PUBG Nightmare Player System

Chapter 277: Now that Ye Lang is born, he will wait f

Ye Lang smiled slightly, "People always say that if they give up on themselves, even if the gods and Buddhas want to help you, they can't help, so I don't want to give up, I want to try."

After Ye Lang finished speaking, he listened to the other side's position.

At this time, the staff behind Ye Lang, the little girl's eyes were red, and she recorded every word Ye Lang had said before on her mobile phone.

"Brothers, life is a struggle for life. I have struggled with death since I was a child, and I can only live after a struggle."

"Later, I went to school to compete with the neighbor’s children... to learn piano, learn guitar... to enter college... to compete all the time... To be an anchor, you have to compete with other anchors, for popularity, gifts, careers, and other players. Fighting, fighting for the championship...fighting against the sky, fighting against the people,... the brothers sent me here, I am very satisfied... I will see who is strong and fierce when shivering!"

She posted this remark on Weibo.

"I am a staff member, and I heard the last wave of communication at 4am behind Ye Lang."


Ye Lang, who was still in the game, suddenly threw a grenade.

At this moment, the grenade didn't have a pull ring or counted seconds, so it was thrown directly, the direction was the top of the head, and the arc was high. If there was no reference, someone would think it was a straight up and down grenade.

Two ladders were on the same slope. When this grenade flew up, it happened to be stuck on the edge of the soil slope.

Since Ye Lang didn't have a pull ring at all, no one could hear his preparations for thundering.

Liu Lan and Li Ge are on their way into the circle, and they only need to walk two steps forward to get inside the circle.

Looking at the perspective from the inside, you can definitely see a better vision, and you can definitely play with Ye Lang at the bottom of the pit.

"Be careful, fuck! What!"

"Boom!" The bodies of the two people were directly shaken. The location of the grenade was not close to them, but the real effect of the grenade explosion directly lifted their bodies a little.

Moreover, the two lost a fifth of their health.

"Fight medicine, pull the man first. Damn Ye Lang, fortunately I have good luck."

Ye Lang sighed, this thunder is really out of luck.

When the commentators saw this operation, they took a breath.

117: "This grenade is very imaginative, but it's a little bit of luck. It's a pity for Ye Lang."

Yoyo: "If this grenade succeeds, then this will be the most exciting scene of this game."

coco: "Ye Lang has no chance. The last opportunity is used up, and the other party is also vigilant. Then, as long as Ye Lang shows up, he may face double firepower."

"There are no miracles."


"There is still a thunder, Ye Shen, wait and find a chance." Xiao Biao reminded Ye Lang.

Ye Lang opened the map, zoomed in, looked at the labels on the topographic map, and suddenly remembered something.

There is no shelter in this safe area above the head, and the width is only the distance of three people standing. As long as Ye Lang enters the middle area of ​​the bottom of the pit, the other party has no chance to hide.


Ye Lang smiled, he already had a second thought in his mind.

I don't need thunder, I want to face you up!

Wei Shen asked in surprise: "How about it, tell me, what's the matter?"

"Watch me perform!"

Ye Lang only said a few words, directly fastened the headset, and focused on the screen.

The next moment, Ye Lang squeezed the grenade and walked slowly outside. When he reached a position where he almost exposed his body, he rang the ring of the grenade.

The blue poison circle refreshed, and the grenade in Ye Lang's hand was also counting down.

The voice above his head stopped.

Ye Lang's heart was filled with joy.

These two people are so tender! They are too careless!

If the FPLG two are not careless, there will be no chance.

This was the only chance. Ye Lang's hand holding the mouse was also sweating, but his blood boiled, and his heartbeat was still unhurried and abnormally stable.

"Ye Lang threw the grenade. Let’s take a look at the effect of this grenade. This mine is an air-burst mine. It is in a good position. Liu Shen and Li Ge are in a good position. They should... Fuck, it's exploded, Ye Lang Thunder bombed..."

"Ye Lang pulled out! He pulled out the moment the grenade exploded!"

At this moment, Yelang's quadruple AKM completed the preview and the shooting at the moment it was pulled out.

After the grenade exploded, Liu Lan and Brother Li's bodies were agitated by the air wave. In an instant, less than half of the blood just filled up was left. At this time, the two subconsciously lay down to fight medicine, but a shadow flashed out directly.

When Ye Lang's shadow appeared, Li Ge suddenly felt bad.

Liu Lan almost threw the mouse directly.

"Da da da da da da..."

The extremely stable pressure gun of Ye Lang's quadruple mirror is as steady and calm as eating and drinking daily.

"4am-yelang-Knocked down FPLG-LIU with AKM"

Then the classic scene reappeared. Ye Lang did not turn off the mirror, but pulled a horizontal pull, pulling towards the right. At this time, Li Ge was about to lie down, and there was still a head left.

Electric flint, this moment is as hard as ever.

Brother Li felt that his movements were so slow.

Ye Lang also felt that the head that was about to hide had slowed down, slowing down in his eyes.

"Da da da……"

Three shots!

"Good luck, eat chicken tonight!"

"4am-yelang-use AKM to knock down FPLG-LI"

"Ding Dong, nightmare value +3000"

"Ding Dong, Nightmare Value +3200"

After completing this series of operations, Ye Lang went straight back, gasping for breath.

"Nice!" "What did Ye Lang do? He used such an operation to complete an incredible scene, and he succeeded in making a comeback and eating chicken!"

"This chicken is really incredible. The situation Ye Lang is facing is incomprehensible to anyone, but under Ye Lang's struggle, all the wrong things are developing in his direction!"

117 roared.

The roar of the scene was deafening, and the professional players who took off their headphones were now dumbfounded.

They also saw this scene, one by one craned their necks to look at Ye Lang's position, their mouths grew, and they wanted to see who this monster was who had performed such a heavenly operation!

Here at FPLG, Liu Lan is dumbfounded, and Brother Li is dumbfounded.

What is more uncomfortable than them is RMG, the advantage of getting it, disappeared in an instant, and now it has become Ye Lang's stepping stone.

At this moment, they were all downcast, a little lost in confidence.

"Nice!" Wei Shen held the wolf's head, "nice!"

Xiao Xingmu and Aluka high five excitedly.

Official barrage.

"Fuck, that's okay? Do I have to watch the replay!"

"No, I'm going to watch this kind of operation again, idiot director, hurry up!"

During the playback, when everyone once again saw the details of Ye Lang's operations, they couldn't help but sigh.

"Since Ye Lang is born, I will wait for him."

The player system who likes the nightmare of eating chicken, please collect it: ( The nightmare player system of eating the chicken has the fastest literary update.