Projection of the Heavens

v2 Chapter 957: from above

Surrounded by endless divine light, billowing chaotic energy, billions of fairy lights, and thousands of colorful clouds.

That figure stood there, and the vast aura covered the entire time and space river. It didn't make any movement, but just stood there, as if to cut off the time and space river.

"Before eternity, or the future?"

Ye Fan's face moved slightly, and he looked towards the end of time and space.

"Space-time is like a ring, and the end may also be the beginning. Whether it's the past or the future, what's the difference?"

On the Taoist platform, Gu Shaoshang's eyes were calm, and he looked directly at the figure that seemed to transcend the long river of time and space.

In his eyes, there was a figure with a high crown, a face with an ancient face, like a human race, but it had vertical pupils, like double pupils, but it was extremely demonic and scarlet.

Its aura is incomparably tyrannical, and the swiping of the eyes seems to be able to cut off the long river of time and space.

Behind him, faintly visible, a more stalwart and powerful black figure.

That black figure fills the world, it is extremely huge, as big as the world can't hold it in time and space. What is even more amazing is that the endless darkness reaches the heaven above the sky!

In Gu Shaoshang's eyes, faintly visible, the desolate and dilapidated battlefield in Tianyuan!

For many immortal kings and even quasi-immortal emperors, time is like a long river, rushing forward, not daring to rebel, for fear of being contaminated by cause and effect and perishing, but for the number of Daluo, it is nothing.

That man was an Immortal Emperor who had ascended to Daluo, or rather, a partial incarnation of Daluo, somewhat similar to Gu Shaoshang.

Not from the past or future, but from above God!

God guest!


Standing before the eternity, the one that was faintly detached from the long river of time and space surrounded the infinite chaotic energy, looked down on the terrifying existence of the eternal sky, and suddenly opened its mouth and looked at the chaos of ancient time and space.

His eyes were extremely indifferent. First, he glanced at the female emperor who was in the process of transformation in the world sea, and then glanced at Wu Beginning and the dark immortal emperor in the war in the world sea... Finally, his eyes lighted. Condensed on Gu Shaoshang's body.

An inexplicable light flashed in his eyes.

"Coming against the chaotic time and space, helping the famine, changing the future, and wanting to determine the supreme existence of the long river of time and space, we finally meet!"

That existence spoke calmly, not very mighty, but it flowed through the time and space of eternity, resounding through the chaos of ancient time and space.

His target seemed to be Shi Hao, but it seemed to be Gu Shaoshang.

"You are from, Primordial Primordial Realm..."

Gu Shaoshang sat cross-legged and did not move, obviously he already knew.

The battlefield after Tian Yuan was the Primordial Realm of Primordial Primordial Primordial. He knew this from Cang Emperor's Primordial Spirit.

Although he didn't know much about that world, at least, the origin of this man could not be concealed from him.

Those who can transcend this time and space may not only be people in this world, but may also come from above.

"God's guest......"

Ye Fan's eyes were bright, his eyes swept across the long river of time and space, and the existence of the one who watched deeply.

Until now, I finally got a glimpse of God!

The Primordial Realm of Primordial Primordial is equivalent to a giant that spans the infinite and infinite multiverse. It will naturally attract and devour all worlds. It is incredibly powerful!

He already knew that if Gu Shaoshang did not go against the current time and space to enter the chaos of ancient time and space, after they repaired the fairyland, they might also encounter those existences, so that they had to ask for help from the barren emperor.

This is the enemy!

Whether it is for the Emperor Huang Tian, ​​or for him, it is the same!

If they hadn't entered the chaos of ancient time and space, I am afraid that after the era of Heavenly Emperor he opened up, it would end in the hands of the Primordial Realm of Primordial Yuan!

"You know the Primordial Primordial Realm? It seems that the chess piece I left has already been searched by you!"

The existence standing at the end of time and space smiled slightly, as if there was no major accident or anger.

The existence of the Primordial Realm of Primordial Yuan is not a secret, and he naturally does not care whether Gu Shaoshang knows his origin.

As for the Emperor Cang, he didn't even put it in his eyes, he was nothing more than an abandoned son with impure blood.

"Know a thing or two."

Gu Shaoshang nodded slightly, he was also very interested in the Primordial Primordial Realm.

As far as he knows, in the Primordial Realm of Primordial Primordial, there are so many forces that I don't know how many, and even more powerful ones, he knows too little.

If this person is willing to say, of course it is excellent.

"The general trend is irreversible, it is inevitable that this world will sink! As the number of Da Luo, why should you care about a small world and three or two ants?"

Unexpectedly, after seeing Gu Shaoshang, the existence did not rush to do it, but like a friend, persuaded:

"The Primordial Realm of Hunyuan is more suitable for Daoist brothers to go to. With your cultivation base, you can become a prince of one party and rule over many small realms!"

"Just a small world, three or two ants?"

Ye Fan raised his eyebrows and said coldly, "You are so high above, don't you know if you were born holy and born to be Daluo?"

In the eyes of this person, there are only three or two ants, and this kind of indifference makes Ye Fan angry.

Although he has practiced for more than a million years, he has never regarded all living beings as ants!

"Ha ha!"

