Projection of the Heavens

v2 Chapter 981: mechanical universe

How can it go wrong? !

How is this possible!

I obviously went back to the past from the future, how could there be a deviation?

how come! !

Tian Jian Dao's heart is like a drum, sweat is like pulp, and his heart almost collapses.


The airflow blew slightly, and he shivered suddenly. Looking at the dimly lit hall, he only felt that there was infinite terror inside.

"Yes, yes, Xiaodao sees the prince..."

After several times of ups and downs, the Tianjian Taoist showed an extremely ugly and stiff smile, and moved into the hall step by step.

Many of his disciples, including the stern young man in black, all stopped and stayed outside the hall.

"this time......."

Elder Tianjian's disciple was stiff and sweat dripped from his forehead.

Intuitively, I told myself that this time I might cause big trouble.


The old man Tianjian slowly walked into the hall with stiff steps.

The hall was slightly dim because of the closed windows. Fortunately, it was not past noon at this time, and the light was naturally excellent, but in the eyes of the old man Tianjian, it felt dim.

After a short distance of more than ten meters, the old man Tianjian kept moving for half an hour before walking into the hall.

In the hall, the decoration is luxurious and there are many strange treasures.

On the throne in front of the hall, a young man in black was reclining, and a middle-aged man with a sincere look stood on one side with his hands down.

In front of the man in black, there was a shivering young man kneeling.

da da da~

Gu Shaoshang rested his chin with one hand and tapped the back of the chair with the other, making a low and distant voice that echoed in the hall.

The two people in front of them are quite interesting, it seems that they came to this time and space because of the overlap of time and space before.

A complete universe, in which there are countless time and space variables, and an almost infinite superposition of parallel universes, together form a complete large universe.

But among many parallel universes, there are similar people and things, and there are also unknown people and things.

In this parallel universe, you are a beggar begging on the side of the road. In the other parallel universe, you may be the leader of a country, the ancestor of a faction, and of course, you may also be a beggar.

Only by accomplishing Daluo can we truly unify all of ourselves in many parallel universes.

This white old man seems to have jumped from the timeline of a parallel universe.

And the young man kneeling in front of him is from the other side of the universe, the mechanical universe.

He had escaped into the Zhendong Palace before and wanted to kill his son, but he seemed to want to replace him.

Gu Shaoshang knew that such an existence would be unknown at this time.

However, if he wants to play, just play with him.

On the contrary, he is vaguely familiar with this method. It seems that in the endless infinite multiverse, there is a notorious guy who likes to move the long river of time and space the most.

"Tell me, what do you want to do?"

Gu Shaoshang lightly glanced at the sweaty Tianjian old man and said.

This old man is interesting, and he actually wants to accept apprentices.

Xu Shi was so confident that he didn't even inquire, so he came to him in a big way.

Also a talent.


Daoist Tianjian only felt that Gu Shaoshang's eyes contained unimaginable horror, and just one glance shattered his heart.

The courage that he finally mustered dissipated in an instant, and he fell to the ground, his clothes were soaked, and his face was pale.


Tianjian Daoist's lips trembled, and his heart fell to the bottom.

Where it is still unknown, Gu Shaoshang's cultivation is far beyond his imagination.

"Perhaps, you want me to come by myself?"

Gu Shaoshang's eyes narrowed slightly and said calmly.

"I don't have a prince, I don't want a prince! Xiaodao will come by himself, Xiaodao will come by himself!"

Tianjian Taoist is clever.

He is a great cultivator in the late Nascent Soul, and he knows how many ways to extract the soul.

And if there is such an existence in front of him, I don't know how much the means of extracting the soul and refining the soul will be out of my own. Where can I dare to hesitate?

It was the matter of his own rebirth. Under the gaze of Gu Shaoshang, he unconsciously said it.


Gu Shaoshang was dumbfounded.

However, an imperceptible overlap of the space-time line actually thought that he was a rebirth.

However, if he didn't exist, knowing the many specious trends after that, it would barely be called "rebirth".


After speaking, Tianjian Daoist felt cold again, why did he even tell this secret? !

"Tell me, how do you want to die?"

Gu Shaoshang restrained his thoughts and glanced at the two of them lightly.

The value of these two people is optional, and it doesn't matter whether they are killed or not. However, if there are many people like them, it needs a few errands to fight.

After all, if any cat or dog had to do it himself, he would be too embarrassed.

Especially, when the opponent might be a strong Primordial Priest, Gu Shaoshang wants to win even more!

"Your Highness, spare your life! Your Highness, spare your life!"

Hearing this, the two kneeling on the ground were suddenly full of hurried kowtows.

He was slightly relieved, knowing that the terrifying existence in front of him did not intend to kill them, otherwise, it would be impossible to talk nonsense.

However, he also knew that if he didn't have enough value, he would still be crushed to death.

