Projection of the Heavens

v3 Chapter 1583: ultimate! (4000 words)

In the vast and boundless sea of ​​chaos, the lights are shining like stars.

You can faintly see that under the interweaving of the red gold divine light that blooms in the countless multiverses, a pair of eyes slowly emerge in the sea of ​​chaos.

The scorpion was so big that with a slight movement, it seemed that there were infinite multiverses rising and falling in it, endlessly spinning, and countless space-time dimensions were floating and shrinking in it.

Between the drooping eyes, a huge wave was set off in the chaos, slapping the ten directions, and the Hengsha universe rolled around.

"Wuzu is about to gain the upper hand..."

In the chaotic sea, one after another will shake slightly.

The battle between the Martial Ancestor and the source of the main temple is higher than all dimensions, and reflected in the heavens of the world, it is the entanglement of two colors above the infinite multiverse.

At this time, the golden light was burning, forming the eyes, there is no doubt that the Martial Ancestor has gradually gained the upper hand.

However, the fly in the ointment is that even in the countless multiverses that make up that pair of eyes, there is still a ray of white light that can be extinguished.

"Since the main temple has been robbed for thousands of years, it is not only the ten masters of Hunyuan, but the number of people who travel through the heavens in the Daluo series far exceeds that of the ancestors, even if there are other innate gods and demons who are hostile to the main temple. Take action, but it shouldn't be so easy to let Martial Ancestor gain the upper hand..."

"It's really weird. At this point in the battle, the fallen Daluo seems to be much less than expected. It seems that more skywalkers have retreated without fighting..."

"It seems that someone else is intervening in it, but I don't know which one is secretly helping Martial Ancestor..."

Looking at the countless cosmic time and space, dimensional dimensions, and will or surprise or curiosity in the boundless chaotic sea, guess who shot this time.

It is a pity that the particularity of the main temple makes it possible for anyone to take action on it, and anyone may help it, but it makes it impossible for the onlookers to guess.

It is about the entanglement of two supreme giants, and no one in the world can deduce it, and it is even more impossible to predict the outcome of the two.


Time and space are shrinking and the dimensions are confusing. Two indescribable wills of Xuan He are entangled like trillions of immeasurable dragons, radiating infinite time and space, running through many dimensions, but higher than all time and space, higher than all dimensions.

At a certain moment, the will that intertwined with each other through countless time and space dimensions shook slightly, and the red gold radiance burned:

"The Great Dao is like the sky, covering everything, the intersection of ten thousand Dao, its name is the source, the source, I have already understood the essence of you..."

Vaguely, you can see the endless stream of Dao Yun flickering in the red gold brilliance.

Immortal Dao, Shin Dao, Spirit Dao, Demon Dao, Demon Dao, Ghost Dao, Human Dao......

Cultivation of qi and blood, divine possession, three souls and seven souls, the way of supernatural powers, the way of science and technology... All the worlds and heavens, it seems that all the paths of cultivation have been shining in the stream of red gold.

When the will of the red gold vibrated, the white divine light that was entangled in countless dimensions was also prosperous.

Amidst the white light, an indifferent, ruthless and selfless cold will responded:

"In the medal...also very good."

In the blink of an eye, the white light also turned into a torrent of infinitely small particles. The infinite particles rolled in each other, echoing each other, and interweaving layer by layer. It was very chaotic but orderly. In the flow, it seemed that thousands of universes were born in it, infinitely large. The world is derived from it.

Particles transform into soil, and then promote an immeasurable explosion, giving birth to ten thousand kinds of Dao aggregates, infinite possibilities.

It is the golden medal of the beginning!

Even under the wriggling of the particles, a magical sword with an inexplicable length and endless sharpness gradually emerged.

The two intertwined and collided with each other, which was the most brutal collision, and the Taoism of each other, in this endless collision, was gradually captured by each other.

Gu Shaoshang naturally learned the countless mysteries of Yuan in this endless collision, and Yuan naturally also learned the mystery of the Golden Seal of Absolute Beginning.

It is a pity that Gu Shaoshang had already cut off the divine fist way in the beginning, and only the divine emperor was the only one who was captured by him.

In addition to the Absolute Beginning's Divine Fist Dao obtained by taking care of Shaoshang's body, even if the magic of the Absolute Beginning's Divine Fist Dao has mysteries from the Primordial Spirit, the benefits to the source are also much worse.

"Nature is excellent..."

Gu Shaoshang's will trembled slightly, burning Yuan's incomparably tyrannical will like fire, just one collision, it was convenient for the heavens of all realms and the universe of Hengsha to burst out a wave of destruction:

"Unfortunately, you are not me, you may not be able to use the golden stamp of the beginning!"

The source no longer responds.

