PUBG Nightmare Player System

Chapter 195: Unsolved Mystery: Where is Ye Lang

Ye Lang had already touched it quietly at this time, and it was his style to show off.

"They must have never seen the Jedi Flying Tigers, tsk tsk, today I will show them what technology is and what a **** surprise is!"

Ye Lang's voice had already shot.

He was just behind the other two players, and in an instant, the spanking tactic was successful.

At 4am, the other three people succeeded in attracting vitality to Ye Lang. At this time, Wei Shen yelled frantically, "Damn, let you beat Lao Tzu's second-level head."

"Yelang used M416 to kill ENG-TIAN."

"Yelang used M416 to kill ENG-LANG."

"Yelang used M416 to kill ENG-KILL."

ENG base.

KILL held his head in his hands, "FK! I want to go back to Germany, what's going on in your division, this person is against me!"

TIAN said with a cold face, "He is an exception, it's just that we are unlucky and encounter them. You can go back, but you have to compensate for the liquidated damages."

Upon hearing the liquidated damages, KILL suddenly looked like a stunned ball.

"Think about it again, look at the video and see how Ye Lang fights. I feel that his body style is a bit powerful. Let's go see and learn."

"KILL, don't worry, your strength has been proven. We all believe in you. You will also be our sniper in the two-day competition, but you need to adjust your mentality."

The competition was approaching, TIAN calmed his team members, and fell into contemplation at this time.

This Ye Lang is really amazing.

Fortunately, he could not participate in the official competition, and ENG lost one opponent.

At 4am, the four of them were crying and thinking, "Damn, these people are so fat."

"Fuck, eightfold, or else."

Ye Lang shook his head, "I don't want it. I use this one six times, eight times is too stupid."

"Fuck, I have five mines."

"I have seven."

"I have three."

"Same point even point."


The grenade is full, the medicine is full, the bullet is full, this ENG is simply a born courier.

Yelang was waiting for the next opponent. Soon, he found another mountain in the distance, a terrain similar to theirs, and several heads were fighting the opponent.

Ye Lang shouted, "Look at my show, direction 196!"

Ye Lang picked up the M24 and opened the lens. After that, six times locked the person who had just fallen.


"Yelang killed 17shou with M24"

"Ding Dong, nightmare value +4300"

Ye Lang kept running, taking advantage of those people falling down, once again fired at another opponent of Team 17.


After the bullet flew for a while, the blood spiked instantly, and the 7.62mm bullet hit the bullseye.

"Yelang killed RMG-MLG with M24"

"Dingdong, nightmare value +3900."


The two teams are fighting endlessly, especially when RMG encounters the 17 team, it must be the tip of the needle.

Now, they stopped for a while,

Team 17 base, "Fuck, I was charged for protection. Where is 4am, I can't hear their gunshots."

"It may be too far!"

"Dajing, spread the smoke, we have to slow down, don't rush to kill."


RMG base.

"Ye Lang, it's Ye Lang again, I don't take it!" MLG just wanted to let his teammates save himself, so Ye Lang directly made up for it.

"He should be very far away, I can't hear where the gunshots are."

MLG nodded, "I know, no, this grudge is going to be reported. First fight with 17 and eat them, then go to the 4am gang."


The two teams lost one person, but they still refused to accept each other.

Ye Lang certainly knows the mindset of their team.

With RMG and 17's urinary sex, if you don't fight to death today, no one will want to go out here.

Ye Lang adjusted the position instantly and aimed again.

In the smoke, a person turned his probe sideways and seemed to be observing, moving in small steps from time to time. This distance, so far, is not good for a headshot.

At this time Aluka looked at this battlefield, "Ye Shen, I will give you the Eightfold Realm, sixfold can't see clearly."

"No, eight times is just a little clearer."

Ye Lang replied.

Wei Shen and Xiao Xingmu are observing their surroundings, and Ye Lang is responsible for the charges.

Long-distance charging is very particular, you can't use continuous sniper, even sniper easily reveals their position and the position of the team, even with silencer.

To use a continuous sniper to fight like this, you must shoot one at a time with intervals, so that it can confuse the audience and the other party can't judge your location at all.

Shuan is good, but the accuracy is really open to question.

In the hands of others, this may not be difficult to complete, but in Ye Lang's hands, this is not a difficult task.

The person Ye Lang was aiming at now stuck his head out again. Ye Lang already had a general judgment on that person's habits, so he raised the muzzle and fired!


The 7.62mm bullet formed an arc in the air. This is a drop in the trajectory. When the bullet flew to that position, the figure just collided with the bullet.

"Fuck, awesome! Head shot!"

Wei Shen exclaimed.

Ye Lang also smiled, "This cargo is really hard! Is it to try my bullet hard, or his head hard?"

"Yelang knocked down 17-CPT with M24"

Ye Lang continued to fill his guns without stopping, "Bang!" It was another sniper.

"Yelang killed 17-CPT with M24"

"Ding Dong, nightmare value +3800"


Ye Lang aimed at the guy from the RMG team again.

At this time, the 17 team was shocked.

A team with Yigang guns for their faith was beaten by Ye Lang, and did not dare to say nothing. At this time, they chose to retreat.

17 team base.

"Don't panic, we retreat, we won't fight them."

Commanded 17shou.

"Don't worry for this moment, we still have two people and we still have a chance. Damn, I will dig Ye Lang over tomorrow!"

He stabilized the players' emotions and then wondered.

At such a long distance, where did he beat me, is it so accurate?

Not empty?

How can it be? If the **** is a passer-by, it would be strange not to report him.

In the RMG base, MLG also took command at this time,

"17 must retreat, we will not retreat, we follow, we have to press 17 to death, otherwise we will feel better."

"Captain, the past is probably not easy, Ye Lang doesn't know where it is."

"Regardless of him, I don't believe he is so accurate?"

MLG is dead and very aggrieved, so he refuses to accept it and must kill people to vent his anger. This pot Yelang is too far to carry it, so let's carry it on Team 17.

If you don't fight us, Ye Lang has a chance to shoot?

The tactics were finalized and MLG moved instantly.

At this moment, Ye Lang had already seen a glimmer of opportunity. He wanted to make a move, but found someone behind him.

"Someone is coming! Pick up!"

As soon as Wei Shunhua's voice came up, Aluka fell.

"Fuck, it's FPLG."

"Damn, why are they here!"

Aluka hides behind the stone, and FPLG is temporarily unable to help.

Ye Lang also touched the past and saw the situation clearly in an instant.

The four FPLGs have now surrounded Wei Shen Aluka.

They got out of the car early and touched them silently.

Ye Lang was far away, and they didn't find it.

"Can it be saved?"

"Can't save!"

"Hold it, don't worry, seal the cigarette! Watch out for the grenade!"



Six more!

The player system who likes the nightmare of eating chicken, please collect it: ( The nightmare player system of eating the chicken has the fastest literary update.