Psychological Control

Chapter 47

God's perspective, the shark incident, and the view on Brian.

Dillon only saw the young shark tempted by the **** smell, but this was not what he was worried about. He was even more worried that the young shark's mother was also approaching not far away.

His suffocation time can last as long as one minute and fifty seconds, but it is now almost one and a half minutes. In order to ensure the safety of the photographer, when the metal harpoon, the only weapon in his hand, could not be used, he could only sit still and stalemate with the shark. But this is not a long-term solution.

He had planned to fight the risk of another serious injury to his left arm, and was prepared to take advantage of the passive hand. But Yu Guang in the corner of Dillon's eyes suddenly noticed Brian who was slowly diving over from the other side. Brian's pale complexion and red hair were in fact conspicuous in the clear blue waters.

When the sun hits it, there is an illusion that it is reflecting the flash and the red-haired mermaid. Dillon finally knows why he got the title of Siren. Definitely not just because of his fishing and swimming skills, it was true that he had joked before. At this point, Brian had slowly held the harpoon in his hand and made a ready posture for attack.

Just as the shark noticed the approach of another creature, Dillon quickly hurled the sea fish still bleeding on the top of the harpoon, and slammed forward to the shark. Then in the blink of an eye, the young shark had opened its mouth and sprinted with a tail to bite the fish into its mouth.

However, the fish entered its mouth, but at the same time the spikes at the end of Dillon's harpoon were also bitten in.

Brian seemed to be waiting for this moment, when Dillon was desperately holding the shark with both hands and struggling to pierce the harpoon with force. Brian's slender legs struck the water a few times, swimming a few meters closer, and then the organ on his harpoon was opened and stabbed at the shark's neck.

The mechanism on this harpoon head is sharper than the blade, and it will pierce the shark's skin in one fell swoop! Dillon made a downstream gesture at Brian, and he planned to nail the harpoon more deadly into the shark at the bottom of the sea. Bryan and he are very tacit, they don't need to repeat the action at all, they go downstream with one kick.

At this point they had long forgotten to follow Dillon, only to stiffen the photographer behind Dillon. Seeing that the crisis was lifted, the photographer started a very dedicated dive with them. Only then did they kill the shark, which was faithfully recorded by the photographer's lens.

The two men who sunk into the bottom of the sea shove the sharks on the top of the harpoon up and down the sand! After a few clicks, the harpoon rods were submerged in the young shark desperately struggling to survive. Then they decided to go upstream to surface.

They both held harpoons in one hand, and at the end of the harpoons were their trophies, a shark more than one meter long enough to feed the entire tribe! The photographer followed them and gave a close-up of the deadly shark. The two metal harpoons pierced in its body by the cross seemed particularly shocking.

At this time, the photographer just felt that this follow-up was really worth it! He was originally an adventurous person, otherwise he would not choose to be a survivor photographer. Wouldn't it be more comfortable and easy for the photographers in other studios on TV?

You know that this cooperative hunt between Brian and Dillon has made him take the most memorable shot of his own photography career! And the photographer knows that this shooting is estimated to be a rare classic scene for the survivors since the 20-plus quarters!

Suddenly many air bubbles popped out of Brian's nose, floating upwards, apparently suffocating to the limit. While the photographer was in the direction, he hurried upstream, and he was going to take the breath connected to his oxygen tank and let Brian take a slow breath. But Dillon made an unexpected movement. He reached out and glanced over Brian's sturdy waistline, pulling him to kick the water to speed up instantly.

The two used a speed of doubling faster than before, leaving the silent photographer a back view lens that flew away.

The shark hunting behavior of Brian and Dillon caused a huge topic and sensation in the tribe. Almost everyone just forgot that there was a tribal meeting tonight, to eliminate one person. It's really because of what they did, it's really shocking.

Policewoman Sandra talked about Brian for the first time in front of the camera. "I was really shocked when I saw Dillon and Brian bringing a shark back. Honestly, I was actually talking to Brian before that. The name of Siren is dismissive. Because I think it's just because of our power tribe, a mistake and no fishing gear. "

"But his behavior this time made me look so impressive. Instead of leaving Dillon in a critical moment, he had the courage to make the decision to take the initiative to kill. I admire him so I don't think I will take advantage of this time. Throw him out. Knowing that we've aligned with Casey, I think Mario will be the next one to leave. "

For the first time, Anna of the beautiful tribe showed a reaction like an ordinary girl in front of the camera. Her eyes flashed, and she said with some dance: "Brian! My previous decision to secretly align with him was too right! In fact, the type of men I like is not like the beautiful tribal male models. Instead, Dillon That tough guy is my food ... "

"... But this time ... Brian is really handsome! The same behavior this time should give Dillon a good impression. I can feel the alliance of the other two tribes, six to four. So I can only Hope that they will show mercy to Brian. I have nothing to do with it, because nobody sees me as an opponent in the personal immunity. "

Unlike most women who praise the behavior of the two, Casey, a female lawyer, is exceptionally calm and sober. She expressionlessly talked in front of the camera about whether to cast Brian, and the advantages and disadvantages of the two options.

