Psychological Control

Chapter 50

If the film crew chooses the most popular champions among today's players, it will be undoubtedly Brian and Dillon. Bryan is well-versed in his ability to analyze the situation and to persuade others to persuade others, so that he can still be mixed in today's competition. Even more recently, because he confuses the obsessive linguistic skills of other contestants, his title of Siren has become even more stubborn.

Dillon broke the 3,000, except that in the second individual immunity match, Rhett accidentally snatched a victory. He has since won two consecutive personal waivers, four firsts and three matches. The camera crew felt that he would most likely complete a shocking streak in the history of survivors at the end.

Louis, the photographer who followed Brian, became a key gossip figure in the film crew. Because the photographers who followed the other contestants wanted to know from him what Brian had made today.

Things will start with the second tribal conference after the merger.

Since that night, the situation in the entire tribe has been darkened by Brian.

At the second tribal meeting, Casey changed her mind because of Brian's lobbying, and instead agreed with Dillon to eliminate Austin together. But the next day she thought about it and found it wrong. Anna's performance is the same as before, and as always, she is not sad or flustered to be good to others.

This only illustrates one reason. Anna and Austin are not lovers at all, as Brian told her! In contrast, Anna and Brian are the true alliance! For the first time since Casey joined the game, it was difficult to calm down. Because her thinking was in Brian's three or two sentences, she was easily bypassed!

This is simply a stain on her life! Where does she need Brian's flashy plans? Jane obviously has no sense of belonging to Dillon and Sandra. It is possible to pull her over. And she would jealous of Dillon's strength, wouldn't Selena be stupid? If Selena is so stupid, she won't be selected into the clever tribe.

But it was all too late. Just when Casey was determined to eliminate Brian in the third round, Brian pulled Rhett back without her knowing it. All the contestants were concealed, and Brian convinced Rhett to give him his hidden idol. That's a hidden idol! !! !! Is that something you can hand over to your competitors? !!

Not to mention Rhett's blood drew in his throat with the photographer, even Louis was stunned by Brian's deceiving skills. That's how they started.

Bryan is busy memorizing the island map to be used in the prize competition, so that when the game can be answered with a question and win prizes, he pulls it without any notice and remembers Rhett who has completely remembered it. A place without people.

Brian went straight in and said, "Ryder, I know the hidden idols on the island of Exile are on you. If I tell this to others, you will soon become the target of all. Want to cooperate? Follow Casey There is no future, and I don't like suspicion as much as she does. "

"You! ... how did you know ?!" Rhett looked horrified. Of course, no one knows that this is what he did with lame acting.

"Scam you!" Brian laughed, he blinked and spread his hands towards the camera, and then said, "I didn't expect to be here with you. After all, only you in the tribe of wisdom have gone to Exile Island, our tribe. There might be Mario and Austin out there. "

"Everyone who has been to Exile Island in the Power Tribe has been eliminated one by one, and the only Jane who is left does not look so capable." Brian explained: "I have no one to doubt except you. "

In the overnight exile on the island of Exile before the merger, the only intelligent tribes that had been to the island were Red, the beautiful tribes were Mario and Austin, and the power tribes Tina, Paul and Jane. Only one Jane was left out. So in other people's minds, the ones who may have hidden idols are Rhett and Jane.

But Brian didn't want to test Jane, who was not so good at first, but decided to try on Red first, and finally made a scheme. In fact, everyone is now secretly guessing whether anyone has obtained a hidden idol. However, because Rhett and Jane were too inconspicuous and were not very concerned about the struggle for power, this speculation was postponed.

Even the savvy woman Casey underestimated Rhett and postponed his temptation, which made Brian cheap. This is the ins and outs of the camera crew's guess.

After playing with Brian for five minutes, Red felt that his acting skills had reached the limit and couldn't help looking at his eyes. Then he glanced at Brian and quickly regained his gaze. But in Louise's eyes, this was the regretful look of Rhett because he was easily cheated out.

