PUBG Nightmare Player System

Chapter 184: IQ exploded

The barrage felt that the atmosphere of those hanging walls had changed, and one after another began to yin and yang.

Ye Lang didn't feel anything.

The voice of the system jumped out again, and this was the most beautiful voice in Ye Lang's heart.

"Ding Dong, nightmare value +3000, nightmare value +2500, nightmare value +1800, nightmare value +2600"

The situation at this time has changed. Ye Lang appeared in this land like a wolf, attacking forcefully.

Those who thought they could easily play with Ye Lang began to panic.

"Boss, I can kill directly through the wall."

"No, damn, I don't believe it anymore, you just open the perspective and the lock, don't open the others, I don't believe it, he is so strong?"

The guy who was killed by Ye Lang three times, at this time Yizheng rejected the younger brothers' proposal.

"What should I do then!"

"Damn, let him out of the circle, I don't believe he doesn't run the circle!"

When the poison circle refreshed again, Ye Lang smiled.

"Friends of water, these people are in a hurry. They have begun to control the drug circle. I have to run this circle. I can imagine that they have occupied various good positions. At any time, as long as my body is in no cover For more than three seconds, I will die."

Ye Lang said slowly.

The poison circle brushed deep in the airport, and Ye Lang had to run poison.

In this situation, even professional players are very embarrassed.

In a professional game, when the enemy does not leave any retreat for his team, the feeling of powerlessness is uncomfortable.

The sky is spread out, just waiting to collect tolls. People who have not been charged to tolls don't understand how awkward it is.

Sometimes the **** pretends to be a suit, but can't fight back. He can only run with his head suffocated.

Ye Lang was facing such a situation at this time. Professional matches could be used to close cigarettes. What he faced was the hanging of a lock, so there was no use for blocking cigarettes.

"Haha, Ye Shen, what do you do now, don't you run the poison?"

"Now I don't have any interest in Ye Shen killing people. I just want to see Ye Lang being shamed."

As a technical anchor, it is very popular, but after a long time, it will get tired, so the audience hopes that an old yin ratio will suddenly appear and end the way of killing the anchor.

Ye Lang was also wondering. Didn't this happen for at least several months? What's the matter, it's only been a few days for the audience to broadcast live?

In fact, it's not that they are obsessed with Ye Lang, but after watching Ye Lang's live broadcast, they always feel that other so-called technical anchors, such as SY, have a very good operation. After all, it is one word-spicy!

But don't watch it, and worry about missing those wonderful shots. This kind of person who can make the audience want to stop, the last one seems to be a dead anchor.

Ye Lang didn't rush, waiting for the poison circle to refresh with ten seconds left, and made an amazing move.

Everyone else enters the circle, but he runs outside the poison circle.

"Fuck, Ye Shen gave up?"

"Yeshen, you can't give up on yourself, we know that you can't beat so much, you are already very powerful."

"No, what are you going to do?"

"Shut up upstairs, Ye Shen's book "Psychology on the Wall" read more, okay?"


At this time, Ye Lang said slowly, "Don’t worry, I’m at a disadvantage now, but it doesn’t mean that I won’t have the chance. Look at this map. There is a container here in the airport. This is a place they can’t reach. As soon as they retreat, they are perspective, they must occupy the circle to wait for me, hehe, I walk from behind, I don't believe they will have ten people waiting for me in this container?"

At the center of the airport, that piece of container might be Ye Lang's last bunker. After Ye Lang retreated, he swaggered past the dead corner on the other side, and he kept his gun behind him without panic.

Next to the poison ring, Ye Lang took out the AK when he reached the container.

"Did you see it? It depends on your brain to play games. What happened? If you don't have the brain, I still abused."

Ye Lang was extremely arrogant. At this time, the poison ring had already run over his body. Ye Lang threw a grenade directly towards the remaining half of the container with a shelter.

Sure enough, there is someone there.

"Yelang used a grenade to kill the penultimate tank battle."

The barrage suddenly stopped 666.

"Sure enough, Ye Shen, Niubi Niubi."

"Haha, it's no wonder that this product has to be opened, and the tank battle can be the last one."

"Watching Ye Shen perform!"

... After several rounds of cleaning by Ye Lang, there are only 13 people left in the circle, that is, Ye Lang must completely kill these 13 people to eat chicken.

Even if the master of art was bold, Ye Lang felt a sweat in his palms.

The audience also began to get nervous, and they dared not say anything. The barrage was extremely harmonious.

"I am not in a good position now, so I have to change my strategy."

"Listen to the people inside, do you dare to confront me one by one? I know that you have opened the perspective and the lock, but in this world, only Caibian can open it. If you want to prove yourself, come and confront it. , We fought for three hundred rounds."

As soon as Ye Lang spoke, Gong Maili exploded.

"Damn, so angry, he looks down on us."

"What about the boss?"

The voice groaned for a while, "I'm right with him, I don't believe it, we can't beat one of them, I'm not convinced!"

"The opposite of you wait, we will come one by one."

After hearing this response, Ye Lang instantly smiled, "Did you see it, they really agreed."

The audience was blinded.

"This is fine too?"

"Does Ye Lang know MLM skills?"

"No, this group of people has a pit in their heads, they agreed!"

Ye Lang explained, "After betting with that person before, I found that that guy is a principled and easy to get into the corner. The more I talk about him, the more he has to prove himself."

"66666, Ye Lang, the master of psychology."

"We have to read the book "Psychology" carefully, otherwise we won't dare to play this game."

"No, you need to learn mathematics to play games, and now you still learn psychology? Can I stop playing."


Ye Lang stood up, extremely confident.

"Which one of you will come first, let's go together, I want to fight ten!"

A man walked out and came behind a bunker.

"Boy, there are only ten people in total, so **** slap yourself!"

Ye Lang is behind the container and the man is behind the bunker.

The two people held their breath and watched each other's actions separately.

Ye Lang slowly poked his head out at this time and opened the mirror directly to clamp the place.

This action is extremely bold, but Ye Lang has this confidence, as long as the opponent dares to show up, he can quickly aim and shoot.

And this also saves the shadow when the quadruple lens is opened.

The atmosphere became tense.

"Damn, what are you counseling, you are aiming yourself!"

"Fuck him!"

Gong Maili's voice is really uncontrollable.

The player system who likes the nightmare of eating chicken, please collect it: ( The nightmare player system of eating the chicken has the fastest literary update.