"Originally my idea was to throw Brian Moss out from the beginning. Although Mario seems to be the core of the beautiful tribe, Brian seems to me to be more popular in their tribe. Maybe Mali Austria was able to stand on the dominant side because he had demonstrated his leadership in the battle between the tribes and tribes. "

"But the situation is different now. In the merger stage, everyone must start to consider their own interests. And Mario, hum, he will be pulled out sooner or later. Sooner or later, I don't think Brian is the really dangerous smart person." Casey shoved the full metal glasses on her nose.

"It's just that this time he and Dillon went out to sea, and my abacus was thrown away. The friendship of adversity? The soldiers just believed in them. Before that, Dillon and Sandra supported the throwing of Mario. They changed their minds and switched to Brian. "

Spencer Reid also led the crew to the camera and began a personal interview. He sat uncomfortably in front of the camera, plucking the brown-gold hair scattered around his ears to the back of his head, revealing a handsome face.

"Brian? ... I think his impulsive behavior with Dillon is too dangerous. If you are injured in this kind of place, even with medical treatment and bandaging, there is a great possibility of infection. The shark's teeth are not clean, their Hundreds of bacteria are attached to the sharp teeth, and at least a dozen are likely to cause wound injuries! "

His remarks were interrupted by the film director's helplessness, and then he was asked to focus on commenting on what Brian had done to the tribe's voting result tonight.

Rhett was the least able to do that, and he babbled for a while before he said, "I think I'll choose to vote for Mario. Because first of all he is the strongest man in the beautiful tribe, and he is beautiful The leader of the tribal foursome. Casting him out will not only reduce competition pressure, but may also disrupt the beautiful tribal alliance. "

Actually, he didn't tell the truth. Mario was the leader of those four? Red knew that these were just the illusions Brian gave everyone. Brian is the real behind-the-scenes man in the four-man operation.

The woman who has always been less prominent in the game, Jane from the power tribe, was asked to comment on the shark hunting behavior of Brian and Dillon, which reflected her essence as a free ticket.

"I have been thinking not to leave the alliance of Dillon and Sandra in the power tribe, and instead turn to the beautiful tribe. This way the number of alliances on the field is balanced, five to five. But I am worried that if the tribal meeting is duel, The beautiful tribe finally made a mistake. My betrayal will make my allies hate me. Then I will become their first target. "

For a woman, Jane's voice is actually a bit dull. Especially when she still likes to say, "So I decided to continue to follow the previous alliance, and go as far as possible. Relying on the wisdom tribe may be a way, after all, the alliance between Dillon and Sandra is too It's tight, it's hard for me to step in ... "

The photographer who took Jane's personal interview was patient with her voice and didn't tell her well. In fact, what she said was off-topic. The focus of this personal interview should be participants' views on the crisis.

Finally, it was his personal interview with the two parties, Dillon and Bryan.

Dillon put on his dirt-resistant training uniform again, bent his leg on one of the rocks and drove it on the rock by the sea. After the photographer set an angle, he began to speak afterwards.

"I was surprised that Bryan decided to take the initiative to attack the shark that hovered around me." He usually had a meticulous expression on his face, and a rare smile appeared. "I thought he was a Very interesting people, so they approached it intentionally. But this time his performance made me feel that at least I didn't read the wrong person. You know that even a trained soldier is not everything when he is defenseless. "

Dillon deliberately used this shark hunting event to rationalize his close relationship with Brian. With the adversity of the two people this time, others will not notice that they are actually approaching first, and then the order in which this happened. It will only be brought in subconsciously, taking this matter as the antecedent, and the closeness of the two as a consequence.

"I won't agree with Casey's proposal to cast Brian. Although Brian is standing on the opposite side of us and the wisdom tribe at this time, I think this time it should be Mario. Mario is a big one for everyone physically. Competitors. Not to mention I owe Brian a favor at this time. "When it came to who would be eliminated, Dillon's expression returned to his usual appearance. Squeezed into a straight lips, sharp indifference between the eyebrows.

On the other hand, Brian, the strategist on weekdays, does not seem to care much about the league he is in. He just talked calmly about the danger of the talent.

"I just thought it wouldn't work, and I couldn't let Dillon stay there alone." Brian had a helpless smile on his face. "And there was a blank mind in it, and I didn't have the imagination that I would be hurt by a shark. After all, my hands With a harpoon on it, I can't make myself sit on the boat and watch the show. "

No one knows, in fact, Brian's shot is actually a gamble. After winning the bet, he can enjoy the love of the national audience and a more stable relationship with Dillon. Because of morale and strength. Lost the bet, but was only injured once. He didn't believe that the minor shark could cause him fatal injuries.

Brian said that he had met the film crew and was one of the most contestants in the show. His expression in front of the camera is very easy to make people feel good. What's more, what he did and the topics he caused caused the survivors' ratings and topics in this period to rise.

Because of this, the director's group took special care of Brian's shooting clips and the length of time in the footage. Beautiful face, extraordinary strength, and topicality. How could they let it go? 2k novel reading network