PUBG Nightmare Player System

Chapter 148: Who can stop me?

Hearing Wei Shen's laughter, God V shook his shoulders and said: "Oh, I said God Wei, can we not laugh like this? I am cautious when I laugh."

God L glanced at the pretentious God V and said with disdain; "Don't worry, just your appearance, the boss will not be interesting to you, so you can rest assured."

"But we, Ye Shen, are going to be worried. Maybe someday we Wei Shen will sneak into your house. You remember to call for help when that happens."

"Because this will make Wei Shen even more excited."

"Punch" Ye Lang couldn't help but laughed out, I dropped a good boy, this guy is really amazing, I thought he was going to save himself, who would have thought he was saying something like this .

At this moment, the heavily armed people were already on the edge of M City, and Wei Shen's slightly serious voice echoed: "Okay, don't be kidding, M City is here."

"Yeshen, RMG's style of play is very awkward, you should still be careful, after a while you find a place and stop moving, just sniping."

"Lao Cai, you come with me, we two seduce the opposite person, try our best to give Ye Shen a chance to play, and then strive for a shot to send the opposite person."

"As for Laolong, you will find a car as soon as possible in a while, so that we don't have enough time to run out of the drug ring in the end. If we are poisoned by then, it will be really shameful."

Ye Lang listened to Wei Shen's assignment, and a smile crossed his face. At this time, Wei Shen finally had the appearance of Wei Shen before.

"Roger that"

Ye Lang was cautiously shuttled through M City with 98K, his face was a little cold, he walked towards the side and saw a tall tower not far away, this tall tower is the best in the entire M City Sniper position!

Of course, this is also the easiest place to be sniped in M ​​City.

Precisely because this location is so good, no matter who comes here, they will first see if there is anyone at the top of the tower.

This greatly increased the possibility of exposure, but Ye Lang was not afraid of this.

No one in the entire PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds has been able to fight him. With sniper expertise, he can even be compared with the people who specialize in snipers in the army!

Ye Lang lay on the high tower, his eyes fixed on the eight-fold mirror, scanning the entire city of M, he was looking at whether there was anyone in the city.

Suddenly he saw a little black shadow. The little black shadow was not so obvious, but there was no hidden trace in Ye Lang's eyes.

"Shen Wei, I should have seen a person, and that person had a body leaking out by the window of the red building in the direction of East 145."

"Even if I have 98K at this distance, it is difficult to shoot to death."

"You go over there to seduce together, try to let him leak out a little more body, it is best to leak out the head, I can put a shot."

"Roger that"

Ye Lang stared at the eight-fold mirror and continued to illuminate the shadow of RMG. At this time, the few people should be in the same place, otherwise it would be difficult to rescue.

At this time, Wei Shen's voice rang: "In the direction of East 150, there are two people there."

God L's voice also rang: "In the direction of Dong 160, there is a person."

Ye Lang squinted his eyes, and then he said, "Well, I will hit the person in the 160 direction east for a while, and then Wei Shen you two will kill the two 150."

"The remaining one will wait for me to finish the fight, he must be panicking, and he will be shot directly."

Wei Shen was a little excited when he heard Ye Lang's voice. After all, before Ye Lang came, they were almost the first to eliminate them in previous training matches, and it was this RMG who eliminated them!

This time RMG gave up the P City they were familiar with. They thought it was a tactic, but they didn't know it. The hiding was to hand over the initiative!

For Wei Shen and others, a sense of familiarity is very important. If you rush to another city that you are not familiar with, RMG's tactics and strength will definitely be affected!

And this is the source of Wei Shen's confidence!

"Roger that!"

The 98K in Ye Lang's hand was directly aimed at a teammate of RMG, and the gun in his hand was constantly adjusting its direction. Any deviation from this distance may lead to the wrong position of the bullet!


A gunshot directly broke the tranquility of M City. At this time, NING had not had time to react. He was shot directly on the top of the head and fell to the ground!

And several other people in RMG reacted quickly. When they were about to go to the rescue, God Wei and God C had already started looting!

At this time, there is only one person left in the entire RMG!

At the same time, the gun in Ye Lang's hand had also been replaced, and he directly aimed at the last RMG member who was lying on the opposite side in the room and did not dare to move.

The corner of his mouth was raised to an arc, and then he said softly: "GOODLUCK"


A silent gunshot sounded, everything disappeared, and the entire RMG group was annihilated!

At the same time, the public screen is also refreshed.

YELANG kills NING with 98K

YELANG kills DING with 98K

Wei Shen directly laughed out loudly: "Hahahaha, damn, I, Ye Shen, has no one with this shooting technique. It's like seeing who kills someone, the gods block and kill the gods, the Buddha blocks and kill the Buddha!"

Ye Lang put down the gun in his hand, took a sip of the happy water from the fat house, and said, "Don't get excited, operate normally, operate normally."

"Hahahaha, Ye God, you pretend I will give you full marks."

Wei Shen had already eased his emotions for a while, and he opened the public microphone directly and said, "Oh, Captain NING, I'm really embarrassed."

"We were passing by here. Who would have thought that we should have met you? This is really embarrassing."

Ning rolled his eyes on the opposite side, and then he said, "I said God Wei, just pretend to be. You have gotten such a powerful sniper. I think you are really bad."

"This time at the Global Invitational, Asia Server can finally breathe out."

Wei Shen touched his nose, always feeling that this guy cares about the entire Asian server, but he laughs at him, this kind of mind is different.

"Ahem, that's not the case. With Ye Shen, there must be no problems in this Global Invitational."

"Just wait and see if we win."

After Wei Shen licked a few people's boxes, he led the team toward the safe area again.

At this time, on the FPLG side, several people looked at each other: "Fuck, how did these 4AM seniors become so fierce? This is to eliminate RMG?"

The player system who likes the nightmare of eating chicken, please collect it: ( The nightmare player system of eating the chicken has the fastest literary update.