Projection of the Heavens

v2 Chapter 429: The death of Meng Bingyun

And every part of his skin and hair showed a unique spirituality, containing a powerful vitality.


The corners of Gu Shaoshang's mouth twitched slightly, his fingers flicked slightly, and drops of pale golden pearl-like blood flew out.

That drop of blood shone brightly in the air, squirming as if alive, and before it left the ground, it turned into a small human figure!

These little human figures look small, but they have all the internal organs, and their appearance and facial features are also different. They dance and dance on the ground, performing various martial arts "Tiger Roaring Boxing", "Baji Boxing", "Taiji Boxing", "Unweekly" "Break", "The Wheel of Life and Death" and so on.

Each of them has endless spirituality, it seems that as long as there is enough time and vitality, they can grow into another Gu Shaoshang!

"This, what kind of realm is this?!"

Li Chunfeng stared at the drop of blood that rolled down on the ground, and asked unbelievable questions.

"This is the derivation of the flesh and blood of martial arts! Xuanji, Kong is this realm!"

After Meng Bingyun was slightly startled, she recalled.

At this time, Meng Bingyun was different from six years ago. Even if he didn't practice the "Xi Hua Zhi Miao Zhen Jing", his temperament gradually changed.

In the cold and immortal temperament, there is more grace and luxury.

"Yes, Kong is a realm derived from flesh and blood!"

Gu Shaoshang nodded and stood up from the chair.

Immediately, these thousands of villains rolled on the spot, turned into crystal blood beads one after another, and flew into his pores.

"Neither birth nor death, approaching immortality! The mystery of martial arts is really unfathomable! I originally thought that the realm of smashing the vacuum is the physical body tearing the void and traveling through space. Now it seems to be a big mistake and a big mistake!"

Li Chunfeng was amazed.

"The immortals who cultivate to your realm can barely tear the void. The realm of smashing the vacuum is naturally stronger."

Gu Shaoshang walked and said slowly: "However, this is not invincible, such as Kong, when I hit him, he will be completely destroyed, even if he has a trace of flesh and blood in the outside world, he wants to recover. At least one blood-derived giant sacrifice is needed to barely recover."

Cultivation to the realm derived from flesh and blood, or even stronger ever-changing, smashing the vacuum, is not necessarily invincible.

Among the heavens and the worlds, there are many great supernatural powers that cross three thousand worlds and destroy your infinite incarnation with one blow.

However, such power is not available in the Yangshen world.

"This is some magical effect of crushing the vacuum. It is recorded in the Taoist Tao that although it is the peak of human beings and immortals, there are also three, six, nine and so on. Ten thousand!"

Meng Bingyun said clearly.

They are also peak immortals, some are enough to strike nine thunder tribulations horizontally, and some can't even beat the Creator, that's all.

Martial arts have reached the peak realm of human beings and immortals, and one aperture can reach hundreds of apertures. People can use the various vitality in the acupoints to fly through the air, come and go like electricity, and the spirit of boxing can blast through the endless space to carry out spiritual attacks. .

The realm of the peak of the immortal and the shattering vacuum seems to be a step away, but in fact, it is a thousand miles away.

The span of each step is unimaginable.

"It's not like turning into a billion!"

Gu Shaoshang waved his hand.

"Then Shizun, Shi Niang, the disciple will leave!"

Li Chunfeng suddenly surrendered, and his expression changed.

"If Yi'er is rude, just teach him a lesson!"

Gu Shaoshang laughed dumbly.

With a glance, he already knew that in the Hall of Fate, Hong Yi was rampaging like a little devil.

"Chunfeng is so troublesome!"

Meng Bingyun also smiled slightly.

Since Hong Yi was three years old, he was sent to the Hall of Destiny by Gu Shaoshang to practice medicine and martial arts. Except for Taoism, he also dabbled in it.

On the other hand, Hong Yi is also eager to learn, he is also quick to enter the medical field, and he has a good foundation in martial arts. Jump.

"The mistress shatters the disciple!"

Li Chunfeng smiled bitterly and slowly stepped back.

Seeing Li Chunfeng's retreating back, Gu Shaoshang said slowly, "Let's go out for a walk."


Meng Bingyun nodded.

The two walked side by side and walked out of the hall.

At this time, heavy snow was falling in the sky one after another, and the north wind whistled over the Jade Capital City.

A vast expanse of white.

Gu Shaoshang was wearing a black robe and walked slowly.

Meng Bingyun slowly followed.

The two of them went all the way out of the National Teacher's Mansion, all the way out of the Jade Capital City, and came to a white mountain in the west.


Gu Shaoshang stopped, his face slightly complicated.

After a while, he said softly, "Who are you?"

Before, most of his will was attracted by the brilliance of the masters, and the remaining will did not find any abnormality, but he suddenly returned, and finally penetrated a secret.

In Meng Bingyun's body, there was something wrong with that immortal imprint.

Meng Bingyun was silent.


The powerful fist intent radiated from Gu Shaoshang's body acupuncture points, breaking through the sky with a whistling and turning into a huge illusion.

