Psychological Control

Chapter 26

On the second day of Stanford University, the first episode of the National Supermodel Contest finally aired. The audience's discussion of supermodels is overwhelming, and I flip through the ones on Twitter that mention me.

isagirl: my god! This red-haired male model is so sexy! !! !! what do you say that is? It's this striptease guy! (With photos, Brian dancing strippers in the coax of the models)

ished: isagirl, this is Brian Morse, he completely poked me! !! !! Didn't he say that he was admitted to Stanford University during the interview? That kind of intelligent sexy! He is estimated to be the most educated model in this season. I like him so much!

g: Brian Moss, come and see! Before I saw his hard photos, I thought it was the type that was not easy to get along with. Who knows that in reality it is a cute little nerdy **** stunner! !! (Photos, screenshots of Brian's interview, Brian's reading while waiting, Brian played a jazz dance in the background, Brian's catwalk three-shot)

n_lee: New World! !! !! !! I found Brian Moss's tubing channel! !! !! Friends who are interested in him go checkitout! (With link)

yrabbit: I think Brian and Alice are a good match. Look at their stares on the catwalk and the expression when they go up! (With photos, the last pose of Brian and Alice)

asnake: yrabbit: Disapproval ... Didn't Alice say in a later interview that he has a boyfriend? I think Brian and Chris are a good match! Look at this picture! (With photos, when he saw his mask when he settled into the supermodel house, he jumped into the screenshot of Brian)


Just because of the broadcast of the first episode of the National Supermodel Contest, the number of fans on my Twitter and the video on the tubing increased several times. The subscriber followers of the Youtube channel are also rising, and it is estimated that an editor of the Youtube will come to contact me soon, and invite to sign.

The feedback on the comments is all positive, which is very rare for the draft contest where Fan and Fanzi dance together. During the shooting of the National Supermodel Contest, I always kept an eye on my expression and actions. It was really difficult for people to catch the black braids.

I uploaded a new, small video shot in my bedroom to the tubing, the title is. It uses cold humor to do silly things that many people do in private. The image of grounding is the reason why vlog-type youtuber is popular.

The next day, as soon as I was off class from a college lecture, I received a call from Neil Caffrey. Their case handling efficiency seems to be quite high.

"Hi Carl. If you have time, how about having a meal today? The friend who was with me last time will come with me, shouldn't it matter? I'm talking about mosquitoes, not Peter." Neil's voice sounded easy to finally resolve the case.

Turns out that that short, stupid man is a mosquito? When you think of Neil Caffrey, you will think of another person. Because of the different style of deception, it is less famous outside the world, but the imitation technology is comparable to Neil Caffrey.

Neal Caffrey's best friend, the mosquito is just one of his names, and the Detroit dentist is his real name. It was also the man who took Neil Cavery into the scam line.

Facing these two master-class figures, I can't help but feel a little nervous. I calmed my voice back and said, "Of course I don't mind. Where shall we meet?"

In the end, Neil settled in a mid-level restaurant in San Francisco. It doesn't look too grand and formal.

As soon as I stepped into this restaurant, I didn't have to look for them to see them. Sitting in a four-seater seat by the window, Neil Cavery and the mosquitoes, mosquitoes are quite in line with the atmosphere of this restaurant, but Neil, dressed in a high-end custom suit, is a bit flocked.

"Hi, how's your case going?" I walked over and said hello naturally when they saw me.

"It didn't make those **** better," Neal reached out and shook me. "The man who killed the old man caught it."

When the mosquito next to me approached himself, he kept staring at me with inquiring eyes. After I sat down, he asked: "How did you let the old man make false evidence for you? You have to know that he has not washed his hands a lot. Years. "

I glanced at the mosquito and was a little surprised by his inquiry. I got the contact information of the owner of the watch shop from Mrs. Fang Dongnan. Although he refused without hesitation at the beginning, after he mentioned that I mentioned Mrs. Nan's name, he hesitated and changed. Got the idea.

I did not expect that the person she introduced turned out to be a person who had washed his hands for many years, but enjoyed a famous name on the road. Let the old man look in her face and take a risk to help a stranger pick up the old work again. What was Madam Nan's identity before?

