Psychological Control

Chapter 56

"Good morning everyone, look at the opponents around us. After the tribal meeting last night, we have only three people left. Eighteen people, 31 days of survival in the wild, today we will finally eliminate one contestant! The remaining two members will have a final tribal meeting tomorrow, to be judged and voted by the jury. "Jeff appeared in front of us brightly in the morning.

Maybe it ’s God ’s help, we are standing on the coast under the sunny blue sky and white clouds, preparing for the last individual immunity game. According to the location and the buoys floating on the sea, this time it is again a water-related challenge. However, it is estimated that it will no longer be swimming.

I tilted my head and looked at Rhett, who was standing on my left. He looked much better now than he was usually unhappy. Obviously he knew that after this game, one more person would be eliminated at the tribal meeting tonight, and the entire survivor shooting will be finished tomorrow.

The last survivor sings the ticket, it will start after the survivor broadcasts a month later, and it is live broadcast. In other words, next month he can return to his normal brain-solving case, eating and sleeping, no longer surrounded by strangers and camera lens.

And Dillon, I glanced to the left, his introverted look was serious as if he was preparing to perform some important task. For him, this game can only win games that cannot be lost. Otherwise, as long as he loses the last individual immunity, the previous efforts will be invalidated.

"Brian, Dillon, Rhett, now you can turn around and look at the game facilities in the sea behind you." Jeff started to explain to us the content of this game. "That's three cages in the water."

"Of course, the content of the game is not so simple. Just put you in a water cage and see how you get out of trouble. At the beginning of the game, you will be locked in a cage. At this time, these cages on the water will follow As time goes by and sinks, you need to complete the tasks we have set for you in the cages before the cages completely sink and you can't hold your breath. "

"The task in the cage, as stated on treemail, will be about memory." Jeff explained the task as I and Rhett guessed through treemail.

Mail is a game reminder placed in a letterbox on a tree near the tribe one day before each immunity challenge begins. It ’s also been there before, but just doing more is just to allow us to do some mental preparation before the game. But this time treemail revealed a lot of information, so that we have enough time to prepare in advance.

About memory. Participants are required to perform heavy duty in this immunity contest, remember the details of each event in the previous competition, and complete the correct answers. This type of mission does not always appear in survivor individual immunity games, let alone the last and most important one.

But I still prepared. Each contestant is allowed to carry a "luxury product". The reason why I chose to bring a notebook and a pen, in addition to the need to communicate with Rhett, is to record all kinds of competitions. detail! Not only the content of the competition, but also the analysis of the tribal situation.

It is not as easy to remember as bad writing, and this sentence is not wrong under any circumstances. What you write down in writing will be more directly and clearly presented to you when you review. And the human brain's memory, except for geniuses like Rhett, few people can sort things in a very orderly manner.

"Find the correct answer through memory, then in each question box at the top of the cage, find the key you think represents the correct answer, dive into the water and find the right box at the bottom of the cage. You have to answer ten questions in total, don't look at it There are few questions, but there are five options for each question. "

"Even if you can answer each question very quickly, generally when you complete the sixth question, the entire cage that trapped you will sink completely." Jeff's expression was very serious, he said One sentence stated. Obviously this time there is a certain danger. If the contestants are too desperate, it is possible to suffocate shock in the water.

"So we also set up an oxygen tank at the top of the cage. When you feel breathless, you can float up and breathe. Of course, every time it floats up, it takes time. The three cages have the same specifications, and they are also deep and wide. , The time spent on round trips gives the other two competitors a chance to exceed your progress. "

"Only by answering the right question, that key can open the box. If you get the wrong answer, the contestant will need to float back to the top of the cage, and then answer the question again. After the ten boxes are opened, you will get a total of twenty puzzles. Dive into the water at the bottom of the cage with a jigsaw board where you can fix the jigsaw puzzle to complete the puzzle. "

"The first person who completes the puzzle will get four keys that can open the exit at the bottom of the cage. Each key cannot be mixed. Find the correct lock and open the exit at the bottom of the cage. After you swim out, keep on for a while Return to the shore. When you escape from the cage, you must have been exhausted. So the contestants who won the competition at the end must be those with the most perseverance, intelligence and physical strength. If you do n’t remember the contents of the ten questions, you will have luck May help you. "

The content of the game is very complicated, but because of my almost full attention, every piece of content that Jeff said has been extremely clear in my mind. Maybe my long-term memory is not as good as Rhett's, but my short-term memory ability still won't hold me back.

"If you understand the content of the game, now I would suggest that you do some warm-up exercises before the game starts." Jeff looked at the three of us and finally said.

"I counted to three and the game started. One ..."

I, Rhett and Dillon, were kept in separate cages at this time. There are a total of six camera bodies wearing diving equipment and floating outside the cage to take pictures. The cages are also filled with fixed cameras.