Immediately, the Tianjian Daoist said loudly: "Xiaodao admires the prince when he sees the prince, and is willing to be a servant for the prince!"

There is great terror between life and death, especially a "reborn" person like Tianjian Daoist would not be willing to die again without doing anything.

"Small too, too small!"

The young man from the mechanical universe was slightly startled and nodded quickly.

"What are you capable of? Dare to be mad and want to be the prince's dog?"

Lian Yan, who was standing beside Gu Shaoshang, glanced at the two people who couldn't stop knocking with contempt, and sneered.

He doesn't really look down on this kind of greedy person who is afraid of death.

"Your Highness, Rongqi!"

Seeing that Gu Shaoshang didn't say anything, the Taoist Tianjian suddenly felt certain, and said: "Xiaodao is the master of Tianjianmen, and his cultivation base is already in the late Nascent Soul. The thirteen disciples are all Jindan cultivation bases, and there are many outside disciples under the sect. No less than 30,000, most of them are innate cultivation bases! …”

Immediately, Tianjian Daoist spoke out a lot, the combat power of his sect, the cultivation of his disciples, the magical powers he knew, and the resources he had.

"Haha! It's just something foreign, how can it compare to me?"

The young man from the mechanical universe suddenly burst out laughing and said: "My lord, the young man is from the mechanical universe, and his practice is very different from this world. It is the mechanical divine way of practice, pursuing the truth of the universe and unlocking supernatural powers!  … ....

What the little one has is the electromagnetic force among the four strongest superpowers, the strong nuclear force, the weak nuclear force, the electromagnetic force, and the gravitational force! "

"What electromagnetic force?"

Tianjian Daoist wanted to be angry, but when he saw Gu Shaoshang saying nothing, he was shocked and asked.


The young man opened his mouth, thinking that if he started from the beginning, he didn't know when he was going to talk about it.

After pondering for a while, he opened his mouth to ask Gu Shaoshang for instructions, and then stood up: "The hall is too narrow, can the lord move outside?"

"No need."

Gu Shaoshang waved his hand at will.

What he practices is strength.

In Gu Shaoshang's understanding, strength is the most refined and pure, but it is vast, it is the perfect combination of "one" and "ten thousand", and all the avenues start from strength.

The young man bowed slightly and took out a small piece of metal.

Then just toss.


I saw a ray of electric light flickering, and a huge mushroom cloud suddenly burst into the void, wrapped in a hurricane sound wave, instantly tore the hall and disappeared into the sky.

There was only a few feet in diameter, as if a violently burned air column spread in the sky, dozens of miles.

"What kind of magic is this?"

Tianjian Daoist was taken aback.

In his opinion, the aura of the young man was only stronger than that of the innate, and it was not comparable to the Jindan cultivator who had survived the forty-nine tribulations.

With a casual strike, it was hit hundreds of miles away, much faster than his imperial envoy Feijian!


The scattered electric light dissipated, the hall was in a mess, the hall columns were cracked, and many exquisite decorations were shattered by sound waves.

"My lord..."

The young man breathed a sigh of relief and was about to say something.

He saw Gu Shaoshang pinched his index finger and snapped his fingers lightly.

A strange scene happened.

It was as if time had flowed backwards. The pierced walls, broken decorations, and cracked hall columns were all restored to their original state.

"This is!"

The young man was shocked.

As an electromagnetic controller, he can naturally feel that it is not a reverse flow of time and space.

It was the object that was broken into the finest particles before, under the action of a force, it was reorganized!

This is also an advanced use of force!

In the mechanical universe, the so-called way of supernatural power is deduced to an extremely terrifying height.

As far as he knows, the primary application of electromagnetic force is to push objects electromagnetically to make powerful attacks. If it is slightly better, it can control many particles in the blood of living beings, and one finger can decompose any object from the particle level.

The legendary powerful electromagnetic controller can absorb the magnetic field power of any celestial body in any universe, and can control cosmic rays, destroy stars, and shake galaxies between thoughts.

In the deduction of all the power users in the mechanical universe, the electromagnetic force has reached its peak, enough to shatter the universe with one finger!

Of course, no one in the mechanical universe can reach that level.

Obviously, this mysterious powerhouse in front of him has actually mastered the electromagnetic force.

"It's kind of Gu Shaoshang's eyes flickered slightly.

All roads lead to the same destination, and it is no surprise that he understands electromagnetic force.

The electromagnetic force is mastered to a certain height, making the virtual become real, making the real become illusory, and creating and destroying the world in the process of thinking is just a normal operation. To a certain extent, it is also a way of cultivation.

Theoretically speaking, if someone in that mechanical universe could integrate the strong nuclear force, the weak nuclear force, the electromagnetic force, and the gravitational force, it would be enough to go against the innate and achieve Da Luo.

Destroying the world and creating the world, reversing time and space, controlling the fate of a world, and redefining the essence of the universe are the ability of Daluo.


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