PUBG Nightmare Player System

Chapter 149: You're crazy

Several people in FPLG had shocked expressions on their faces. They had noticed that several people from 4AM and RMG had met before.

But they thought this time it was still a few people from 4AM who lost!

But who would have thought that several people from RMG were completely wiped out? And several people in 4AM didn't die at all, none of them!

This wave of 0-for-4 play is really beautiful. All of a sudden, the FPLG and ENG teams have begun to be wary. Isn't it too strong?

The previous 4AM was not so powerful, could it be because of the newcomer named Ye Lang?

Is this newcomer so violently?

In fact, the players in the previous major teams did not pay much attention to Ye Lang. After all, the entertainment bureau, who would be serious?

If you are not serious, it is normal to kill a few big men with a gun. For example, if he is operating with one hand, he may still be killed by ordinary passers-by.

But now it doesn't seem to be the case, the strength of this Ye Lang is simply terrifying!

FPLG's Wang Tian had a serious look on his face: "Ye Lang's strength is a bit scary. After this round, we really want to take a look."

"At that time, take a good look at the other games before Yelang. I always feel that what we thought was wrong."

"This Ye Lang might really kill the death sniper when the death sniper was serious."

Liu Lan also sat up straight, with a touch of earnestness in his eyes: "The captain is right. We can't do this perfunctory for enemies of this level."

"If Ye Lang allows him to continue to develop, he will definitely become our strongest opponent. Maybe the number one in this invitational tournament will be their 4AM."

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of several others also became serious.

They are all young people, who hasn’t been competitive yet?

That is the champion of the Invitational, how can it be easily put down? Absolutely impossible! This is not only about honor, but also about a series of endorsements and bonuses.

The four people sat upright, carefully observing the surrounding environment, for fear that someone would suddenly appear or a gunshot.

At this time, the atmosphere in the ENG team is not too good. You look at a few people, and you all feel that MLG did not release water before.

"It seems that this time in the invitational tournament, there is really something to play."

Looking at Ye Lang.

After the 4AM group destroyed the entire RMG, it ran towards the safe zone, and no one encountered it along the way.

As Wei Shen drove, he smiled and said, "Oh, this training match is really the easiest invitational tournament. Fortunately, Ye Shen is here."

"It was the first time I experienced the feeling of lying down and winning is so wonderful."

Listening to Wei Shen's words, God V suddenly laughed: "Oh, I said God Wei, when are you not a salted fish, did you lie down and win?"

"Is this when you disliked our brothers before and couldn't bring you?"

God C also smiled and said, "It's OK, don't say it. This generation of newcomers has changed to the old. After Ye Shen came, the status of the few of us in Wei Shen's heart has plummeted."

"Hey, I was able to be a noble concubine before anyway. When Ye Shen came, Wei Shen's eyes were only at us Ye Shen. Who made Ye Shen so powerful and good-looking?"

When several people said this, they had already arrived in the safe zone. Even if they dropped the car, they had their own directions.

The circle gradually began to shrink. While watching the scope of the safe zone, Wei Shen mumbled: "Oh, I don't know if a destiny circle can be refreshed this time."

"Our 4AM is terrible, the worst team in eating chicken."

"Every time it's a scourge circle, a scourge circle."

As soon as Wei Shen's voice fell, the area of ​​the safe zone came out. He stiffened suddenly, his neck slowly turned, and he looked at God C, who was sitting next to him with a gloomy expression.

"Well, this, you can't blame me for this, right? Is my poisoned milk already so powerful?"

God C smiled coldly: "Haha, God Wei, after this training match, you just hanged a beam for me to commit suicide, say the Scourge Circle, the Scourge Circle is here."

With a helpless look on his face, he could only look for the car aside. ;

Ye Lang also touched his nose. He had never seen someone as effective as a crow's mouth. He said that the circle of condemnation is here. Is there really a crow's mouth in this world?

"Okay, let's go quickly, this circle is shrinking very fast."

After several people got into the car driven by God C with their things in their hands, they immediately headed for a safe area not far away. The position of the safe area happened to be a diagonal line with a few people.

It can be said to be the Scourge Circle in the Scourge Circle. ‘

Wei Shen curled his lips, and said with a little bit of dissatisfaction: "What's wrong with this, isn't it just a circle of scourge? If someone ambushes us in front of us for a while, then it's called..."

"Da da da"

Before the words fell, a burst of gunfire sounded, and God C who was driving quickly beat the steering wheel to death and rushed directly behind the big tree on the edge of the safe zone.

The four people jumped out of the car.

L looked at Wei Shen with a complex expression, and said, "I said Wei Shen, did you open your mouth? If you say that the scourge circle is the scourge circle, and that some people charge tolls, some people charge tolls."

Wei Shen looked really helpless at this moment. He looked at the scourge circle drawn and the team that collected the tolls in front, and said helplessly: "This, this, harm, I don't know."

He was about to say something about living, and God L, who was sitting next to him, directly covered God's mouth: "Stop talking God God, I'm afraid you will tell us later that our situation will get worse."

Wei Shen smiled in a jealous way: "No? Could it be worse than the current situation?"

As soon as the voice fell, the small place on the map where they were standing instantly turned red. The place that was not a bombing zone turned into a bombing zone.

Wei Shen's face turned green. He looked at the gaze of several teammates around him, and tightly covered his mouth: "I won't say it. If I don't say it, can't it be done?"

Ye Lang chuckles when he looks at Wei Shen like this, a smile is drawn on his face: "It's OK, it's not a big deal."

"Isn't it just a scourge circle? See how I collected the opposite protection fee!"

The player system who likes the nightmare of eating chicken, please collect it: ( The nightmare player system of eating the chicken has the fastest literary update.