Psychological Control

Chapter 100

"Dillon Sago is just Eagle Eye! I paused for a while to see the bird's eye view from the helicopter, and didn't see where the so-called billboard was. I can only continue to play after listening to their description of the lamp , And then look back and see ... "

Bailey has always been a fast-moving, loyal audience, and his girlfriend happened to be Bryan from a supermodel in the United States, so I heard that Bryan will bring his boyfriend to survivors, one When they got up to participate in the rapid progress of this quarter, they put Bao on this combination.

Jenny, also Bailey's girlfriend, lay down on the sofa and watched Bailey sitting on the rug. The upper body leaned towards the coffee table to feel that the whole person would be sucked into the TV. "The process is not important. I believe it must have been won by Dillon and Brian. Seeing the editing here is so tense, the show crew has worked hard. The gap must not be a few minutes."

"That's the same, isn't Dillon the Captain of the SEALs, isn't it?" Bailey looked forward to this, and said, "Jenny, seriously ... you don't think I'm too nerdy? You prefer Dillon's tough guy model ... "

A "click" packet of potato chips was smashed on his head, and Jenny looked at her boyfriend helplessly and said, "Don't think about it, I like you nerd-like. Look! They are ready About to jump! "

"Youjump, ijump!" Bailey curled his hands with his fists and crouched on his chest. He looked more like a girl than his girlfriend, and applied for the "naughty look" in Jenny's mouth.

I saw on the TV screen that with the help of the staff, Brian's safety device was connected with Dillon, and Dillon was holding Brian from behind and carrying an umbrella bag. Then the helicopter's hatch was opened, and the whistling gale suddenly tossed the microphone to hear nothing but the wind.

"Their landing place was the MGM Grand Stadium. This time the specifications are so high." Jenny watched the scene of the previously eliminated player and host Phil in the stadium before Dillon and Brian parachute.

At night in Las Vegas, the starry lights are dim by the night lights of the city. In a storm, the helicopter hovered to the top of the MGM Grand Stadium. The zenith is open and you can see the green lawn of the stadium. And dazzling incandescent lights.

In the attention of everyone, Dillon helped him to hold a good Brian in his arms, and moved to the helicopter door. Brian's half of his body had been vacated, and only Dillon's twins were still standing by the door.

Then in the eyes, Dillon let go of a hand and pressed Brian's forehead, and pressed the red firework-like hair that was blown and rising by the wind against his shoulder. Then he kissed Brian's temple lightly, which relieved Brian's complexion due to tension.

In the next second, the two men jumped out of the cabin, and the remote-control camera recorded the pictures of them falling freely in the air. Then a few seconds later, Dillon reached into his back and opened the parachute, and the white umbrella flowers held them up like wings spread.

"Oh, I'm going!" Jenny couldn't help cursing the show crew in order to edit out the last moment, and couldn't know the effect of the winner, and switched to Zoe and Joseph's picture after an instant. At this time, both the sisters and the brothers were responsible by professional skydivers and jumped out of the cabin one after another.

‘Who is it? … Which team won our final victory! ’Phil was standing on the stall at the terminal, and all the previously eliminated groups were looking up.

‘Why is there only one umbrella flower? ‘This was the strange thing Lucy said to her companion, Louise.

As the white umbrella flowers lowered and lowered, everyone exclaimed, ‘That ’s Dillon and Brian! ‘Oh my God, why did they come down together? Turned out by myself! '.

Under the skillful control of Dillon, the parachute followed by the wind to take them to a place very close to the end, and then landed perfectly. It can be clearly seen that Brian exhaled a clear breath after landing, and then he turned to look at the direction in which everyone's face could be seen, and waved with a smile.

"Hahaha! I finally saw Bryan nervous again!" Jenny clapped her hands and laughed happily, leaving Bailey with a puzzled look. "You know that in the survivor and the American supermodel, his performance is just like a super-model level mentality. I feel I have never seen him nervous because of something, and I didn't expect to see it at the end of the speed!"

Under the blessings of all, Dillon and Brian, who had released the parachute, trot, and rushed to Phil's station on the blessing of everyone, representing the terminal station on the large icon carpet. Of course, everyone can see that only the smiling faces of Tevez and Willa look particularly funny and stiff.


"Annie! Have you watched Tom's newly edited Brian and Dillon speeding forward?" As soon as the school bell rang, the female students could finally discuss their gossip issues. Bena turned and hurriedly discussed with her backseat.

"Of course, of course! Yesterday was finally finished! Thankfully, Bryan and they won !!!" Annie was equally excited, she said sloppily: "I waited for more than half a year to wait for the spoiler to finish. So as not to wait like appetite for survivors. "

"Which one do you like the most?" Bena and she immediately started ranking their favorite footage, which is the favorite thing girls do on weekdays. Everything has to come out one, two, three, four. "My favorite is the one Brian was studying for Italian folk songs at Gondola! I don't even know he can sing so well!"

"Yes, yes! Hahaha, I also recorded that part as an early alarm clock!" Annie said proudly, "but compared to this, I prefer that every time Brian needs to change the task costume because of the task. Time! The speed of this season's fast forward is so high, Brian will not say it, and the pair of models James and Sid! I have followed their Twitter and ins ... "

"That's also good for British siblings, Zoe and Joseph! Although he looks small, he is especially cute, and Zoe's personality is also good. Actually ... I think the cowboy brothers are also very good ... "Bena said she was embarrassed and shy when she said Sam and Dean. Apparently, she didn't think Annie would agree with her.

However, "Yes, yes, I think the two of them also have special feelings! In fact, although Lucy and Louise are not outstanding in their tasks, they are actually pretty good. They take special care of the father and son, and the father and son Ricardo It's also a gentleman's feeling. Hahahaha, you find that people who have not made friends with Bryan are good-looking and good-looking people. "Anne took this view to another level.