Each cage is not very far apart, and the clear water will not prevent me from seeing the figures of Dillon and Red around me. But there is a certain distance, so that people in the cage cannot see the opponent's every move.

Although the cage was only half silent in the water at this time, no one could find a place to stay. The cage has a height of five meters and a cross section of three square meters. The question we need to answer is engraved on the top of the cage with the lid of the wooden box containing the key to open the bottom box. The current cage is not filled with much water, just half. The depth of two meters and five meters, the distance of two meters and five meters from the top of the cage.

It can be said that if we do not find another way, we will be idle for a short time before the game. Participants are required to float in the center of the cage by themselves before the game starts, and to approach the cage railings after the game starts.


I turned my head and looked at Dillon's voice. He was carefully looking at the railings of the cage. Obviously, he didn't intend to waste the first half of the time to let the cage sink, and the contestants could reach the wooden box in the water. He wants to climb to the top of the cage by stepping on the railing? This is a good idea.

I turned back and looked at my cage railing, and it turned out that the horizontal railing formed a "ladder" for people to step on.

And Red? At the first glance when I turned around, I saw that he "snapped" his head into the water and looked down. Obviously, he felt that Jeff was not very intuitive, and wanted to confirm the situation at the bottom of the cage first.


"Wow," the splash sounded while Jeff shouted to three. Dillon and I started hands at about the same time, and started to paddle in the same freestyle position, trying to lean on the railing on the side of the cage. It was just that he was swimming forward. When Jeff counted to two, I was already leaning backwards, and the game started to turn and swim backwards.

Backward is the direction of the coast, because Jeff is facing the coast, so we were all facing away from the coast. And I swam backwards, which was the direction that the waves pushed over. With the thrust of the water, I touched the railing less than a second before Dillon.

Then I started to climb up with my hands and feet, and Dillon quickly rushed back for a little while after climbing. Rhett was a lot slower than our neat moves, because at first he didn't expect to be afraid of the cage reaching the wooden box at the top of the cage. Red, who doesn't like sports, doesn't care about personal immunity, so hesitated for a while before he learned that we swim to the cage and climb the cage.

As we climbed the cage, the three cranes carrying three large cages were also under the operation of the program group, slowly lowering the boom, the cage was gradually sinking.

Arrived! I look at the question on the first wooden box to the left.

Which of the following puzzles is the correct answer for a immunity match? There are five options listed below, and if you don't pay attention, you can hardly see the difference between these patterns.

Find the difference and find the correct answer through image memory.

Damn, the first question ran into a problem ... I know my image memory is not good, and I even have mild face blindness. Forget it when you see it, not to mention that I haven't drawn a jigsaw image in my notes, so this requires long-term memory.

Fortunately, when I seriously recalled and looked at the options, Dillon was also stuck on the first wooden box on the other side.

Thinking back intently, knowing that Rhett also staggered to the top of his cage, I made the next decision and took the key of the third option. Then I started to look at the question on the right-hand side. When I saw the question, I climbed to the top of the cage and looked at the question and chose a key.

Rhett caught up with me and Dillon finally made a decision.

The second question is a text question, and my notebook has the recorded game details! What color is the color of Selena in a match. I quickly chose the second key.

Just as Rhett and I solved the problem one after another, Dillon took the four keys already in his hand and dived into the water. At this point the cage was submerged to the point where we could reach the cage even if we floated in the water.

I have five keys in my hand, and Rhett has six. I have confidence in the correctness of my and his answers. Obviously, our intention is the same. I will answer all ten questions in one breath, and then dive into the water and slowly unlock with my key.

Dillon should not be sure of his answer. In order not to confuse too many keys, he went down and tried to unlock.

When I got the seven keys, Jeff said suddenly, "Dillon dived into the water with four keys to represent the answer he chose, and he opened two locks! And Brian and Rhett apparently answered to themselves. I am very confident, and still solve the problem for a moment, obviously I want to maintain my strength, and finally dive in and release all the locks! "

Nine keys! One last question! I turned to look at the last unopened wooden box. At this time, I put one key ring after another on my nine fingers. This helps me to distinguish which key corresponds to which question.

"Ryder got his last key! He started trying to dive into the water!" Jeff's live commentary came in time. "Unlike Brian's method of sorting keys, Ryder holds all the keys in one hand. , With the other hand helping to paddle underwater. Is it possible that his keys are all correct answers? "

"On the other side, Dillon dived into the water again with three keys, and at this point he had opened four boxes! In reality, he was in the lead, and Brian was solving his last question ... he got the keys!"

Just as Jeff mentioned my name, I decided the answer to the last question. Put the key ring of the last key in the little finger of my right hand, and I flicked water with both hands. The pedal was a relay on the side of the cage, and the fish jumped into the water. Compared to Rhett's need to enter the water in a conservative posture with my hands, my hands were occupied by the key, but just like a fish, I still dived smoothly.

After diving into the water, the underwater scenery was clearly presented in front of me. 2k novel reading network