Standing at the end of the world, the existence above the long river of time and space was not only not angry, but laughed:

"You're right, I was born to be Daluo! Born to be holy! Seventeen chaos are born in the boundless sea of ​​chaos, and I can see the rise and fall of the world! Life is a hundred years, and a day is a day! In my opinion, there is no difference between all born and born beings. !"

"Brother Dao, you are still too young, you don't know the Dao, but you need to be trained!"

The last sentence was indeed what he said to Gu Shaoshang.

With his eyesight, he can naturally see the relationship between Gu Shaoshang and Ye Fan.

In a chaotic 5.6 billion years, he gave birth to seventeen chaotics just from his birth. How can he pay any attention to some acquired creatures whose lifespan is less than a thousand?

For him, what is the difference between ants and people?


Ye Fan's eyes were cold, and he deeply reflected the man's face into his heart.

Seventeen Chaos?

A chaos, I will be enough to kill you!

"Greeding up the seventeen chaos, I became the number of days in Da Luo, my son is much stronger than you!"

Gu Shaoshang looked slightly cold, pressed Ye Fan's shoulder, and said lightly: "After the seventeen chaos, you can't look back on my shoulders!"

"Haha! How can Daluo be idle?"

The man smiled and glanced at Gu Shaoshang indifferently: "The person who succeeds in the day after tomorrow is just like that.... In the end, it's different from me!"


The long river of time and space trembled, as if stimulated by the man's anger, making an earth-shattering loud noise.

The time and space of the party are shaking violently, setting off a frenzy.

"Your attitude reminds me of bad memories."

The man was no longer interested, his eyes became cold, and he said lightly: "I want to take the origin of this world, do you want to stop me?"

The number of each Daluo is not a simple character, even in the Primordial Primordial Realm, it is enough to dominate one side.

If possible, he is unwilling to fight with Gu Shaoshang.

Even, he didn't come to kill Shi Hao, that's not realistic, Shi Hao is the number of Da Luo, even killing his past body is meaningless.

He came here only because the fluctuations of the Heavenly Dao in this world are extremely violent, and he wants to come here to get the origin of the Heavenly Dao.

Although he belittles this world, the origin of this world is also a supreme medicine for Daluo.

Besides, in this world, there is nothing worthy of his concern.

Kill the famine?

That's not his purpose, and he doesn't bother to do it!

If you want to kill, it is above God, in the Primordial Primordial Realm, it may not be impossible!

"How about stopping you?"

Gu Shaoshang responded lightly.

There was a pity in his heart, and it was a pity that something should have come out of his mouth.

If Daluo exists like this, if he is not willing, no one can let him spit out a word.


The man nodded slightly, and the air between his nose and mouth was slightly swallowed, which caused the earth to tremble, and the time and space fluctuated:

"The one who killed you, the Hunyuan Honghuang Realm, the Hunyuan Datiandi, the Taihuang God Realm, the Nine Heavens of the Immortal Dao, the Moon Moon, and the Shaoyang You!"

As the voice drifted, Shaoyang You squeezed the magic formula in the palm of his hand.

The endless chaotic energy emanated and moved, and the countless magical powers synthesized a strange big seal in a mysterious and unpredictable trajectory!

Above the big seal, the color is chaotic, with blue and purple inside, not in the five elements, not in the yin and yang.

Just in an instant, a seal fell!

Boom! !

The glorious divine light is vertical and horizontal, the boundless stars rustling down, like dust falling into the long river of time and space, the sea of ​​​​stars in the space and time is broken, and the world collapses!

Under one seal, the world turned upside down!

The boundless giant force lifted up the entire time and space, and the time and space in the past seemed to have really turned into a tide, rolling down from the upstream, and pressing towards the chaotic time and space where Gu Shaoshang was!

It can be seen faintly that there is a powerful presence in the space and time of one of them.

With just one blow, time and space have already undergone tremendous changes!

If Gu Shaoshang did not accept this seal, countless beings would die in the past!

Gu Shaoshang's black hair swayed slightly, and the entire world in the mirror trembled violently in a force of incomprehensible force.

Far away in time and space, the great world that Gu Shaoshang opened up with the Dao of Void was overwhelmed.

If there is a real battle, the time and space of this side will collapse in an instant, and the yang world and the underworld will suffer irreparable damage!

"What about Da Luo? Immortal Emperor is not invincible!"

Ye Fan stood up abruptly, his black hair fluttered like a sword, his divine posture flourished, and his fighting spirit burst out uncontrollably.

It is the number of Da Luo, the honor of the Immortal Emperor, and he is not afraid!

"You go first with Shi to pacify the chaos in the Boundary Sea!"

At the same time as Ye Fan got up, Gu Shaoshang also got up slowly, and patted Ye Fan's shoulder with his palm:

"This battle will be handed over to the father."

One step, stepping into the endless river of time and space.

This person is different from the half-crippled Dark Immortal Emperor. He is a flawless Daluo. His body is blocked by Heaven, and his combat power far exceeds that of the Dark Immortal Emperor!

Boom! !

Gu Shaoshang stepped out one step, and the endless blood and energy rolled up, swaying the water of endless time, upstream!


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