Projection of the Heavens

v2 Chapter 944: mighty world

Their team is not too strong, but they have experienced more than a dozen worlds, and this is the first time they have seen the legendary eight-star world!

How powerful is the eight-star world!

Among the many big worlds known to the main temple, there are only a few big worlds of the nine-star level that can surpass.

Everyone in the main temple does not understand the evaluation of many worlds, but they know that in a world rated as eight stars, there will be innate gods and demons and Daluo gods in it!

That kind of supreme powerhouse that is enough to shatter a universe at the click of a finger, a terrifying mess!

Except for the shuttlers of the heavens, most of the planes of reincarnation squads see a powerful existence that will rush to the street!

"calm down!"

The flat-headed captain wearing a silver cape gave a soft drink, suppressing the unease of several team members:

"The Lord God won't let us die. It's just an exploration mission. As long as you are careful, there won't be too much danger."

"Captain, this is an eight-star world, and you can pass it without a head iron."

One of the players couldn't help but complain.

The reason why their squad was named the Flat Head Squad was naturally because of his captain, who was famous for his tough head!

"To shut up!"

The captain's face darkened: "Get ready, the mask is going to be removed! Be careful, don't show your feet."

Although the main shrine is enough to shield them from cause and effect, and will not be revealed by the power of this world as soon as they enter this world, but if they reveal their faults, the lord **** will not be closed.


Several other team members nodded, barely holding back their worries.


The mask slowly dissipated, and several people stepped into the entire world with an eight-star rating.

"Gather information first and inquire about the movements of other teams. This is a joint mission. It is impossible for us to be just a few small shrimps..."

Slightly glanced around, Captain Flathead said through voice transmission.

Several team members nodded, each with a serious expression and careful handling.

The eight-star world is simply beyond their imagination. In such a world, I am afraid that a strong person who jumps out can crush their team.

At the same time, white lights flashed across many large domains, and even in the realm of the sea, and teams of plane teams silently submerged into this world.

More than 300 teams, adding up to only a few thousand people, blending into this world is smaller than a drop of water falling into the sea, almost no one can feel it.

Of course, this does not include Gu Shaoshang.

His karma incarnation has stayed in the main temple for countless thousands of years, and he has reached the peak of the reincarnation of the plane.

Although not much is known about the shuttlers of the heavens, the penetration of the reincarnation of the planes is extremely deep!

The Lord God has never intervened in the battle of the plane team itself. Therefore, since the endless years, there are not many reincarnation teams in the Lord Temple who have been controlled by his karma and become his eyes and ears!

Coincidentally, among the more than 300 teams that came to Perfect World this time, there was one person, and that was the captain of the previous Flathead team.

Of course, these people, they themselves will not know, even if they achieve Daluo, they may not know that their causal line has been peeped.


Above the highest heaven, under the ancient Bodhi tree, Gu Shaoshang opened his eyes thoughtfully:

"More than 300 teams? What authority did I use for him?"

Mingming almost pointed himself to death, but he still pursued and killed him persistently, saying that he had moved his authority.

Rao is Gu Shaoshang, and is also at a loss.

Involving himself and the "source", he couldn't deduce what happened.

"Could it be the source power?"

Gu Shao's heart shook: "But that's not right, the source force is the beginning of the development of a world, the source of the ten thousand Dao, the purple qi of the Kaitian Hongmeng, the existence above the big Luo, it can take some time to get... it the mirrors of the heavens..."

His thoughts flashed and he remembered such a possibility.

The celestial mirrors can project the heavens, manifest all things, and blind the perception of all power, which is somewhat similar to the main temple.

Could it be that the main temple has something to do with the mirrors of the heavens?

Otherwise, it is impossible to explain why "Yuan" made such a big move, and he had to do it himself before.

You must know that although the existence of Daluozhi's number can be called almighty, compared to the existence of Yuan, it is not worth mentioning.

As far as Gu Shaoshang knew, the most murderous Taoist Yujing among the shuttlers in the heavens shattered countless universes, and probably killed many of them.

Daluo should be nothing to "Yuan".

After all, in the endless years, there are so many worlds and the number of Da Luos born, I don't know how many.

"Perhaps, only by truly splitting the main temple can we know the secrets..."

Gu Shaoshang calmed down, knowing that it would be meaningless to think too much at this time.

Repairing the mirrors of the heavens is imminent.

He lifted slightly and looked at the battle of the heavens in the depths of the endless void.

The battle between the incarnation of the inner demon and the heaven eroded by God is extremely fierce. In time and space, in karma, in fate, in reincarnation, in yin and yang... Among countless avenues, there are battle of the two.

Silent, yet unimaginably tragic.

Even after the opening of reincarnation, the power of inner demons

The handle has risen sharply, and this battle cannot be over in a short time.

