Projection of the Heavens

v2 Chapter 873: Happy any man

"Yuanmang Swallowing Star Records......"

Gu Shaoshang watched quietly, feeling quite a bit in his heart.

Once upon a time, I was like Li Qingshan at that time. Under the teachings of my third uncle, I learned Yuanmang Swallowing the Stars.

Pass the fire from generation to generation, that's it.

Being a good teacher may be the instinct inscribed in the soul of every human race.

Among the heavens and the world, the innate is far more powerful than the human race. The human race can rise step by step because of this kind of transmission from generation to generation.

Li Qingshan and him are not from the same world, but they are both human races.


Li Qingshan took a deep breath, his face distorted.

Twisting his own muscles into this state should logically be the end of his muscles and bones, but Li Qingshan only felt that his whole body was warm, and his stomach seemed to be burning like coals of fire.


very hungry!

very hungry!

Li Qingshan's eyes turned green, and he only felt that every cell in his body was wailing and roaring, giving out a message of hunger.

Make him feel that at this time it is a whole tiger, and he can eat it all!

Immediately, he couldn't bear it any longer, and let go of his posture. With a spoon, he fished out a piece of tiger meat from the cauldron, even stuffing it into his mouth with a thong and grinning.

Tiger meat is not delicious, woody and astringent, but Li Qingshan only thinks it is delicious in the world!

Crunch, crunch!

In the rustling sound of teeth and bones, a big pot of tiger meat came to an end!

Even the belt bones and even the soup were drank cleanly by Li Qingshan!

"Not bad!"

Gu Shaoshang nodded slightly, and slapped his palm again, Li Qingshan suddenly looked like a boneless creature again, twisted like a big snake, crawling on the ground, constantly shaking.

Li Qingshan only felt that the warm currents spread from the stomach to the internal organs, then spread to the limbs, muscles and bones, and then slowly penetrated into every subtle place on the body!


The body was fluttering like a rising immortal, and an incomparably refreshing feeling came to his heart, making Li Qingshan unable to help his voice.

Gu Shaoshang looked with his hands behind his back.

It is impossible to create something out of nothing. The process of attracting and transforming is indispensable. Gather the essence of the sun and the moon, absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and travel to the depths. You can eat the wind and drink dew, and go on a hunger strike. It is to use the spiritual energy of heaven and earth to replace the mortal world. food.

Refining and transforming Qi is the first step in human cultivation. Before entering the hall, the five internal organs are the most important thing for people to obtain energy and cultivate.

The stomach is the most important thing. Before it can breathe out the spiritual energy, the stomach is the first step for the body to obtain nutrition.

Without a good appetite, practicing martial arts can only get twice the result with half the effort.

After a full half an hour, Li Qingshan slowly stood up, sweating profusely on his body, soaking his clothes, and an unpleasant aura emanated from his body.


Li Qingshan twisted his body slightly and made a series of throbbing sounds, as if he had taken off a thick iron coat, which made him feel a sense of pleasure that he had never had before!

Of course, this is just an illusion, and a pot of tiger meat is far from enough to make him reborn.

"Is this the practice?"

Li Qingshan clenched his fists and felt an unprecedented steadiness.

Gu Shaoshang smiled: "It's a long way off. If you eat more than ten worms like this, you won't be able to reach the threshold of cultivation."

Li Qingshan scratched his head embarrassedly, and felt mentally exhausted.

Gu Shaoshang naturally knew, and said, "It's too late, take it slow, and sleep if you want."

After all, he didn't say anything more, he also sat down with his knees crossed and meditated silently.

Li Qingshan tidied up the stove, sighed with relief, stretched his limbs, and lay comfortably on the straw, and soon fell into a deep sleep.

"Journey to the West Cosmos......"

With his eyes closed, Gu Shaoshang muttered to himself in his heart.

This big universe is the most powerful world Gu Shaoshang has ever seen since he traveled through the heavens. Hundreds of millions of universes are united together, and you can imagine how terrifying it is.

In particular, among these universes, there are many powerful worlds that are not low in level, and even have a big compass.

It is conceivable that at the center of all universes, how powerful is the true Westward Journey universe.

At this time, Gu Shaoshang had no idea to go, but there was no doubt that he would go sooner or later, whether it was because he had promised the monkey or his curiosity.

Not now, though.

While his thoughts were turning, strands of thoughts slowly dispersed in his mind, which were the traces of his avatars.

At the same time, his breath slowly recovered, neither fast nor slow.


A few days later, Li Qingshan, in addition to cultivating Yuanmang Swallowing Stars under the guidance of Gu Shaoshang, finally separated from his eldest brother and built a thatched hut by himself outside Woniu Village.

Yuan Mang Swallowing Stars is an extremely powerful foundation-building secret technique. With the addition of sufficient meat, Li Qingshan's thin body has slowly grown up, and in a short period of time, great changes have taken place.

And Qingniu, on a certain day, induced Li Qingshan to start a killing ring, and initially taught him "Nine Transformations of Gods and Demons", Niu Demon vigorous fist.

