PUBG Nightmare Player System

Chapter 146: Training match

There was a crackling sound, like falling rain, all the slippers and things fell down and hit the top of Wei Shen's head.

What followed was a sound of yawning, and several men in slippers and pajamas poked their heads out of the second floor: "I said, Brother Wei, can't you pick up this guest by yourself? Don't think about brothers. ."

Wei Shen smiled, pointing to Ye Lang who was standing on one side and said: "Look at you people, you are sloppy, compared to our Ye Shen, they are really Toad and Prince Charming."

The few people standing upstairs saw Ye Lang standing next to Wei Shen, and they all felt energetic.

There was a gentle smile on CPT's face: "Oh, Ye Shen is here? Sit first, I'll go clean up, this is all down."

After that, he turned his head and walked into the room, and the other people also went back to the room directly.

Wei Shen sat on the sofa looking casual and relaxed. He then opened a bottle of Coke: "Hey, does Ye Shen drink Happy Water? It is estimated that this group of beasts will take ten or twenty minutes to get better."

"Last night they were too fascinated by the training game. Everyone felt like they were like Superman and didn't need to sleep at all."

"I didn't react until late in the night, but the reaction was gone, and it was like this today."

Ye Lang smiled slightly and took the happy water that Wei Shen handed over. After taking a sip, he said, "Before you said there was a training match today, how can you fight with this spirit?"

Wei Shen shrugged his shoulders: "There is really no way, I can only give up today's training game, but the problem is not big, these old dogs are still quite energetic."

The two people talked for a while, and the CPT upstairs walked down, rubbing his wet hair while saying: "I said God Wei, you take advantage of our no longer Do you mean something bad about us?"

CPT casually sat on the sofa next to Ye Lang, took a sip of the happy water from the fat house on the table, with a happy expression on his face.

"Ah, getting up early in the morning to drink a bottle of happiness water is really cool."

Wei Shen shrugged his shoulders and said; "Don't you wrong me, I really didn't say anything bad about you this time, Ye Shen, do you?"

Ye Lang also smiled slightly: "This is true, Wei Shen just said that you didn't sleep well."

CPT half complained and half helplessly said: "Who is to blame? Isn't it our Wei Shen? It has been training us, and let us resume the game in the middle of the night."

He yawned, glanced at Ye Lang and said, "Yes, you are here by chance. It is estimated that in half an hour we will start the training match."

"In this training match, our 4AM, RMG, ENG, FPLG teams will all come. I remember that Ye Shen had seen RMG and ENG in the match before?"

"It's estimated to be able to match up again, but I really want to see it, Ye Shen's sniper."

Ye Lang smiled slightly: "We will be able to see it then."

With that said, Ye Lang still had a smile on his face. After a while, the 4AM lineup this year was all out.

VV and LONGZ walked down, looked at Ye Lang with a hearty smile, and said hello.

Wei Shen stood up, looked at the crowd and said, "Okay, now we are also calling for greetings, and we have already picked up the guests. Brothers, we should prepare for the game."


Everyone responded with a stern expression on their faces before the computer.

In the channel voice, after Wei Shen entered, he shouted directly, and then introduced: "Big guys, I will introduce you to our new 4AM members, Ye Lang, Ye Shen."

"Yeshen killed the man in the European and American clothing with a gun at the time, and he is known as the first male **** of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds."

Soon there was a deep voice in the channel, it was FPLG captain Liu Shen.

Liu Shen's record is sturdy, even in Europe and the United States, it is also frightening. Before Ye Lang, the only man who can fight the two major death snipers in Europe and the United States without losing the wind.

"Hehe, Wei Shen, you are still so funny, but the strength of this Ye Shen is indeed very strong."

"I heard that several of the RMG and ENG members have suffered from him before, but this time, be careful that these two teams unite against you."

Just when Liu Shen’s words landed, it was passed over by a voice that sounded a little bit magnetic: "I said Liu Shen, you want to join forces with 4AM, don’t you need to spread rumors about us?"

"Our RMG has always been very broad-minded. How could it be specifically aimed at which team? Are you kidding me?"

Liu Shen smiled: "That's not sure, who knows what you think? If you really want revenge, would you still tell us people?"

RMG captain NING gave a chuckle, and the laughter echoed in the voice of the team, which made people feel funny to hear: "Old man Liu, I think you are really enough. I owe you a meal. Huh? As for you?"

Although several captains said they were joking, they all expressed a meaning, that is, they had no intention of being an enemy of this Ye Shen!

Of course, this can be regarded as a small confession. We can't not aim at you. You still have a grudge against us, right?

Of course, Wei Shen also understood what the words of Liu Shen and NING meant. He thought that even he smiled, these people have not been so worried about 4AM since the previous 4AM person left.

"Come on, you guys are really there, are you all here? When you are all there, we will start?"

"It's all here."

The heads of several teams were silent for a moment after checking their own number of people, and then they answered directly.

"Okay, let's get started."

In an instant, several people entered the airport. By this time, the channel voice had already been switched to the team voice.

"Where are we going to jump in a while?"

"The RMG people prefer steel guns. It is estimated that they will go to P City. The ENG people prefer to develop. They should choose a small place to jump. As for FPLG, I don't know."

"The command of this team is just like a lunatic. No one can predict what tactics he will choose, but they are also the most difficult team to deal with."

After Wei Shen's voice fell, several people were thinking

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