The battle that spreads to every inch of the world's avenues is not something that ordinary people can intervene. Gu Shaoshang sits in the heavenly court and constantly weakens the heavenly way, which is already the limit.

The entanglement between the two is too deep. You have me, and I have you. When Gu Shaoshang makes a move, both are injured.

If that's the case, Gu Shaoshang would have already made his move, but, what is needed to repair the mirrors of the heavens is the complete Heavenly Dao. Under Gu Shaoshang's shot, if the Heavenly Dao is damaged, how can we play.

"Some trouble..."

Gu Shaoshang rubbed his eyebrows and felt a sense of urgency.

At this time, there is no reincarnation person who comes to this world plane, and there is nothing worthy of his concern, but their arrival undoubtedly shows that the eyes of "Yuan" have most likely already been watching this world.

At least, some eyes may be watching this endless sea, including the perfect world.

It's only a matter of time before he finds out.

His body is in the vast Continent 6, which may be able to isolate the "source"'s attention, and his incarnation is nothing if it collapses.

But if you miss this way of heaven, it is rare to see opportunities like the perfect world.

If I miss this time, I don't know what year and month it will take to repair the mirrors of the heavens.

Gu Shaoshang would never want to be stuck in the vast Continent for the rest of his life!

That one-fingered hatred, he was thinking about it!


His eyes lowered, looking towards the boundless sea beyond the endless void.

If you want to further speed up the pace of inner demons, you must attack the sea of ​​​​world.


In a restaurant and a private room in Mingyu City, several members of the Flathead team looked at each other with sorrow.

Of course, it is not necessary to mention the means of the plane reincarnation team to inquire about the intelligence. In just a few days, they have already roughly learned some information about this world.

But knowing it, it made everyone's heart drop to the freezing point.

Not to mention their ninety-nine days and eighty-one regions, just the inconspicuous Mingyu City among the countless small towns in Jiulitian, the strong among them will be loaded with battles.

Walking around on the street at will, there are a lot of strong men walking around with aura that scare people to death, and the gods and immortal materials placed in many shops are even more terrifying.

A random glance from a young man who had not reached the crown before almost shattered their souls!

This is simply terrifying!

The flat-headed squad leader, who has always been stubborn, also looked blank at this time, feeling that the trouble was too great.

The vastness of this world is beyond their imagination.

This small town alone is comparable to one country in the world they had experienced before!

"Small city, big city, giant city, Yangshi, Yinshi, the world in the mirror, the supreme heaven, countless immortal kings, many heavenly emperors, and the Wushang Immortal Emperor who opened up reincarnation more than 100,000 years ago!"

Captain Flathead's scalp was cold, and it was cold to the bottom of his heart.

Near the window was a bald boy in a yellow martial arts uniform. The bald boy had a strange blindfold over his right eye, and an endless stream of data could be faintly seen.

This is a necessary combat effectiveness tester for the plane reincarnation team. It is said that it comes from a large universe that has been completely attacked by a certain heaven shuttle.

After countless people's improvement, it has become an indispensable treasure for many four-star teams.

The boy kept swept across the crowds walking on the street, compared to inquire about the realm of this world, and compared back and forth.

"Culin, how's it going?"

Captain Flathead spoke up, breaking the dull atmosphere.

The bald-headed boy with the blindfold scratched his head and turned around. The expression on his face was like crying and laughing, which was extremely complicated:

"Captain, there is big trouble!"

"Go ahead."

Captain Flathead waved his hand, of course he knew there was big trouble.

"This combat effectiveness tester is not top-notch, and it can't peep into the power of the ninth transformation of the gods and demons... That is to say, this world escapes a realm, and all embark on the road of the transformation of gods and demons!"

The young man named Kulin looked blue: "In this world, there are hundreds of millions of people who can shatter the stars with a single blow! How can you play this?"

"hundreds of millions......."

Several people looked at each other and laughed a little.

However, they were already mentally prepared, and they did not lose their temper again.

It's bad enough, and it doesn't get any worse.

"...At least, the exploration progress has broken through 1/10,000th. Perhaps it is unknown that the task can be completed only by inquiring about the information."

Captain Flathead comforted his teammates, saying things he didn't believe.


Suddenly, the watches on the wrists of several people vibrated white light rose up, and a calm voice echoed in the hearts of several people:

"I'm the captain of the Fangcun Squad of the Seven-Star Squad, Fang Tudao! I'm in this world right now, anyone who wants to join forces, come and find me!"

"Fang Tudao?"

Several people were shocked.

The captain of this Fangcun squad is already a terrifying figure who has reached the peak of the nine-fold transformation of the gods and demons, and the four-day gate of the gods is almost unified.

Among the countless plane reincarnation teams, there are a few tyrannical existences that can be compared with the shuttlers of the heavens!

They naturally know.


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