However, Gu Shaoshang didn't care, he just meditated every day and never asked Li Qingshan about anything other than martial arts.

With his realm, naturally he wouldn't care about Lao Niu's exercises.

Although he didn't take the initiative to look at it, Lao Niu Chuan Gong couldn't escape his attention.

Li Qingshan has not yet entered the door, Gu Shaoshang has already deduced it to the end.

On this day, Li Qingshan was quite happy to cut off the grievances and entanglements with his brother and sister-in-law, and stepped out of Wo Niu Village with ease.

Not far away, the three village gangsters looked at his back in awe, only to feel that Li Er had undergone an unimaginable change in a short period of time, making them both respectful and awe-inspiring.

At this time, the setting sun slanted westward, and the fire clouds on the horizon were burning fiercely, and the breeze blew past, blowing Li Qingshan's temples.

This young man has a straight waist and walks on foot. Although he looks immature, he already has the style of a hero.

Outside the small mountain forest, Gu Shaoshang was sitting cross-legged, and the old cow was lying not far away, shining in the afterglow of the setting sun.

Although one person and one cow have never talked again, there is no friction.

Looking at Li Qingshan, who was walking in a hurry, Qingniu "smiled": "Convince these three little gangsters, form a network in the village, and connect with other villages, you can become a hero who is proud of the mountains and forests, how can you refuse? already?"

In the afterglow, the young man stopped and said proudly, "What I, Li Qingshan, wants to make friends with, is not a hero and a hero, but also an iron-boned man who values ​​love and righteousness. How can I join forces with such a person."

The voice is illustrious, although it has the broken voice of a young man, it already has a bit of heroic meaning.

A little sophomore?

After speaking, Li Qingshan felt embarrassed again and touched the back of his head: "That's what I thought in my heart, the two brothers don't laugh at me and talk big."

"What kind of big talk is this?"

Everyone laughed.

Gu Shaoshang opened his mouth with interest and said, "It would be better if you were bigger. If you can scare me, I will give you a great fortune!"

Qingniu took out a wine gourd and threw it to Li Qingshan: "If there is any big talk, let's hear it."

Li Qingshan took the wine gourd, raised his head and took a big mouthful. Immediately, his face was slightly smoked, and some of it went up.

He said loudly: "I want to travel across the five lakes and four seas, the world's nine states, taste the world's delicacies, drink all the world's fine wines, cultivate the strongest supernatural powers, fight the strongest enemy, and the most beautiful woman in the world! I will live a vigorous life and live up to this. Eight-foot body!"

"Is it a big talk? Can it be realized?"

While drinking, the boy said what he had buried in his heart.

"must be able to!"

Qing Niu nodded, quite approving.

"It's a material that can be enjoyed by any man!"

Gu Shaoshang also praised, Li Qingshan has a fierce heart, and his temperament is quite in line with the way of demons, which is a pity.

He smiled and took out the wine jar from his arms, but it was the fine wine he took out from the prehistoric world.

"Five lakes and four seas are just small ponds, and the world's Kyushu is just the land of pills. Only after stepping through this place will you know how big the world is!"

Gu Shaoshang took a sip, recalled the finger that made his heart throb, and sighed slightly:

"If you wait to jump out of the fence, Brother Gu will take you to meet, what is the strongest enemy!"

With that said, he threw the wine jar to Li Qingshan.

"Good! There will be such a day!"

Li Qingshan took over the wine jar, his face flushed red, and his heart was ablaze.

It was Qingniu, who glanced at Gu Shaoshang and felt something was wrong.


After a few days, Li Qingshan returned from martial arts training, swallowing tiger meat and bones, and after running the Yuan Python Swallowing Star Record, he lay down and fell asleep.

Until the middle of the moon, suddenly, he felt a chill on his neck, and it was getting deeper and deeper, deep into the bone marrow and even the soul, extremely cold, and he couldn't help shivering.

"what happened?"

Li Qingshan rolled over and sat up, jumped out of bed and punched, but still felt a little cold in his neck.

He simply went to the stream beside the hut to wash his body. Tonight, the moon was bright. He looked into the stream and saw a pale child clinging to his body expressionlessly.


His heart skipped a beat, but he was not too afraid, and said, "What are you? Why are you hurting me?"

The child did not answer, and slowly disappeared.

Surprised, he couldn't help coming to the hut next door, wanting to ask Gu Shaoshang, remembering that it was the middle of the could not help but be patient.

At dawn the next day, he pushed Gu Shaoshang's door.

I saw that the house was empty, and Gu Shaoshang didn't seem to be in the house.

He stepped forward and saw a jade pendant carved from pure white jade on the bed.

He reached out and took it, only to feel a roar in his mind, a faint golden light appeared, and Gu Shaoshang's voice sounded:

"Martial arts are only within oneself, whether it is a demon or a human being, it all depends on one heart..."

After a long time, Li Qingshan came back to his senses and felt a little lost.


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