It seems to be an unfinished picture scroll. Among them, the first thing to unfold is the huge mountain that runs through the sky like the backbone of the sky and the earth.

Immediately after that, among the misty clouds, pavilions and pavilions, radiant rays of light, thousands of auspicious spirits, cranes, fire dragons, immortals, and heavenly palaces.

In the layered void, a young man wearing a black robe stood on the top of the sky, holding a small wheel mark in his hand.

On the top of Buzhou, for thirty-three days, the king of gods sat high in the sky, holding the wheel of life and death in his hand.

Uninterrupted, God King Fist is born and died!

This is already the essence of Gu Shaoshang's fist intent at this moment. When he used it in an instant, his fist intent was enough to overwhelm a country. Even the city of Yujing, thousands of miles away, shivered under this fist intent.

"Whoever you are!"

Gu Shaoshang turned around, golden light in his eyes: "Get me out of Bingyun's body!"

The fist intent slammed down, and on the huge scroll, wisps of cloud energy exploded, and the sky and the earth were broken.


Under such tyrannical fist intent, Meng Bingyun's face did not show the slightest panic.

On the contrary, at the moment when the fist intent was gradually approaching, a bright smile appeared on his face.

"Have your fists reached such a state?"

The female voice with a hint of nobility in the coldness rang out.

Although it was still Meng Bingyun's voice, this temperament was the temperament of the fairy who stood above the long river of time and space, which Gu Shaoshang had once glimpsed!

boom! !

The roar of fist intent resounded in the hearts of the two of them.

In the tremor of the heart, the torrent of fist intent rolled, and with Gu Shaoshang's will, he saw the illusory time and space river and the female fairy.

"Not bad, but not enough!"

A soft murmur sounded from the sadness of Young Master Gu.

At the same time as the torrent of fist intent was flowing, Gu Shaoshang saw that the female fairy standing on the long river of time and space smiled at him and disappeared without a trace.


Gu Shao's muscles and bones trembled slightly, and he withdrew his fist intent.

The immortal's sudden withdrawal made him frown.

However, this was not the time to think about these issues. He picked up Meng Bingyun, who had fallen softly to the ground, and returned to the National Teacher's Mansion.


After an unknown amount of time, Meng Bingyun slowly opened her eyes.


Meng Bingyun seemed to have a big dream, her eyes were hazy.

Gu Shaoshang sat on the edge of the bed and gently lifted him up.

"I dreamed of an unimaginable gigantic world in which the Great Thousand World is but a drop in the ocean, where endless tyrannical innate beings live, and I seem to be one of them..."

Meng Bingyun's eyes were a little blurry, and she spoke slowly.

"...I am just a suit of her..."

"I see......"

Gu Shaoshang's eyes closed slightly, and the future master slowly deduced.

This situation is much more troublesome than the assimilation of the "Xi Hua Zhi Miao Zhen Jing" practice, because Meng Bingyun was originally this female fairy, who was differentiated for a certain purpose.

Responsiveness is a form of incarnation.

The difference is that it does not have the memory of its deity itself. It is generally separated for the purpose of understanding cause and effect. Generally, when the merit is perfect, it will return to the body.

Obviously, this female fairy differentiated Meng Bingyun in order to give birth to "Yi".

The deduction of the future gradually became a bit more prominent. Although it was very incomplete due to too little information, Gu Shaoshang also had a vague understanding of this matter.

In a big world, a female fairy, for a certain goal, differentiated into a body, came to this world, gave birth to Yi, and then, Yi Zi became Tao!

There may be other secrets, but Gu Shaoshang doesn't care too much.

The most urgent task at this time is Meng Bingyun. After the mission is completed, is it about to dissipate?


Meng Bingyun stood up gently, stroking his stern face with his palm, with a trace of reluctance: "Yingshen's existence is very short, and even, if it is not because of my husband, I will not restore the memory of Yingshen."

Her voice was still very soft, just like in the past, like the breeze blowing, like the ding dong of spring water.

"...Should dissipate, where are we going to find you?"

Gu Shaoshang was silent for a moment and asked.

"She is me, and I am her. Naturally, I will go and find me wherever she is."

Meng Bingyun smiled lightly.

"I will......."

Gu Shaoshang held her hand, and a glint of divine light flashed in his drooping eyes.


In the following days, Gu Shaoshang left Hong Yi in the Hall of Destiny and drifted away with Meng Bingyun.

The two walked aimlessly across the ninety-nine continents of Dagan. They not only went to Qingshakou, where they had been fighting for years, but also climbed the snow-capped mountains in the Western Regions, stepped over the seas of the Kamikaze Kingdom, and went to the Ice Country of Yuantu.

Finally, in Taishi Mountain, Gu Shaoshang watched her leave calmly.

Winter is coming to spring, summer is hidden and autumn is coming. In a blink of an eye, the end of the year is approaching, and Gu Shaoshang returns to the mansion alone.

This year, in the winter of the fifty-second year of Daqian, the son of Ji Yuan, Hong Yi, lost his mother at the age of seven.

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