completely.

The difference between the lines may be the difference between Hunyuan and Hunyuan Wuji.

Outside Chang'an City, Gu Xuanshang stepped into the sky.

He looked extremely calm.

At this time, how could he not know the truth of this amount of robbery.

In other words, the accumulation of thousands of kalpas and the kneading of the path of kalpas are all to make Sakyamuni enlightened.

Among them, there may be the plan of the former World Honored Master Tongtian, or it may be the game between Laojun and the old monk.

The monkey may know or not, but he is not reconciled.

In this last fight, he was afraid that it was not enlightenment, but this bad breath.

This amount of calamity has nothing to do with Gu Shaoshang. Back then, he was just a junior who had not yet advanced to Da Luo. By chance, he had a cause and effect with the monkey.

At first, he just wanted to pay back the cause and effect of the monkey.

At this point, he really wanted to intervene.

Take a look at the means of these high-ranking bigwigs, is it really irresistible?

Thousands of thoughts turn.

Gu Xuanshang took one step at a time, and the breath around his body rose uncontrollably.

His white monk's robe turned red that month, igniting a monstrous karmic fire.

Then, with his hands together, he spoke calmly and irresistibly:

"The kalpa is divided into ninety-nine, there is still one kalpa unbroken, please ask the Great Buddha to enlighten me!"


As Gu Xuanshang folded his hands together, the boundless red light illuminated the nine heavens and ten places, the eight deserts and four poles, and the ten directions of the universe.

For a time, the blooming red light flooded everything, adding a layer of pink to the boundless Buddha Light.

The Boundless Buddha Light was suddenly shocked, and the diffusion began to stagnate and become slow.


The Tathagata Buddha folded his hands together, sighed softly, and said:

"At this moment, the little monk has not yet become a Hunyuan Wuji, but he also thinks that he is not inferior to other Hunyuan. If the Martial Ancestor is not there, how can the incarnation stop me?"

"It's better to retreat quickly, but you can keep the skin from being lost!"

The sound of the Buddha's voice flowed down, like the roaring of thousands of billions of buddha kingdoms, and the sound was unbelievably loud and masculine.

Buddhists have planned for countless kalpas, but this Lingshan World Honored One's savings are unbelievably deep.

As soon as he spoke, the boundless blood between heaven and earth was dimmed, almost fading.

"The old monk is shameless!"

Gu Xuanshang was slightly dumbfounded, and under the eighteenth level of the Nether, in that surging sea of ​​blood, two sword lights rose up, revealing the true meaning of boundless killing.

An old monk rode on listening to the truth, and was forced back hundreds of millions of miles by the fierce sword qi.


The sea of ​​blood rolled, and the earth-shattering vicious sword intent shook the entire sea of ​​blood.

"That bald donkey in red, although Lao Tzu doesn't like it, but you old bald donkey, I don't like it even more!!"

A voice that seemed to contain the most evil in the world resounded through the universe:

"I respect the sea of ​​blood flowing!"

The next moment, the sea of ​​blood that existed under the eighteenth level of the Netherworld for an unknown amount of kalpas, containing all the evils and sins in the world, suddenly shattered the trillions of miles of void.

Rolling straight to the Netherworld.

"It's that big devil!"

"The new Nether Sect Master, the first devil in the Immortal Realm, the ancestor of Nether Wounds!"

"He is actually alive!"

The immortal world immediately shook, and the gods and Buddhas in the sky couldn't help but change color.

It was different from Gu Xuanshang, who never hurt the slightest bit, and his only shot was to accommodate karma for all sentient beings.

This big devil in the sea of ​​blood came to this fairyland many years ago.

First of all, he suppressed the Stygian ancestor who had returned from calamities and seized the position of the leader of the Netherworld. After that, he fought fiercely with the Buddha Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva for several times.

He even had a bad relationship with the heavenly court, killing an unknown number of heavenly soldiers and generals with one sword.

It's notorious!

As soon as he appeared, countless gods and Buddhas couldn't help but change color.

"Damn bald donkey!"

But the next moment, Mingshang stopped.

