Prominence in Football Community

Chapter 669: C Ronald's War Book

After winning the league title, Gao Zheng was going to leave Madrid to return to his country, but he met Cristiano Ronaldo again at his doorstep.

Depending on the amount of the other party's luggage, they should also return home.

After seeing him, Ronaldo took the initiative to get off the car, cross the road, and walked in front of Gao Zheng.

After looking at Gao Zheng up and down, the Portuguese pouted: "What a pity, the golden boots belong to me."

Gao Zheng said with a smile: "Unfortunately, because I am the league champion."

He pointed at himself with his thumb.

The Portuguese's complexion has become somewhat unsightly, but he still said to Gao Zheng: "It won't be next season."

"That won't be yours."

Ronaldo found that his mouth was not as good as Gao Zheng in front of him, so he finally put a cruel sentence: "In the new season, we will wait and see."

When Ronaldo said this, Gao Zheng smiled happily.

His smile angered the Portuguese, and Ronaldo stared at him: "What are you laughing at!"

Cristiano Ronaldo has his own interpretation of Gao Zheng's smile-he thinks that Gao Zheng's smile is a contemptuous smile, and he is looked down upon.

But Gao Zheng actually laughed because he was happy. When he challenged Ronaldo before, Ronaldo didn't take him seriously. He didn't feel that he was qualified to be his opponent.

Looking at the present, Ronaldo even took the initiative to write a warfare to him.

This is the result of his hard work this season.

To win the attention of others, of course, come up with your best performance.

"No." Gao Zheng let his smile converge a little and turned into a smile. "Okay, let's take a look."

Ronaldo snorted, ignored him, turned and walked back to his car.

"Daddy, what are you saying to Gao?" Mini Ronaldo asked curiously after Ronaldo returned to the car.

"I'm giving him some advice as a person coming over so that he won't get smug after winning the championship." Ronaldo said while wearing his seat belt.

But Mini Lo frowned and asked in doubt: "Is that true?"

"Of course, or else? Will you still need your father to give him a warfare book?" Ronaldo hung up, "Sit down, baby, we're going home to see grandma!"

After talking about it, he kicked the car and drove out the car.

Gao Zheng saw Cristiano Ronaldo's car crashing on the side of the road, his tires rubbing against the ground and squeaking away. He spread his hands.

Is this man deliberately showing off his car skills better than me?


Gao Zheng, who returned to China, could not go on vacation first, but went to the national team to report and train with the national team to prepare for the World Cup qualifier one month later.

Despite being in the top 40, it can be seen from this training time how much the Chinese Football Association attaches importance to the World Cup qualifiers.

You have to know that the Chinese team has missed the last ten consecutive World Cup qualifiers before this, and all fell into the current stage of the game.

Now with Gao Zheng, Chinese fans naturally have high hopes for the Chinese team, not to mention anything else, to enter the final round of the qualifier twelve first?

The opponent of the Chinese team's first 40 strong matches is the "land of high mountains" Bhutan, with an average altitude of 2,500 meters to 3,000 meters. Although the opponent is not strong, this away environment is too bad. The Chinese team should go to Kunming in advance to prepare for the battle and adapt to the plateau environment.

This first game is of great significance to Chinese football. The Chinese pay attention to the "start", this first round of the game is facing the weak Bhutan, Chinese fans are looking forward to a beautiful victory.

For the Chinese team, this game is not only about winning but not losing, but it is not enough to win. You need to win beautiful to be accepted.


He won't start his vacation until after playing the game with Bhutan.

I went back to my hometown and lived with my parents for a week without a heart and lungs, and then went to find my mentor Yang Wenlong to do promotional activities for the company they shared.

Their football training institution has already entered many elementary schools through his reputation and started the education of children's football.

And he only recently helped Atletico Madrid win the La Liga title, the reputation is at the pinnacle. Returning to China for his company's booth can be regarded as hot ironing, so that his company's reputation can be further improved.

In addition, there are several commercial activities to participate.

After he has participated in these business activities, he is ready to return to Madrid, Spain.

But before going back, he also invited Feng Shiyao and Xiao Yingying to have a meal together.

But just after he returned to China, he received a notification from Feng Shiyao: "There are temporary work arrangements and there is no way to eat together. Next time."

Gao Zheng looked at this WeChat on the phone stunned, but did not expect that he had just got off the plane and turned on the phone. The first message he received was such a message.

A deep disappointment burst out of him.

But in order not to affect Feng Shiyao's work, he replied reasonably: "Okay, you are busy, I will make an appointment next time."

After returning to WeChat, Gao Zheng put away his phone.

Feng Shiyao's sudden change in this itinerary also reminded him to make him realize that Feng Shiyao is no longer an ordinary person who was unknown in the past. She is now working as a singer and has various invitations to work, and she has to make new albums. It must be very busy. Not as easy as trying to make an appointment...


"How is the handsome guy back?" Xiao Yingying asked curiously.

Feng Shiyao showed Gao Zheng her reply.

After reading it, Xiao Yingying was disappointed and said: "It's really abominable, finally looking forward to seeing the last one, and the result is a temporary change in work..."

"No way, you can't always tell people that we are going to eat with Gao Zheng, so push it away?"

"That certainly won't work!" Xiao Yingying quickly waved her hands. She can imagine that with the current fame of these two people, if others let them know that they had dinner together, what kind of gossip storm would be set off on the media network...

"So, I can only make an appointment next time." Feng Shiyao said lightly.

"Sister Feng, don't you feel sorry?" Xiao Yingying looked at her strangely.

Feng Shiyao shook his head: "Unfortunately."



Xiao Yingying frowned at Feng Shiyao.

Feng Shiyao smiled softly: "I absolutely don't want you to see him so much."

"how is this possible?"

"See you on TV every week."

"What does it look like on the TV? Why don't you say it's so far apart?"

Feng Shiyao shook his head and said, "Are you far away?

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