PUBG Nightmare Player System

Chapter 178: Advanced weight anchor

Ye Lang's eyes were calm at this time, and he slowly said, "Dear barrage gods, have you ever heard of the professional training of a sniper?"

"We have heard about the self-cultivation of actors. Obviously, Ye Shen you have understood it."

"What sniper self-cultivation has to do with Miss Sister?"

"I know a self-cultivation that hangs on the wall."

Ye Lang smiled slightly and inhaled deeply, "When a sniper fires, he must have faith in his heart. This faith will bring him a sub-power, which can help him invincible and invincible. At that time, I need your strength."

"Come on, everyone, put trust on the public screen."

As soon as Ye Lang spoke, countless "trusts" appeared on the barrage, but some people still pondered it and realized it suddenly.

"Ye Lang, you are asking God, it's not right to spread feudal superstition."

Ye Lang almost laughed, "No, brother, I just interacted, why is it still feudal superstition, why do I need to please God? Look at my shot!"

At this time, Ye Lang picked up 98K, already calculating the opponent's running route in his mind.

The ridicule in the mouth of the opened goods has not stopped this time.

"What should I do, is it impossible to beat me, hahahahaha, there is no way I am so strong."

"Can't catch up with me? Hahahaha."

His voice is somewhat magical, and it can catch Ye Lang's ear instantly.

Ye Lang said silently in his heart, "Let you be arrogant for three more seconds."

Hanging on the wall: "Hey, I'm the latest one. It's impossible for you mortals... Fuck!"

Before his voice fell, he found that his body was already kneeling on the ground.

"Fuck, how is it possible!"

When Ye Lang shot, all the audience found that there was a lot of air where Ye Lang shot, and no one was okay at all, but the one that opened the gun or was too fast hit Ye Lang's bullet directly.

The 7.62mm bullet pierced his coquettish hairstyle instantly.

"It's unscientific, you must have opened it, **** it."

The man said viciously.

Then Ye Lang jumped out of the screen to kill.

"Yelang killed me with 98K. What happened to the wall?"

"Ding Dong, kill the cheaters, nightmare value +5000."

Ye Lang's eyes lit up, that's good, should I look for those who open up more? It's more valuable than professional players!

Three times in a row Zhuxian, this operation, thoroughly looked at the audience who stayed in the live broadcast room.

"Fuck, too strong!"

"This anchor has something, you will be Emperor Zhuxian from now on."

"What kind of ghosts, ghosts, and what Jedi hangs on the wall, can't stand a blow in front of my Ye Shen."

"Guard the best Ye Shen in the world!"

At this moment, he blankly covered his mouth, "My God, Ye Lang brother, you are too awkward, this is an iron wall!"

Tuantuan roared in excitement, "Mmm, Ye Lang brother, I want to sing for you."

"Don't speak, yourself."

The three drove to continue.

At this time, the popularity of Ye Lang's live broadcast room exceeded 2,000, and Ye Lang's live broadcast career has entered a new dimension.

Become a real super anchor!

Generally speaking, the key to distinguish whether an anchor is influential is popularity. Different platforms have different standards for popularity. In Huya, more than 20 million popularity is a milestone and a dividing line.

From the beginning with nothing, to now the heavyweight anchor, Ye Lang completed this counterattack in less than half a month. It was a miracle.

"Congratulations to Ye Shen Zhuxian for your success, one hundred treasure maps are here!"

Xiao Wang who played the game instantly swiped the screen.

"Fuck, really brushed! Niu beep!"

"The local tyrants take me!"

"Really a local tyrant, which rich second generation!"

Ye Lang was also very excited, "Thank you, Xiao Wang, who played the game, for the one hundred treasure maps, the boss is generous."

When you are in a good mood, everything will go smoothly. At this time, in Ye Lang's live broadcast room, various major anchors came to congratulate one after another.

Turaf: "Congratulations to Ye Lang's popularity breaking through 20 million. I have to learn from you."

Although Turaf was engaged by Yelang many times in the anchor league, Turaf had a very good mentality and specially came to give gifts.

"Thanks Turaf, it's okay to play together."

"No problem, wait until I get better."

The major anchors came to congratulate one after another.

BB text: Congratulations.

Wei Shen: Fuck so fast, it's fiercer than me!

Thomas: Ye Shenniu beep, I'll see you all the way!


After a wave of gifts, Ye Lang and Duan Tuantuan slipped out of the safe area and got into a house next to them.

At this moment, Ye Lang took a deep breath, and the voice of the system sounded.

"The popularity reaches 20 million, the mission is completed, and a deep blue treasure chest will be rewarded."

"turn on!"

"Open the treasure box and gain game skills. If you are strong, you will be strong at the intermediate level."

"Get light mastery."

I go, and this stuff?

Isn't this scientific? what happened?

Ye Lang remembered a video in his previous life. In the video, the Taoist told reporters, you must believe in science, then jump off the 30-meter high platform and leave leisurely.

Is it possible that such a magical thing really exists in this world?

Ye Lang started to get excited.

"Brother Ye Lang, why don't you speak, do you want to listen to the song?" Tuantuan started again.

"No, no, I just poured water."

"Brother Ye Lang, they haven't eaten chicken today."

Ye Lang's face turned dark. Today, he finally realized the difficulties of the previous anchors. It is already an accident to bring one to eat chicken. It really takes courage to bring two.

"Don't worry, the gods can be killed. What's the matter with eating chicken, the small scene is fine."

At this time, it was the finals. I followed the two giant pandas to hide for the whole game. Ye Lang was also bored. He was very happy and felt good today. So everyone in the finals, sorry, there is still left. Twelve people are all my dishes!

Ye Lang slowly poked his head out, took a deep breath, and the huge echoing loudspeaker appeared again.

"Listen to the people in the finals, you are already surrounded. Put down your weapons and surrender. You can remain silent, but every word you say will become a testimony."

"Think about your relatives, think about your parents, you have to be clear that there have always been terrorists who have been killed, and the people's police who have not yielded. They are lenient in frankness and strict in resistance..."

Before, everyone listened to Ye Lang's words in the video. Now, this is the live version.

Tuantuan was dumbfounded, and was out of breath with a blank smile.

The barrage flicked 666 frantically.

"Yeshen's operation is invincible."

"Operation that can call professional players collapse, I'm convinced."

"Haha, RMG has reappeared, I will convince you if I don't accept it."

Ye Lang paid attention to the finals, all kinds of noise came from the earphones, and when a person poked his head out, he still smelled of Songhua River.

"Don't stop BB."

But his response was a 7.62mm bullet.

The player system who likes the nightmare of eating chicken, please collect it: ( The nightmare player system of eating the chicken has the fastest literary update.