The old monk who was riding and listening blocked his way again.

wow wow wow~~~

In the nether hell, trillions of ghosts and gods cried in unison, and in the wailing, the billowing sea of ​​blood rushed up like an infinite blood dragon.

It shot out of the shattered void and then reversed it, pouring it into Gu Xuan's body, who was wearing a red cassock.

But he couldn't figure it out by himself, so he lent this boundless sea of ​​blood to Gu Xuanshang.


A huge sound like an earthquake exploded out of Gu Xuanshang's body, shaking the universe.

Then, under the gaze of the crowd.

Threads of crimson flames burst out from the pores of Gu Xuanshang's body, surging across the Earth Immortal Realm like fire dragons.

The Sea of ​​Blood is the darkest and most sinister place in the world.

And that karmic fire is the nameless fire that burns sinful karma.

How terrifying is the flame that bursts out from the infusion of the dark sea of ​​blood in this boundless karma?

It is simply immeasurable!


The karmic fire hums and burns, but it does not damage the void, the heaven and the earth, and all visible and intangible things are not damaged.

Between the heavens and the earth, an immeasurable, boundless enchanting and incomparably sacred twelve-rank karma red lotus was formed!

Gu Xuanshang, dressed in a red cassock, sat cross-legged on the red lotus of Karma, with a solemn appearance.

Although carrying boundless karma, it is as if the Buddha came into the world and the Bodhisattva appeared in the world.

There is no evil in the slightest, and it is extremely sacred.

He was originally transformed by a ray of good thoughts from the ancestors of Wu. He came into the world of Buddhism and cultivated the supernatural power of Buddhism. Later, he saw the supreme supernatural power of Buddhism in the place of the old monk.

Its foundation on the Buddhist path even surpasses that of all the Bodhisattvas, the Buddha!

At this moment, the boundless sins melted into the twelve-grade karma fire golden lotus, and its Buddhist attainments were completely revealed.

"Amitabha, good is good!"

Seeing the red lotus coming into the world, countless Buddhas and Bodhisattvas in the immortal world, the Buddha was moved and amazed.

Because, with the infusion of the boundless sea of ​​blood that has existed since ancient times, the sect master of Mingshang, Gu Xuanshang at this time, the tyrannical breath has almost surpassed the scope of their ability to sense!

"Have mercy on me, there are so many sorrows!"

On top of the fiery red lotus of the 12th grade, Gu Xuanshang folded his hands together and said calmly:

"Please let the Great Buddha take action to break the robbery!"

"That's it, it doesn't matter!"

Shakyamuni sighed softly, closed his eyes and said no more.

Behind him, a stalwart Buddha suddenly appeared as if tens of billions of suns condensed.

"Dari Tathagata has seen fellow Daoist!"

The Buddha, who was covered with infinite rays of light, stepped gently and fell from the sky.

At the same time, the palm covering all visible and invisible, all time and space dimensions, slowly fell.

The Buddha's palm is neither slow nor in a hurry, the Great Dao is boundless, just pressing it lightly, it covers everything, the four continents, the heavens and the universe seem to be accommodated by it.

Vaguely, it can be seen that millions of Buddhist kingdoms are twinkling, and countless Buddhists recite together and praise: "Praise the World-Honored Praise me Buddha, Praise Shakyamuni Buddha!"


Tens of thousands of miles away, the four continents slumped in unison, the waters of the four seas stood up, and the boundless airflow swayed vertically and horizontally.

The palm of the Buddha's palm is even better than that of the Great Emperor Fengdu!

On the top of the 12th rank Karma Fire Lotus Platform, while Gu Xuanshang's scarlet cassocks were hunting and hunting, a karma candle appeared spontaneously between the slender and fair five fingers flicking.

It rises in the wind, stands in the depths of time and space, accesses the past and the future, and is rooted in all dimensions.

Just like the divine mountain formed by all the mountains in the heavens, it leads straight up, facing the huge Buddha palm that covers everything!


The two supreme beings shot, and the ripples that swayed instantly surpassed the limit of Daluo, touching the ubiquitous Taiji map.

I saw that between the rotation of yin and yang, time and space stretched infinitely in ten directions around the two of them.