Projection of the Heavens

v2 Chapter 576: return

More than 100 years have passed, and Gu Shaoshang in Lingxiao Palace slowly opened his eyes.

I saw a stream of starlight flowing, and Emperor Ziwei came to his side.

"I failed!"

Emperor Ziwei said with a calm expression.

Gu Shaoshang had said before that if he could conquer Tianxin in these three hundred years, he would help him, but he still overestimated himself and underestimated the difficulty of breaking through.

Gu Shaoshang glanced at him and said, "Hundreds of millions of years of depression may not have brought about a rapid outbreak, but may also have been a collapse."

He could see clearly that Emperor Ziwei had been staying in the realm of Jinxian for countless years, but his accumulation might not be enough to break out. His current strength is still worse than that of the Jade Emperor and others, and he is barely the same as the Queen Mother. grade.

Convincing Tianxin is naturally impossible.

"I heard you're leaving?"

Emperor Ziwei smiled without asking, and took out a pot of wine: "I'm here to see you for the last time, and then I'll go to retreat to find that chance!"


Gu Shaoshang nodded, clenched his palm slightly, and his vitality turned into a wine bottle and fell into the hands of the two of them.


Emperor Ziwei filled the wine bottle and drank it all in one go.

Gu Shaoshang held the wine bottle and also drank it down: "The road is difficult, I hope there will be a day of goodbye!"


Emperor Ziwei cupped his hands and left with a big smile.


Gu Shaoshang let out a long breath.

Two hundred years passed by in a flash, and in these two hundred years of retreat, his background has been re-accumulated. Although he can't talk about a breakthrough, he has made great progress in both cultivation and martial arts.

He has learned a lot of things, martial arts, immortal Tao, supernatural powers and boxing, and it is not so simple to make rapid progress.

It's easy to say, but it's not that simple to actually walk.

The White Snake and his party have gained a lot. Not only is his physical body about to be completed at this time, but his realm is also entering the middle stage of the void, and his combat power is enough to crush the first layer of gods and demons and compete with the second layer of gods and demons.

Such a gain, even he himself was a little surprised.

But this is the result of his accumulation.

"It's time to leave!"

Thoughts flashed in his mind, and his eyes swept across the human world again.

Two hundred years was just a blink of an eye for him, but the situation in the world had undergone earth-shaking changes.

Two hundred years of iron-blooded slaughter, the Tang Dynasty broke out the ability beyond the imagination of the gods and demons. Under the circumstance that the power of the Tang Dynasty did not exist, the Datang army swept the eight wastes. Victory in Shenzhou, Xiniu Hezhou was also almost occupied by the iron hoof of the Tang Dynasty.

The martial arts bred in the war is even more rapid, and a fairy finally appeared among the great people of the Tang Dynasty!

Zhang Bairen, Qiao Linger, Yun Ye, Li Longji, Wu Lin, Li Taibai and others were all promoted to Heavenly Immortals, stunned by the gods and Buddhas in the sky!

And Li Shimin's cultivation level has risen, and it has already climbed to the limit of Jinxian!

In just three hundred years, he has surpassed countless immortals, even faster than Gu Shaoshang back then!

He can even break through the bottleneck very soon, to be on par with the Queen Mother and Emperor Ziwei.

However, Gu Shaoshang knew that even if Li Shimin became the Emperor of Heaven, his achievements would not surpass that of the Jade Emperor and the Tathagata Buddha, unless he could lead the Tang army to jump out of the fence and conquer the heavens, otherwise, this life has been finalized.


The moment he got up, the infinite divine light peeled off from him.

This is the imprint of Tianxin, the fruit of Tiandi.

Once possessed this imprint of the Heavenly Heart, even a mortal person can ascend to the sky in one step and achieve the highest status.

Of course, it is impossible for a mortal to obtain the imprint of the Heavenly Heart.

After the imprint of Tianxin peeled off, Gu Shaoshang lost the blessing of Tianxin, and his will was not enough to illuminate the Three Realms, and he was even more vaguely rejected by the omnipresent Tianxin.

"Unfortunately, this heaven and earth fruit position cannot be taken away!"

Gu Shaoshang felt a little regretful.

Although this Heavenly Emperor status has little blessing for him, there is no doubt that it is a six-star treasure. If it can be brought back to the vast continent, it can almost create a pseudo-god and demon power.

It is a pity that this Heavenly Emperor fruit position is the imprint of the Heavenly Heart of this world, not to mention that it cannot be taken away, even if it is taken away, once it is out of this world, it will have no power at all.

However, he was only slightly regretful, so he didn't take it to heart, and walked out of the Lingxiao Palace slowly.

"Great Heavenly Venerate!"

"The Great God"

"The Great God"

Along the way, all the immortals bowed down and worshipped.

With the strength of Gu Shaoshang's feet, even if he didn't walk deliberately, he still came to the edge of the floating island of Miluo Palace after a while, and the endless fairy mist filled the air, and his vitality was flowing.

Not far from the floating island, the Queen Mother stood with her hands down.

"you are leaving?"

The Queen Mother asked.


Gu Shaoshang nodded and said, "Speaking of which, when I first entered the heavenly court, I just wanted to see you."

His eyes shone through the boundless sea of ​​clouds, and in a trance, he seemed to see the sea of ​​clouds forming a familiar figure.

"see me?"