I did n’t plan to lie here about things that I did n’t even know myself, and answered directly: “I was introduced to me by my former landlord”

Neal and the mosquito looked at each other in doubt, and the mosquito asked, "What's your landlord's name?"

I knew it would be an opportunity to get in touch with them, so I told the truth: "She asked me to call her Mrs. Nan."

As soon as Mrs. Nan's name came out, Neil and the mosquito's faces were astonished, and they looked at each other. Neil no longer had an official polite smile on his face, and for the first time showed a human face.

The mosquito seemed concerned and asked, "Mrs. Nan ... has she been doing well? She is still doing this? I remember she has already retired?"

Does it still look like a good acquaintance?

I nodded and smiled and said, "She is doing well. I have lived in her house for two years, and she has always taken good care of me ... I have recently got some trouble, so she provided me this way. "

"Troubled?" Mosquito's two thick eyebrows moved, then smiled treacherously: "Oh, please ask for wealth. We understand!"

Even Neil said meaningfully, "If you want to make fast money, you have to invest in risk. Are you not a student in the psychology department? Why do you want to step in ... in our business?"

I know that because of Mrs. Nan's relationship, they have misunderstood the purpose of my false certificate. I didn't mean to pierce this misunderstanding, I just avoided the point and said, "I just don't want to be too high-profile ... Everyone always has their own little secret, doesn't it?"

"Oh! It's a pity that the style of the peacock beside me is so high-profile!" The mosquito said this, resentful, "It's stink and high-profile, no wonder it will be caught by that police cat!"

Hahahaha, did they describe themselves that way? But in fact, Tom and Jerry are the only winners.

"Mosquito ... close your mouth ..." Although it seems that Neil and Peter have a good relationship, he obviously still feels that being caught by the police cat is a stain on his career.

The mosquito raised his hand to make a zipper on his mouth, and Neil looked at him with a cry and a smile. He said to me like a gossip: "Actually, in addition to having good skills, language art is also a science for us. You have this advantage. It is the most effective way to directly attack the psychology of others. "

"I remember what you said to Mr. Police Cat that day. It seems that you have more observation than those who endorsed the dead. Mrs. Nan may also think of you." The mosquito interjected with a smile. "It's a must-have skill for us little people to watch and see." I found a subtle interest in me from their eyes.

In fact, I have no intention of doing anything about financial fraud. Because my thirst for money is not as urgent as Neil and mosquitoes, Xiaokang An'an has always been my creed. In the case that I can support myself through ordinary work, why bother to get money by illegal means, and then worry about it every day.

But I still pretended that I was very interested in them.

Stealing the division, this is my ultimate purpose. I was able to achieve this progress the first time I met, which made me a little bit pleased. This time, it will not be as bad as David. At least I believe so.

fit. To me, this word does not necessarily refer to the relationship between fire and friendship. It literally means what I focus on.

We talked like this for an afternoon, but in fact, we rarely talked very deeply, and we adhered to a polite limit on each other's personal information. In the end, the mosquito gave me an account password for the Internet chat room, so if I'm interested, I can go up and take a look.

After a busy day, I went back home and ticked one of the "to-do lists" that I had in mind. Stanford University enrolled, applied for fake documents, caught a master scam, and the response after the broadcast of the National Supermodel Contest. Everything went smoothly, allowing me to calm down the irritability originally caused by David's death and the words before his death.

Maybe I'm planning to complete the next "to-do list" option, after all, the famous reality show survivors finally started accepting registrations. This program, which looks like physical fitness and skill, is actually a psychological game playing social relationships. I saw it early in the morning.

Different from the goal of gaining a certain popularity in the National Supermodel Contest. This time, I intend to earn the million dollar prize.

This will not only ease my economic situation, but also reduce the impression that people are dull and unconscious about models. It will deepen my trait from the Department of Psychology at Stanford University and stand out from the crowd of actors, models and singers. Stage, plus some advantages.

I sat at the computer and opened the document. The cvs delivered to the survivor's column group will not be able to stand out without a second thought. I don't plan to let myself be defeated at this stage.

Personal experience, education, career, work experience. A smile is embedded in the corner of my mouth, and my fingers seem to play a crackling sound on the keyboard. How can I be distinguished from others with a special touching personal story? Stanford University ’s signature school, a striptease job, and participating in the US Model contest experience. I hit it without missing a word. 2k novel reading network