"You said that ... it's really a bit ..." Bena dragged her chin and gave a perfect conclusion. "This social communication is just looking at the face."


After Brian came back from speed, his tubing channel started to update the vlog video again. The content of these videos mostly records the money that he and Dillon used in the game to complete the family that Dillon wants to help those of his comrades who were killed in the front line.

They first contacted a relative in those families to make a surprise together. Old appliances that were damaged at home but were not replaced due to lack of money were delivered directly to the door. A long-term trip to Europe, with round-trip airfare and travel money. In addition to these material things, Dillon wrote his memories of the soldier himself in every family.

The photos of the people who passed away, together with memories that their family didn't know, were accompanied by moving music that Brian specially chose to play in the background, so that everyone watching the video could not help crying.

The last one, which is nearly 30 minutes long, is similar to a documentary in the form of a public interest "advertising", because the theme is very positive, and they are also driven by their celebrity effect. Suddenly, because the netizens and netizens shared with each other, they had an explosive sensation and even shocked Allen Xiu's invitation.

Having been invited to such a famous talk show, it's not just Brian and Dillon who are so excited, their fans are all excited. Looking at the people who have been supporting them from the beginning, they have moved from the niche to the mainstream, and have even been invited to shoot at la.

"Today, I have invited the channel owner of a video that was particularly famous recently on the tubing." Alan sat on her iconic little sofa and smiled at the camera. "They are here because of the concern for the fighter family who sacrificed for the country Before the video, many of us were familiar with the faces of reality stars. Welcome to Brian and Dillon! "

Rarely dressed in formal clothes, Dillon and Brian trot, smiling and waving at the audience and the camera implicitly, running towards the Allen Show studio. Brian's performance is like being in countless interviews, or being a Hollywood star with professional public relations training. He will not be too embarrassed, and will not appear too arrogant and proud.

This first meeting gave Allen a good impression. After talking about Dillon, who was not very talkative, after their original intention to decide to shoot this video, and his own decision to participate in reality show survivors and the purpose of speeding forward The topic was directed to Brian by Allen.

"Come and tell us why you decided to participate in the National Supermodel Contest in the beginning, Brian." Allen's curiosity was not official, but made people feel particularly kind. "Why is it that a high-level student admitted to Stanford University chose to participate in a reality show that seems to be unworkable and very brainless for most nerds?"

Brian blinked his eyes and showed an innocent smile, saying, "Actually, reality shows are quite brain-training, especially from my professional psychology. Humans are social animals, so social is inevitable. The reality show has created a sealed and pressured environment for the players. How to maintain their heart and keep their competitiveness in it is like nature's weak meat and strong food. "

"... Of course." When he talked these words out, Brian turned a smile with a mischievous smile. "Most of the reasons are because that was the only thing I did before entering college. A chance to go crazy. It's a bit like a gapyear graduation trip for most people. "

Many people were laughed at by Brian ’s sense of humor, and Allen followed this clue: "Did you not have time to rest before you were admitted to college? This is the only party in the big house of American supermodels. Become your benchmark for crazy play? In this way, Brian is really a good baby. "

Bryan showed a smile that seemed to be forced at this moment, and Dillon couldn't help but reach for his shoulder. Fans who have liked him for a long time know the story behind him, which is basically no secret, so many girls can't help but get red eyes in front of TV.

"That's not the case," Brian said with a smile at the camera. "It's just that I need to earn tuition and living expenses by myself, and study at home by myself, so the life of studying while working gives me little time to go out and play. I can count it. Not a good baby. "

"So, do you intend to continue your modeling career in the future? Or are you planning to enter Hollywood?" When Allen said this, the women's crazy screams broke out in the studio. "You know that your facial features can easily handle some characters that most actors can't, and your teenage fans will definitely buy tickets."

Unfortunately, to their disappointment, Brian shook his head slowly. "Actually, I lied before because of participating in the reality show. Except for one round of crazy play, I mostly went for the bonus. Half of the American supermodels retired for other reasons, so I chose to participate more. Brains are also more challenging survivors. "

"There I fulfilled my goals at the beginning, and I got the money to support me during college. With scholarships, I no longer used to get multiple jobs every day. But because I met Dillon there, For that reason, we were together after the game ... "Brian said here, and there was applause and screams in the studio again.

"After we were together, there was an agreement. He was counted by me among the survivors and finally won the championship. Then I will accompany him to participate in the fast forward and fulfill his dream. That is what was recorded in that video, He was finally able to replace his sacrificed comrades-in-arms and take care of their families. "Brian's pale complexion and red hair, under the beautifying light in the studio, were as flawless as vampires.

"So ..." In the breath of everyone's breath, Brian said something that disappointed many people. "We don't expect to participate in any other reality show, at least not a full quarter contestant. That's too time-consuming. Now, from now on I will focus on my studies. "

"Is it psychology?" Alan said curiously, "Do you want to be a psychologist in the future? According to my performance in survivors, I really see the level of people's hearts."

"Not a psychologist, but I have already begun preparing some research papers and preparing for the postgraduate entrance examination." Brian smiled and said, "I have always liked this elusive scientific field, so my future work should be This will be the main focus. "

"Of course, rest assured! Even if I'm not in a reality show, the YouTube channel will still upload a video every week. Friends who want to know my dynamics can follow my channel and Twitter, except for some psychological ones. In addition to the discussion video, there is also a diary of my life with Dillon, at least I know that I am alive! "

In the end, Brian was clever, with Allen's eyes widened, and ended with self-promotion. It can be said that this is a successful Allen talk show interaction. 2k novel reading network