PUBG Nightmare Player System

Chapter 276: There is no miracle

Ye Lang moved!

Everyone’s attention is here!

At almost this moment, the faces of the narrators went from calm to excited!

They are commentators, people who explain the game from a fair and objective perspective, but during the game, they became Ye Lang fans virtually.

Invisible fans naturally worry about Ye Lang's every move.

Especially in this finals, they were affected by Ye Lang one by one. They had a reason to pay attention to Ye Lang without cutting the screen.

"What exactly is Ye Lang going to do?" The same question was in their hearts.

Ye Lang still quit.

At this time, if you live, you have a chance.

When Ye Lang retreated, someone appeared on the stone.

Ye Lang fired without hesitation, without giving the opponent any chance to react.

It is said that there is an absolute advantage in hitting the low from high, and Ye Lang also has an absolute advantage at this time.

"4am-yelang knocked down RMG-NING with AKM"

The moment Ye Lang finished knocking down, he had already reached the side of the terraced field and fell straight down.

Ye Lang is betting, he is betting on FPLG people will bet! As long as he jumps to a dead end, the two people of FPLG will naturally not miss this opportunity.

Unfortunately, the opponent did not shoot.

Liu Lan's gunfire almost made Ye Lang disappear. After Ye Lang landed, there was still blood when he was against the wall.

"Fight medicine!" Ye Lang immediately hit a bandage.

The moment the bandage was put on, a figure flew into the sky, and Ye Lang directly raised his head and shot.

At this time, Ye Lang almost closed his eyes, and he was also worried.

As long as the opponent shot him, he died.

At this time, it depends on the strength of the opponent's control when there is no crosshair in the air.

MLG's flying tricks are great, and he is determined to win, but when he is in the air, he suddenly finds that his muzzle is shaking a little messy, why is he nervous?

It was this dizzying nervousness that gave Ye Lang a chance.

Ye Lang used four bullets to directly head MLG!

"4am-yelang knocked down RMG-MLG with AKM"

MLG is almost crazy.

"My, my, how could I be impulsive, as long as one shot, we rescued and hit casually."

"It's okay, Captain, I'm saving people!"

"I hate Ye Lang too deeply, fight hard and leave me alone."


He immediately gave up and started commanding his teammates.

Ye Lang continued to fight medicine, counting in his heart.

"6, 5, 4, 3... Why don't you make a move!" Ye Lang roared inwardly.

Two M4 gunshots came from not far away!

Ye Lang jumped out of the screen to kill!

"Ding Dong, nightmare value +1300."

"Ding Dong, nightmare value +2100"

The commentators are crazy.

"Fuck, what happened, FPLG took the shot!"

"Ye Lang is alive! This scene is so wonderful, Ye Lang retreated and pushed down the edge when he knocked down the RMG player, and then only a trace of blood remained after falling."

"RMG at this time, it was messed up at a critical time. MLG gave up watching with the teammates, set up a gun, jumped directly, and was headshot in the air by Ye Lang!"

You You were also a little stunned, "I don't understand God M's choice, but I can definitely see the matter between him and Ye Lang. Ye Lang is definitely the person he wants to kill the most!"

"Unfortunately, at this moment, MLG estimates that his intestines are regrettable. After he jumped down, FPLG shot directly. One of the RMG people was saving people and the other was holding a gun. They were instantly wiped out by the unexpected FPLG."


The situation and details of this scene are almost completely explained, and every detail is explained passionately.

The audience was dumbfounded for a few seconds before an instant roar erupted.

In the official live broadcast room, whether it was Foxya or Funny Fish, the barrage took off wildly.

"Fuck, Ye Lang actually survived this operation!"

"Yeshen really deserves to be the most fierce professional player, he can survive this, and then there is no chance, but he has already accomplished a miracle."

"It's awesome, FPLG is a good scheming too."


Wei Shen was dumbfounded.

"No, Ye Lang, it can still be like this? Why do you think you can survive?"

Wei Shen shook his head. He wasn't denying it, but felt incredible. He hadn't seen this scene anywhere since he played professionally.

As soon as this operation came out, many people in the position of the professional players exclaimed.

Ye Lang said slowly at this time: "I bet they don't want to play more with less, so Liu Lan will definitely take the shot, but it may be the first or last moment in time."

"I bet right!"

Xiao Xing frowned, and Ye Lang's thoughts began to appear in his mind.

"That's it, you are really amazing, Ye Shen, playing games is pretty popular. I never thought about this aspect. I have a long experience."

At this time, the ranking went further. Several people at 4am felt very satisfied. Ye Lang didn't have any regrets. He escaped from the dead, so what if he took second place?

Ye Lang has never had any psychological burden, nor did it at this time.

The two people above their heads were rubbing and licking their bags, their footsteps were swaying, but Ye Lang was helpless.

If you want to hit the two, you have to stand in an open place, and you have to wait for the opponent to take the initiative to attack.

Just watch the last lap!

If the circle brushed outside the steep slope, then Ye Lang was gone.

If part of it is in the steep slope, Ye Lang still has a chance.

If it were all on the steep slope, Ye Lang felt that he could still fight.

"Finals play two against one, FPLG has an absolute advantage. They have experienced too much in this game. Finally, in the finals, they saw hope. 4am is a desperate situation, so FPLG will be in the whole game. Everywhere is alive."

"The crucial moment is here, it's the last finals!"

The 30,000 spectators at the scene held their breath one by one, not daring to breathe.


The poison circle has stopped!

The new white circle appeared!

Ye Lang smiled.

FPLG also laughed.

The audience sighed.



The commentators sighed and said: "Ye Lang has done his best. He has accomplished the impossible. Although he has no chance to come back, he is definitely the uncrowned king. His performance is too eye-catching."

"Oh? Don't talk nonsense, Ye Lang is the killer so far, leading the second place too much. I feel that as long as Ye Lang does not give a chance, no one can catch up. Besides, 4am is still the first place. One, the first point is the first to kill the first!"

"I mean this round. Is this the first FPLG competition?"



They all know that the miracle may never happen again.

Ye Lang raised his head, filled the medicine, touched the two grenade in his pocket, rubbed it, "Shen Wei, do you think there is a miracle?"

Wei Shen was stunned for a moment and looked at Ye Lang, "Maybe it's gone."

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