But the next moment, the white light flourished, and there was a more violent collision with the red gold streamer.

Kill each other, collide with each other.

For a time, Hengsha's boundless universe and space-time vibrated for it.


The autumn wind is bleak and everything is dead.

In the splendid giant city, pieces of yellow leaves are flying, hovering in the air like clouds, falling into the city, sweeping away endlessly.

In the late autumn, there is already a three-point coolness between the heaven and the earth, but the giant city is still very noisy and lively.

On the street, there is a lot of traffic, pedestrians come and go in an endless stream, and the hawkers are screaming one after another, with a humane appearance.

Above the sea of ​​clouds in the sky, one after another, or condensed, or domineering, or aloof, or cold, or violent figures stood in it, staring indifferently at the boundless earth.

"Xiongba, Liu Rui! When do you want me to retire?"

On the edge of the sea of ​​​​clouds, a majestic man with strong muscles and bones, like a golden cast, shook his back like a fire cloak, and said coldly:

"To this day, the many multiverses I am stationed in have already fallen to 84,000 squares. Even if I wait to stay behind, it will not be able to stop them for long. You can feel it, the breath of the invader has become more and more The more tyrannical!"

As the big man spoke, dozens of figures above the sea of ​​​​clouds turned to look at Xiongba and Liu Rui, who were surrounded by everyone.

The eyes of Guan Qi, Li Chenzhou and the others were even more undisguised.

"Ask yourselves, fellow Daoists, what if you don't retreat? Yes, I am much more than Da Luo who invaded, but..."

Xiongba stood on the cloud head with his hands behind his back and swept through many Daluo shuttlers. He had already expected this scene, and he was not surprised:

"There are more than trillions of universes governed by the main temple? Even me and others are stationed in trillions of multiverses, and the manpower is far from enough, and they will only be destroyed by people! Without me, it is only those who have not reached the innate shuttle. , Reincarnation, the number is more, and it doesn't make any sense!"

"Yeah, without you and me, reincarnations who have not yet reached the innate have no meaning in this battle."

The big man smiled coldly, swept over Xiongba, Liu Rui and others, and said lightly:

"Then what do you think, without the Lord God, in front of the Martial Ancestor, what are you and me?"

There is no wave in the ancient well in Lord Thunder Dragon's heart.

He joined the main temple far longer than Xiongba, and his strength was stronger, and he saw the essence of this war more clearly.

Any Hunyuan Wuji is a supreme giant enough to sit still and sweep the heavens of the world, and the Martial Ancestor who invaded the main temple, even in Wuji, is an absolute powerhouse, and it is even more famous. overbearing.

Once he overturned the main temple, even if he did not take action to suppress the fish that slipped through the net, he could only escape in his life.

There is no possibility of being promoted to Primordial Yuan anymore.

He has already reached the end of Daluo, and he is only one step away from the former Feng Xiaozhong, and is qualified to pursue the Hunyuan Dao.

I definitely can't tolerate my lack of progress in the second half of my life.


Xiongba's face trembled, and his face was extremely gloomy:

"Lord Thunder Dragon, what do you want to say?!"

Xiongba was extremely angry in his heart, but he didn't dare to attack.

This Thunder Dragon Lord is a giant of the sky shuttles who has become more enlightened than him, and the cultivation of Da Luo Jinshu is stronger than him.

Unless he pulls out the magic gun at this time, he and Liu Rui may not be able to suppress him if they work together.

"Though what Thunder Dragon said is ugly, it's not unreasonable."

The other people who traveled through the heavens had different expressions and uncertain thoughts, but some people couldn't help but nod their heads in agreement.

No matter how they joined the main temple, willingly or reluctantly, the logo of the main temple had already been branded on them, and they could never be washed away.

Once the main temple falls, waiting for their fate, it will not be much better.

"One universe and one time and space are naturally extremely insignificant, but the main temple is composed of these universes as the cornerstone. Without these universes, the main temple will eventually collapse!"

Thunder Dragon Lord's rough face is full of indifference:

"We can't take a step back! With the strength of our team, even if Ji Huanyu, Chen Zhan, and Dugu Baitian are tyrannical, they are not opponents!"

Speaking of this, Thunder Dragon Lord's eyes gradually brightened:

"It's easier to attack and defend!"

"Brother Lei!"

At this time, Liu Rui slowly raised his head, looked at the majestic Thunder Dragon Lord, and said calmly:

"Then what do you think, under the circumstance that the Martial Ancestor already has the upper hand, what's the point of me going to fight Ji Huanyu, Dugu Baitian and others to the death to the end?"

Liu Rui knew in his heart that even if he and Xiongba gathered these people together, he didn't really need to unite with those invaders.

Although the Thunder Dragon Lord is willing to fight the invaders for life and death, not everyone will be willing.

