PUBG Nightmare Player System

Chapter 150: Stop talking, surrender

Ye Lang's words all at once made the Wei Shen amused. He looked at people not far away and said, "I said Ye Shen, what you said is really too arrogant, right?"

"Just like this, I said that I would directly charge the opposite person to reverse protection fees?"

"I don't think it's possible, what do you think?"

Several other people in 4AM also laughed: "Hahahaha, I also think it's impossible, but since Ye Shen is so confident, we just believe him."

"That's right, it doesn't matter whether Ye Shen can collect the protection fee anyway. Anyway, we are all in the circle of scourges in this wave. If the RMG people can accept it, I feel very comfortable. "

"Hahahahaha, Lao Cai is right, I feel quite comfortable."

"That's right, who made these RMG people so arrogant before? Now they have been destroyed by our Yeshen, and they are comfortable. See how they are still arrogant here."

"Hahahahaha, I said you guys, this is the beginning to comfort Ye Shen, maybe Ye Shen can really collect the opposite protection fee?"

"Tsk tusk tusk, what you said is the same as I don't believe in Ye Shen, I tell you, if Ye Shen can really collect all the protection fees from the opposite side, I will live broadcast the table!"

Wei Shen directly patted his thigh: "Okay, Lao Long, this is what you said, if you don't eat the table live, I can't spare you."

"Tsk tusk tusk, okay, that's it. If Ye Shen can collect the protection money for these people, I will just eat the table and I will definitely not regret it."

Ye Shen looked at the expressions of these people and smiled directly: "You guys, you don't believe me anymore, please comfort me here."

"You wait and see, and see if I can collect this wave of protection fees."

After saying this, Ye Lang directly picked up the gun in his hand, took out a smoke bomb in his other hand, and then threw it abruptly, directly on the ground.

A puff of smoke echoed in this piece of grass, and everything seemed so peaceful.

There was a little seriousness on the face of the opposite FPLG: "I saw this wave of 4AM just now. Since I was the one who killed RMG, I must be proud at this time."

"Now that the smoke bombs are set off, they must be ready to run over and kill us."

He sneered: "Hehe, I want to see what they used to destroy our FPLG."

"Lao Wang, you go to the other side to defend. Once you see someone running out of the smoke, you will immediately do it. Lao Liu, go to the right to defend. I will wait here."

"Old Li, you rushed directly into the smoke, and let us see if anyone came out."

The FPLG captain ordered several other teammates word by word, with a playful smile on his face: "I want to see if this guy can kill us."

The smoke continued to permeate, permeating the void, everything was hidden, no one could see clearly.

Lao Li of FPLG walked cautiously in the smoke, and suddenly he felt something wrong. How could there be no sound in the smoke?

If there is no sound at all, is there no one here?

He reacted in an instant, there is definitely a fraud in it! Could it be that Ye Lang is not in this smoke?

Just when he was about to turn his head and run, suddenly something flew over his feet. He didn't even have time to speak, and he was just killed!

YELANG killed FPLG-LI with a grenade

This reminder sounded, and the people at FPLG were stunned. What's the situation? Lao Li didn't react at once, so he died? ?

Is that Ye Shen so powerful? But if you die, you won’t be killed by a grenade? What is going on here? Just when a few people were confused, another grenade flew over!

A few people evaded quickly, but this one escaped leaked out of the body and was directly exposed within the shooting range of Ye Lang!


A dull gunshot rang, and then the FPLA-LIU fell to the ground!

YELANG killed FPLG-LIU with 98K

The captain of the FPLG had a gloomy look on his face. He didn't expect that this person could be so powerful. He actually shot this LIU to death with a single shot without everyone reacting!

He made gestures and asked the people on the side to follow him to the side. At this time, another gunshot sounded and another person fell down!

At this time, the captain of FPLG was already nervous, and he did not expect that the person on the opposite side was so powerful!

He held the spear tightly in his hand, ready to kill him as soon as that person appeared!

"Da da da"

The footsteps sounded, and the FPLG captain had a serious look on his face. He listened carefully with his ears. He was listening to where the footsteps came from!


He immediately turned around, and the gun in his hand was shot without hesitation!

However, he was still a step slower, and was directly hit by this Ye Lang!

At this time, FPLG's idea of ​​collecting protection fees completely failed, because Ye Lang directly killed them to the group, and received a wave of protection fees in the opposite direction!

Ye Lang smiled slightly, then turned to look at the stunned Wei Shen and others standing beside him and said, "I said Dragon God, when do you live on the table and eat the table?"

"When the time comes, you must call me, and I will call the audience in my live broadcast room to watch"

"Look at how my big dragon **** eats the table live, hehehehe."

God L is already dumbfounded at this time, what's the situation? This is the Scourge Circle, and even the bombing zone! A professional team was destroyed like this? ?

Is this possible?

In the past, whoever told God L about this matter would not believe it, but at this time, he had to believe it.

Because it is true!

He swallowed, and then he said, "Fuck, you're so awesome, aren't you? This is all okay?"

"I'm quite convinced. After two days, I will live broadcast and eat the table."

Ye Lang was stunned for a moment, and when he heard that the dragon **** was really ready to eat the table, he said quickly; "I'm joking, joking, how can I really let you eat."

Dragon God smiled slightly, then took out his phone, clicked on a treasure and ordered a table cake.

"It's okay, I can eat this table, I just want to eat cake."

The player system who likes the nightmare of eating chicken, please collect it: ( The nightmare player system of eating the chicken has the fastest literary update.