PUBG Nightmare Player System

Chapter 165: The undercover game is here again!

4am collectively blocked the public wheat, everything that happened in the public wheat has nothing to do with them.

At this time, Wei Shen's face jumped with fat, "Haha, this is too cool, I just saw Ning dancing in the fire, haha, I was so ridiculous!"

"How about this surprise?"

Ye Lang started to take credit with his backhand.

"Ye Shenniu beep, but then again, my three fires are definitely the first work..."

Before the game was won, a few people started blowing.

I forgot that they were surrounded by people in Haizi P city, and they were likely to be besieged and killed at any time.

In the RMG base, MLG closed itself, and the expression on his face became extremely complicated.

"No, I want to study this Molotov cocktail, I don't believe it."

After being engaged by Ye Lang for three consecutive games, the MLG mentality completely collapsed.

Professional players are not the ones with strong psychological quality. It can almost be said that Tai Shan collapse can still hold the mouse firmly and shoot accurately, but now, the mentality of professional players has collapsed.

SSS base, "Just now mine, **** followed RMG and was burned by Gao Dewei."

"It's okay, there are us." Zhou Lili stabilized her military mind and began to ponder Ye Lang's position.

"ENG was the first to be destroyed without leaving a message, then 17, it was too far away, and nothing was left, except that Ye Lang used a crossbow and Victor."

"Captain, I have a guess, I think Ye Lang may be on the roof."

Zhou Lili couldn't help but look up at the house above her head.

The rainy weather covered the roof's footsteps well, and Ye Lang moved slowly and quietly at this time, shuttled like a ghost.

"Yelang knocked down IFTY-A+ with a crossbow"

"Ye Lang knocked down FPLG-liu with a crossbow"...

For a while, the entire P city became panic.

In Gongmaili, after A+ was knocked down, he instantly reacted, "Ye Lang is on the roof! Damn!"

Then a thunder flew over.

FPLG captain Liu Lan secretly rejoiced, "Fortunately, I didn't make up for it."

However, his thought only lasted for less than a second, and he found himself in front of Ye Lang like an iron man.


"Fuck it! Ye Lang is with me!"

The whole P city became a mess.

After Ye Lang compensated Liu Lan with his grenades, a prompt from the system came.

"Nightmare value +5000."

"Nightmare value +4500,"

One A+ and one Liu Lan are really valuable.

Thinking of this, Ye Lang's eyes became more and more crazy.

"Yelang used vector to knock down SSS-NB211."

"Ye Lang used a grenade to knock down FPLG-LI"

"Ye Lang knocked down WB-DD with a crossbow"

......Although there are not many knockdowns and kills in the upper right corner, they will jump out every ten seconds.

Wei Shen shouted in excitement, taking advantage of Ye Lang's sabotage, he kept increasing, and while hiding in Tibet, he did not forget to throw grenade, flash and smoke.

All of a sudden, P city jumped.

"Who will tell me what is his surprise! Hahaha."

Wei Shen shouted. In an instant, Aluka's health bar disappeared.

"Fuck, I was found by dyy."

After the SSS team spotted the sneaky but swaggering Aluka, they instantly chose to shoot, and then made up for it without hesitation.

The activity space at 4am was further compressed, and Wei Shen also heard footsteps outside.

Four steps, surrounded.

In this case, even if it is a god, even if it is hanging, it has to sigh up to the sky, unable to return to the sky.

Of course Wei Shen also knew, but at this time, a thought flashed through his mind.

"Hey, they're afraid they don't know that there is something called a human bomb!"

"Dighead, why is your voice so wretched."

"Affected by Ye Lang."

Ye Lang has a black line on his face, and your own wry and loud smile has nothing to do with me, Ye Lang, how can I make that kind of sound when I am so handsome.

Then, a swipe came from the upper right corner!


"4amgodV knocked down WB-XX with a grenade"

"4amgodV knocked down WB-LC with a grenade"

"4amgodV knocked down IFTY-YU with a grenade"

"4amgodV knocked down IFTY-TSZ with a grenade"

"4amgodV knocked down 4am-godv with a grenade"


When Wei Shen saw that his strategy had succeeded, he immediately uttered a pig cry.

"Hahaha, I'm so happy, this is playing games! No one has encountered such fun things!"

It turned out that Wei Shen was hiding in front of the second-floor window and pulling the thunder. The moment the four people passed by, he turned the window directly. The grenade exploded in Wei Shen's hand, and the human flesh bomb instantly knocked down the other four!

"Dighead, they are not in the same team!"

Wei Shen's face turned dark, "Hurry up and make it up, make it up!"

"It's late, they are here!"

Ye Lang sighed.

WB came, and IFTY came.

There are now six people here, and these six people did not notice. Above their heads, in the window opposite, a clown head flashed by.

"Pull up! Fight medicine! I will continue to save!"

In the public mail, WB's voice came.

However, the teammate he had just rescued fell down again.

"Yelang knocked down WB-XX with a crossbow!"

Gong Maili was quiet for a moment.

Then broke out.

"Ye Lang, deceive people too much!"


Such scenes were repeated in the next few minutes.

Ye Lang looked at his number of kills, it had already reached eighteen, and the poison circle had already started to hurt.

Xiao Xingmu accidentally had been surrounded and suppressed, and now he was alone, fighting alone.

"Shen Wei, do I look like Rambo."

"You are like Gini..."

"Fuck, I'm talking about Rambo from "First Blood"!"

Ye Lang leaned back against a bunker and began his final cleaning work.

Gong Maili, who was still communicating with, now has no one to speak, either he was killed by Ye Langyin, or he was autistic.

Take a few steps, hit two bandages, full of energy, and the poisonous circle swayed in the perspective, extremely psychedelic.

Dragon God was lying on the sofa and was communicating with other team leaders about today's affairs. It could be seen that his face was very bad.

The Wei Shen and the three had surrounded Ye Lang, and the pressure was on Ye Lang's body.

"If it doesn't work, it's okay. These guys don't follow the rules, they don't have the strength to play professionally."

"It's okay, God Wei, watch my show! I'll give them another **** surprise!"

Ye Lang turned on the wheat, then changed his voice, and took a sharp breath.

"Ye Lang is here, in the building above my head! Come on!"

At this time, Ye Lang didn't know where he took off someone else's clothes, changed an AK and pointed to the room above and shouted.

Sure enough, footsteps came!

"Up, are you sure?"

It was Zhou Lili's voice.

"I'm sure!" Ye Lang changed his voice, no one could hear it.

Professional players train at the base all day long. How do they know what each other looks like, not to mention their voices.


Ye Lang shouted, "I'll go first! You guys give me a gun!"

"No, together!" Zhou Lili's voice came again.

The corner of Ye Lang's mouth raised and looked back at Wei Shen: "The undercover is successful!"

The player system who likes the nightmare of eating chicken, please collect it: ( The nightmare player system of eating the chicken has the fastest literary update.