"If I work with you, what is Anna's position? I heard Casey say that Anna is actually your ally. She was cheated by you before. I ... I don't want to be cheated ..." This is Bryan told him in advance, and the Germans spoke stiffly.

Fortunately, everyone will think that he is nervous, and then his tone will be stiff, so no one cares. Brian was so relieved that the photographers were not suspicious. Their five-minute analysis of the situation is over.

"Anna thinks a lot and is a thoughtful woman. It was a good idea to ally with her in the early stage, but in the later stage, I will worry if she will stab me from behind. After all, very few survivors Someone can follow an alliance from beginning to end. "Brian looks like he wants to be with you, and makes two photographers heartbroken by the sight of Red, who will be deceived.

"So I want to alliance with you. You look like a person who will be loyal to the alliance. And I have the ability to protect myself from Casey once, and naturally have the ability to keep my allies. Is n’t it more suspicious to be with me than to stay Is Casey safer? "Brian reached out with a smile." Lend me your hidden idol and cast Casey with me and Anna. "

"I'm confident that after discovering that Kathy was cheated last time, I will definitely try my best to persuade Dillon to cast me out this time. This way, I can use the idol before singing to catch her by surprise and let her be assassinated. "Brian said this bold plan calmly.

"I ... I need to think about it for one night ... I will tell you the answer before the tribal meeting tomorrow after the individual immunity match ends ..." Rhett nodded his head full of distress, then said goodbye in a hurry, leaving in a hurry. In fact, he couldn't hold on, and his acting skills were about to break the palace, so he quickly fled. But in the eyes of two follow-up photographers, this is not enough to support Brian's confusion.

"Remember not to reveal our conversation, otherwise you have to explain the fact that you actually have a hidden idol!" At the end, Brian still shouted.

In the end, as expected by Louis, Red couldn't resist Brian's persuasion and gave up his hidden idol before the tribal meeting. For this reason, Louis and the photographer who followed Rhett also gained twenty dollars per person, and made a bet with other colleagues in the film crew.

Because in the prize game and the third individual immunity challenge Brian was desperate, and was particularly silent. So even the other participants thought that Brian knew he was going to get out of the game.

As a result, when Jeff brought out the hidden idol before Jeff sang the ticket, he really lost his eyes. With the exception of Red, the culprit, only Dillon and Anna looked calmer. While Anna was self-sufficient, Dillon was caught by the camera. He even shot his eyes on Rhett and Brian before voting.

After the merger of the two mountains this season, the two mountains were in line of sight. Louis captured the picture of Brian smiling and tilting his head to look at Dillon.

"Siren! Brian can definitely bear the name of Siren!" During the holiday, Louis could not help but preach for Brian in the working crew tent. "He just has a long beauty, and his mind is as dark as a viper! The ability to deceive people is almost the same as the legendary Sairen sailor ..."

"To be honest, Rhett really gave him the hidden idol he found. It was a surprise to me." The photographer who recorded the conversation between Rhett and him couldn't help but interface. "Maybe we are on the sidelines. After all, even Casey can be fooled by Brian for a while, and Rhett's fall in Brian's hands is certainly not gratifying."

"Fortunately, we still have a Dillon, otherwise it is estimated that Brian will shape his speech after this." A deputy director sighed and said, "Dillon should have discovered the alliance between Brian and Red before the tribal meeting. He may just want to abolish a hidden idol, and by the way take Casey home without saying anything. "

After Casey broke the upset, she was angry and incredibly eliminated. Brian drew Selena, Casey's former league member, and began cleaning up members of the Power Tribe 4-3. The situation on the court can be said to have been turned upside down by Brian.

Dillon has always won personal immunity during this period, but even so, he has no way to stop Brian from starting his own wings with the new alliance he has integrated.

Brian, Anna, Rhett, Selena, and jointly dropped Sandra. Sandra had tried to bring Rhett and Selena back, but whoever fell into Siren's confusion, how could they be pulled back so easily. She was eventually eliminated and left behind as Casey's fourth jury member. 2k novel reading network