PUBG Nightmare Player System

Chapter 198: Ye Lang isolated and helpless

"It takes him less than three seconds."

"It's too late! The opportunity is there!"

Ye Lang responded.

When that head was exposed, Ye Lang shot from the toilet.

"Yelang knocked down LGDxin8 with M24."

This is a big fish, but LGD is now full of people, and with Xin8 in the house, there is no way to fill the gun.

In the LGD base.

"Don't panic, just save me, circle with us, they're done!"

"Isn't 4am no longer able to participate in the competition, why is it still in the training competition."

The leader Xiao Fei was a little strange, he looked at the statistics table in his hand.

As a modern professional team, LGD's data masters recorded every detail of the game clearly, at what time, how the killing occurred from LGD's perspective, and what was used to kill, the record was extremely clear.

"Ye Lang has killed 31? He broke the record again!"

Xiao Fei said in a deep voice.

When xin8 heard this data, he felt a little shaking in his hands.

Why is this guy so fierce?

Mom's LGD's strength is already considered acceptable. At this time, if Ye Lang is there, they can almost decide the championship by default.

"It's okay, we play hard, the circle is very important, they do not have the advantage at 4am."

The poison circle is slowly approaching. In the safe zone, the VG is unmoved, they are in the circle.

LGD doesn't move, they are also in the circle.

Only 4am fell into a huge passive situation at this time.

"Enter the circle, this is the scourge circle."

In fact, every team is not afraid of the first few laps, but if the last few laps are not good, it is fatal to the tactics and play style of a team.

For example, the 17 team's fierce marksmanship is endless, and the early circle has little effect. You can use vehicles and tactics to quickly find your position.

However, if the next few laps are not good enough, the 17 team, which has more marksmanship than tactics, will be in a dilemma.

Just shoot, you are not in the safe zone.

However, if you do not use a steel gun or the right gun, you will be beaten if you want to run poison, and you will lose manpower for no reason.

Once the combat effectiveness is reduced, it will be a nightmare in the finals.

Also like them is the RMG team.

Like FPLG and IFTY, they have no such concerns, but they are most afraid of encountering unclear battles and losing combat effectiveness in the early stages.

This is the common problem of teams with more tactics than marksmanship.

4am belongs to the kind of team similar to that of IG, a rare team with a balanced tactics and marksmanship.

At that time, IG had the illusion that the old TCM tactics and the use of props were not top-notch, but IG was able to reach the end every time, and the score was not low.

At that time, someone once said that 4am and IG will definitely encounter, and then a few people will die. The play of the two teams is too similar.

There is no problem with this statement.

Nowadays, the thinking of the major teams is actually very advanced, and there is a balance between the two.

Compared to two or three years ago, the current team, no matter its tactics and marksmanship, seemed to have the same existence at the time.

Today's rigor also creates a problem, miracles are difficult to happen.

This is the 4am passivity at this time. It is impossible for a stable team like LGD and VG to make mistakes.

However, in Ye Lang's heart, if you don't make a mistake, it doesn't mean there is no mistake.

"Shen Wei, seal the smoke in, can't you hide the fritter pipe, and the wall in front is also a bunker, be careful, it's better than suffocating here."

There is no way to hide in the pipeline. Although it is safe, you can't get out. You can only find death. Only when you reach the edge of the poison ring and find a bunker can you have a ray of life.

"You can only take a risk. Otherwise, there is no other way."

"All charge, buy time for Ye Lang!"

At this time, Ye Lang's heart was inexplicably warm. It wasn't a long time for 4am to merge with himself, but 4am's execution power was definitely strong, and it was also one of the best in the professional circle.

The champion team of the year, the veteran who won the championship, is now going to make Ye Lang wedding clothes.

At this time, the Dragon God looked at the atmosphere of his team, suddenly inexplicably sad.

Perhaps 4am is really the end of luck.

The smoke was full, VG still did not move, but LGD obviously would not let this opportunity pass, they had already aimed at the direction of the smoke, ready to shoot.

However, when they poked their heads out, Ye Lang also moved.

Ye Lang is in the toilet, relatively far away from the safe area. If he is placed in any team, Ye Lang is the gunman at this time. Other talents are the new force to keep.

But 4am doesn't do that.

They all want to protect Yelang!

Ye Lang shot!

"Bang!" The 7.62mm bullet pierced the air. At this not-so-distant distance, there was another riot in the house where LGD was located.

"Yelang used M24 to knock down LGD-zhouke."

After a shot, the boulder has changed.

Ye Lang ran directly out of the toilet and then broke through.

At this time, Wei Shen shouted, "I'm here!"

"Set up a gun! Ye Lang hurry up and get into the circle!"

Aluka is holding a gun, always watching LGD's movements.

This shot obviously made LGD a little jealous, and they chose forbearance.

Under the cover of smoke, Ye Lang passed the two trench-like fried dough sticks and quickly posted them.

At this moment, on the northwest side, a gun shot!


"I fell, VG shot!"

In the upper right corner, the knockdown message appears.

"VG-QFFF knocked down 4am-aluka with 98K"

Wei Shen roared, "Put the smoke, save people!"

Aluka shouted, "Don't save, this VG guy is in the house in front of me, I'm not sure where he is, don't save me."

At this moment, Aluka climbed out directly, he was using his life to look at the field of vision, wanting to see the opponent's location.

He crawled slowly on the ground, every moment seemed like a long time, Wei Shen gritted his teeth and said nothing, staring at the screen with a small eye catching eye.

Ye Lang felt the anger in his heart increased again!

Looking at the number of kills in the upper right corner, it has reached 30, so I don't care if there are more.

At this time, the gunfire started again.

"Boom boom!"

Three SKS gunshots appeared continuously, and Wei Shen fell down.

"This position is not working anymore. The people from VG have already taken care of it.",

This training game almost represents the highest level of the entire professional circle. VG is the kind of team that won't give you a chance.

As a result, Xiao Xingmu also fell.

Only Ye Lang, in this position, has only one position, neither LGD nor VG can hit.

Wei Shen and Xiao Xing directly gave up. At this time, they climbed up to Ye Lang, their equipment rustling.

They are losing equipment!

"Ye Lang, look at you, I will give you the medicine and bullets, I will crawl out to see where they are."

"Damn it, VG these dogs."

Xiao Xingmu also spoke cruelly.

At this moment, Ye Lang glanced at the equipment on the ground and said lightly, "Go, they are already dead!"

The player system who likes the nightmare of eating chicken, please collect it: ( The nightmare player system of eating the chicken has the fastest literary update.