The Queen Mother frowned slightly, her phoenix eyes narrowed slightly: "What do you mean?"

"Means nothing!"

Gu Shaoshang waved his hand.

Before, he thought that the Queen Mother was another incarnation of Meng Bingyun's deity, but now it seems that it is not.

As his realm improved, especially after he was cloned into Myriad Realms, he faintly touched some of the secrets.

Before, he thought that only the almighty above the seven stars could clone the world and obtain nourishment and accumulation, but now he has some doubts.

For example, Li Shimin, Wei Zheng, Niu Tau Ma Mian, etc. in this world, they also exist in many worlds, but are they seven-star powers?

But impossible!

The greater possibility is that there is a tyrannical and unparalleled world in the heavens and the world, and it can even affect the supreme avenue in the heavens and the world, so that many worlds opened up will be reflected. These exist.

This side of the world is very likely to be one of the worlds affected by that side of the world.

He can predict that it is very likely that some almighty with more than seven stars will not necessarily be projected incarnation, and some incarnations may not necessarily be seven-star powers.

"Why did you come to this world?"

The Queen Mother was a little puzzled.

Gu Shaoshang has only been in this world for more than three hundred years. He is not greedy for pleasure and does not care about power. Since he became the Emperor of Heaven, he has retreated in addition to fighting, and he has the appearance of an ascetic monk.

"For practice!"

Gu Shaoshang smiled lightly and said, "Now that the cultivation is complete, it's time to leave."

After saying that, a ray of divine light spread out from under his feet.

In an instant, the avenue of divine light, which appeared as long as a galaxy, pulled a trace that stretched thousands of miles across the sky.

Taking one step, he disappeared before Lingxiao Palace, crossed the endless distant space, and came to Beiju Luzhou.

Streams of light jumped up from the Three Realms and Six Paths at an unimaginable speed and submerged into his body, which were the countless clones he had transformed into before.

Now that he has decided to leave the White Snake World, he naturally won't leave so many clones.

In today's White Snake World, it is enough to just leave a clone to watch the evolution of martial arts.


The moment Gu Shaoshang stepped forward, huge ripples swayed above Beiju Luzhou, which was like a country of ice and snow.

Kunpeng, who is thousands of miles away, floated up into the air and made a huge roar: "Are you going to kill them all!"

On his back, Lu Yin, who was wearing a golden robe, had a gloomy expression on his face.

In the past two hundred years, the two have obtained a secret from outside the realm in the will left by Taiyi, and they are one step away from leaving this realm, but Gu Shaoshang came to the door.

"Gu Shaoshang!"

Lu Ya gritted his teeth and was about to say something.

"One punch!"

Gu Shaoshang was succinct, interrupting the thoughts of the two.

"What, what?"

Lu Ya's heart skipped a beat, and he instantly turned into a golden black crow floating into the sky, and his feathers stood up like golden swords.

Kunpeng, who was under him, trembled in his heart, bursting with endless demonic energy.

Gu Shaoshang didn't do much nonsense. He stepped out in one step, and the ten thousand miles of vitality was swept away by his tyrannical blood will. Many visions flashed past, and Jiujiuheyi made a continuous blow!

Boom! ! !

Thousands of hectares of space shook.

"You really want to kill them all!"

"Then the fish will die and the net will be broken!"

Seeing that Gu Shaoshang punched out the magical power method he used to fight against Taiyi, Kunpeng and Lu Ya roared at the same time, abandoned all magical power methods, and turned into two meteors and collided with Gu Shaoshang.

Kunpeng and Lu Ya are ancient monsters, and their physical tyranny is much stronger than the supernatural powers they possess.

This sudden explosion, the endless flames of demonic energy actually resisted Gu Shaoshang's blood energy explosion in a short period of time!

Boom! Boom! !

The sound of rolling stars exploding incessantly seemed like the sound of ten thousand thunder, and Gu Shaoshang's fist mark suddenly pressed down. It was like the Buzhou Mountain in the ancient prehistoric world fell, the Tianhe fell, and the sky collapsed!

In the past two hundred years, although Gu Shaoshang's cultivation has not broken through, his combat power is even stronger than that of two hundred years ago!

If it was him two hundred years ago, he would not have the confidence to kill Kunpeng Lu Ya with one punch.

But now, he no longer put the two in his eyes.

boom! boom!

In the roar of hundreds of millions of stars bursting, and the two explosions that the rolling void storm could not cover up, Kunpeng and Lu Ya, who were comparable to two small stars, were frequently beaten to death by Gu Shaoshang.

Before he could even let out a scream, he lost his strength to resist, and was taken into the prehistoric world by Gu Shaoshang.


The air flow that was repelled by Gu Shaoshang's fist mark poured back forming countless hurricanes flying around him.

Feeling one after another carefully watching his line of sight, Gu Shaoshang smiled lightly: "Zhutianjing, return!"

The space wrinkled like water, and then a small black hole cracked open.

"Let's go!"

Gu Shaoshang laughed out loud, and his body shook suddenly, turning into a purple light and stepping into the black hole.

"It's really outside the domain..."

"Let's go, it's alright!"

There is a sense of relief when several wills communicate with each other.

The oppression brought by Gu Shaoshang was too strong, and with him in one day, they felt terrified.

In Chang'an City, Li Shimin, who was melancholy and complicated in his heart, suddenly heard Gu Shaoshang's voice: "..."