In the final analysis, the Chaos Sea is vast and boundless, and it is expanding all the time. If you really cut off the traces and escaped into a small world, then the Martial Ancestor may not necessarily go to search and make a move.

"Could it be that Brother Lei has a quick way to win?"


Thunder Dragon Lord frowned.

Quick win?

Daoist Yujing, Li Hansha, Daoist Reincarnation, Lord of Nightmare and other ten masters in charge of the Primordial Primordial have no way to win quickly, how could he have a way?

Liu Rui and Xiongba looked at each other, Xiongba looked solemn and nodded.

"Since Daoist Lei has no idea, you might as well listen to me. The reason why I and the gang leader Xiong called you here, as I said before, there is a clear path!"

Liu Rui took a deep breath and said:

"Originally, I wanted to wait until all the fellow daoists gathered before saying it, but now that I think about it, the chaotic sea is vast, and most fellow daoists are afraid that they won't be able to come..."

Xiongba put his arms around his chest, his face not very good-looking.

As they had discussed before, they only had two paths, one was to wait for the last minute to take action, and the other was to find the source world where the Martial Ancestor invaded the main temple.

But at this time, only one was thrown out.

Otherwise, I am afraid that the next moment, their already fragile alliance will collapse.

"Fellow Daoist Liu, talk about what you have to say! If I can't do it after waiting for dozens of people, even if I come to Hundred Zun Daluo again, I won't be able to do the same!"

"That's right, Brother Liu, I still believe you as a human being."

"It's all my own. Brother Liu Daoist doesn't have to give up."

Hearing that Liu Rui seemed to be well-informed, the thoughts of all the people who traveled through the heavens could not help but be a little lively.

As Liu Rui expected, many of them actually didn't want to live and die with the main temple at all, but they didn't want to pay a huge price to escape before the final moment.

"Brother Lei, what do you mean?"

Liu Rui looked at Thunder Dragon Lord with a question in his eyes.

"If Fellow Daoist Liu is sure, I naturally have no opinion."

The Thunder Dragon Lord's expression was cold, but he still nodded.

"That Martial Ancestor incarnates trillions of infinity, attacking the main shrine simultaneously from the time and space of the infinite universe of Hengsha. At this time, it is even more entangled with the source..."

Liu Rui's eyes narrowed, and he said lightly:

"The Master of Reincarnation, the Lord of Nightmare and other ten masters of Primordial Primordial are all being held back. It is meaningless for me to join the war. The only chance to win is to intervene in the battle between those two... ."

Saying that, Liu Rui pointed to the two omnipresent wills above the sky.


Thunder Dragon Lord almost thought he heard it wrong: "What did you say?"

"Why did Brother Liu say this?"

"Liu Rui, do you want me to wait and die?"

"Just let me wait and want to intervene in the fight between those two?"

Above the sea of ​​​​clouds, all the other heavenly shuttlers were also in an uproar.

What kind of existence does Wuzu exist?

For the first time, he emerged from the Taiqing universe, one person overwhelmed the five-party Ming Wang and the Duobao Tathagata, and forced the Avalokitesvara to retreat After that, Shengfeng Xiaozhong fought against Li Hansha.

After achieving Hunyuan, he first killed the Great Emperor Fengdu, and then suppressed the World Honored Lingshan. In the first time and space, he transformed himself into Pangu, and invited all the powerhouses in the heavens and the world to prove his strength and break Wuji. Daoist Hongjun was suspected of being killed by him.

At this time, he has the upper hand in the battle with Yuan.

Just relying on their dozens of big Luos, why do they interfere in the battle between such invincible giants?

"If it's normal, I naturally dare not have such delusions, but it's not that there is no chance at this time..."

Liu Rui said, his palm slowly opened, and between the five fingers pinching, a white divine light suddenly rose:

"Lord God, I need to know the invader, the original source world.... has been ruled out, the world of Shushan, the world of fairy swords, the legendary world of the Son of Heaven, the world of Marvel, the world of Fengyun... "

"At this time, the mysterious world of magic weapons..."


As Liu Rui's thoughts turned, the divine light overflowing between his five fingers suddenly flourished!

And spread out over the endless sea of ​​clouds in an instant, radiating the heaven and earth, the sea of ​​stars, and even the most insignificant place in every inch!

"Top-level main **** subsystem?!"

Seeing this white light, everyone's heart skipped a beat.

The main **** subsystem is a must for every celestial traveler, but the top-level subsystem is almost equivalent to the incarnation of the source.

But the next moment, as a cold voice fell, everyone's surprise instantly turned into shock:

[The source of the invasion has been determined... The mysterious world of magic weapons! 】

[The ultimate main quest starts! 】

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