PUBG Nightmare Player System

Chapter 166: Career circle exploded

Watching Ye Lang's operation, Wei Shen grew his mouth, the fat house happy water in his mouth was almost drunk, and it flowed out from the corner of his mouth.

"This is fine too?"

"Haha, these guys are so stupid! I think their IQ has been completely exploded."

Ye Lang counted his steps and distinguished in his ears, there were eight, and there were only eight people left!

The four people who took the lead are now somewhat irrational.

"Let's rush together, I don't believe it!"

"I don't believe Ye Lang can live with four guns at the same time!"

"Yes, **** it!"


Ye Lang's face went dark, do you hate me so much?

As soon as the four of them went upstairs, the grenade in Ye Lang's hand was thrown out.

At this time, Ye Lang's position was at the top of the stairs, and four people on the stairs were in front, standing in line.

Ye Lang's grenade was placed in a very good position, just in front of the four people. They couldn't enter or retreat. Ye Lang stuck his way back.

"Paralyzed, let me give you a hand, fuck, grenade!" Zhou Lili's heart-piercing voice came.

"Fuck, I'm stuck!"


Four people fell down in an instant, and Ye Lang was also bombed with half a tube of blood.

"Brother, save people, hurry!"

"Save, save, save, save, save, save, save..." one of them screamed frantically, "I'm down three, hurry up! Save, save, save, save, save, save, save, save! "

His voice is like a machine gun.

Ye Lang faintly picked up the AK.

"Da da da……"

"Da da……"

"Da da... da da da"

The four people responded and turned into boxes.

22 killed!

"Brothers, surprises are not surprises, excitement is not excitement!"

Ye Lang came slowly with a magnetic voice.

In Gongmai, someone seems to be slapping the table frantically, bang bang bang!

Someone yelled, "Ye Lang, you shameless!"

"Haha, you guys are shameless first, don't blame me."

"You wait for me!"

There are still four people. Kill three more to complete the goal.

When the sound of footsteps came again not far away, Ye Lang had already finished licking his bag and hid in a nearby house.

When the weather cleared, Ye Lang was filled with medicine, and looked at his current equipment, three grenades, one smoke, one first aid kit, one bottle of painkillers, one bottle of drink, and only forty-five bullets.

It's time to end.

So Ye Lang said and touched the wall. If these four people are held together, their own blood will not be able to retreat all over, let alone, the poison ring is getting fiercer!

A sneaky head was exposed, Ye Lang also spotted the opponent, but Ye Lang did not shoot, but threw a smoke bomb in the direction behind him.

Gong Maili, now there is no one to speak, they are autistic.

At least ten teams were here to besieged and killed a 4am, but they were teased about the city.

How embarrassed to talk again?

It's a shame for a career.

Seeing the smoke, three people leaned over, and the other one slowed down for three seconds, so Ye Lang shot.

"Da da da!"

ak directly eliminated the lone wolf of the QM team.

The three people who were attracted by the gunfire knew that they had been fooled, but it was too late, and the three grenades in Ye Lang's hand were thrown out for nothing.

Boom boom boom!

After three loud noises, only one kill was jumped out.

"All lone wolves, fuck!"

At this time, Ye Lang's blood volume was dropping rapidly, and it was time for the poison ring to hurt.

On the map at this time, in the safe area, a green helmet wearing auspicious suit, hiding at the foot of a big tree, watching everything happening around him from time to time.

"Brother, there is really no one?"

"Don't worry, we must have eaten chicken, everyone is in P city! The medicine and bullets in the whole city are all gone, Ye Lang can't get out."

At this time, Ye Lang finished all the last medicine, and heard the sound of the jar of painkiller opening not far away in the corner.

"It's now."

When the opponent hit the middle of the drug, Ye Lang rushed out and flew up.

"Boy, have you ever seen a shooting method that fell from the sky?"

The moment he flashed out, he had already shot.

The figure who was spraying the medicine cut the gun sharply, but only fired two shots before falling down.

Ye Lang only had a trace of blood at this moment, and he died the next moment.

26 kills!

"Ding Dong, the task is complete. The double reward time is over!"

On the screen, it suddenly appeared: "Good luck next time!"

The ranking turned out to be second!

Although I didn't eat chicken, the task of the system was completed. It didn't matter whether there were other rewards. Now the nightmare value is definitely more than 100,000.

Thinking of this, Ye Lang laughed.

However, at this time, Wei Shen suddenly said: "Fuck, A+ is really a master of tactics, they are eating chicken!"

Not only Wei Shen, but other teams are also confused.

"Fuck, Brother A+ yin us."

"No, this is too much! Let's run to attack P City, you send someone to eat chicken yourself."

"What's the situation, let's kill Ye Lang together?"


FPLG base.

"You guys think carefully, and when someone A+ said, why did you follow along with your brains."

"I sent someone to eat chicken, how about you? Did you send the head?"

"Ten thousand steps back, so many people, why P City is holding up, why are you rushing in? Isn't it scented in 98K? Is SLR not easy to use? Or do you think SKS is too heavy?"

The team leader is furious, these kids, the training game is not to say, the key is that it hasn't been done, and the face is lost.


SSS base, "Zhou Lili, are you a nasty critic? You don't even ask him which team he is from? Finally, he was crushed by a thunderous mother."

Zhou Lili: "Coach, I don't want to talk!"

"Don't talk, I beg you, as soon as you speak, your mind is gone!"

IFTY base, A+ looks at the WeChat voice on the phone and deletes the content directly.

"This is not eating chicken, it can only be stealing chicken. What is the origin of this Ye Lang? Why is he so strong?"

"Big brother, he seems to be an anchor. He beat passersby and beat the gun for 17 shou, then killed Wei Shen and he became famous."

"This person has no future at 4am. I think we can absorb it. After all, I am not young anymore. After next month, I will be 28."


At the 4am base, everyone talked and laughed, "Ye Lang, will I go home later or at the base?"

"I have to go back in the future. My sister is coming over for dinner today. It's already past four o'clock. It's not early."

"Oh? Do you have a younger sister?" In an instant, the small eye-catching eyes lit up.

"Brother-in-law, I think I will cook today, and my future daughter-in-law will rely on you."

"Go away! Don't you have an object!"

When a few people were bragging and farting, today's training game also made a sensation in the professional circle.

The managers, leaders and coaches of the entire PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds professional circle held an online meeting together. The meeting lasted for three and a half hours. The content was unclear, but when Dragon God came out, his face was very bad.

"GTMD professional circle!" Dragon God suddenly felt his brain hurt.

The player system who likes the nightmare of eating chicken, please collect it: ( The nightmare player system of eating the chicken has the fastest literary update.