PUBG Nightmare Player System

Chapter 279: Dominate the hot search

Hot search first: Yelang PCL53 kills stable output, stable at 4am!

Hot search second: Who is Ye Lang?

Hot search third: Yelang God level operation video collection!

Hot search fourth: PCL third finals 4am exchange flow out.


Among the most popular Weibo topics, the number of people discussed is not the most, but the number of viewers is the most.

The most discussed video is a video posted by an amateur, which is the fourth most searched.

"Brothers, being alive is a struggle. I have struggled with death since I was a child, and I can only live after a fight... Then I went to school and competed with the neighbor's children... to learn piano, learn guitar... college entrance... all the time. ...Being an anchor, you have to compete with other anchors, compete for popularity, compete for gifts, play careers, compete with other players, compete for championships...fight against the sky, fight against people,... brothers sent me here, I'm very satisfied...I'll see who is strong and fierce when shivering!"

This series of words are the true voices of Ye Lang and Wei Shen when they speak.

"Fuck, Ye Shen's remarks really make people feel awkward."

"Damn, you deserve to be a big man who can write "Zhetian", Ye Shen's words are full of enlightenment, a person with such a strong talent still works so hard, a person like me, a little bit of setbacks will stagnate, damn, I I really look down on myself."

"Fight against the sky, fight against the people, Ye Lang is right. Starting today, I am no longer afraid of all kinds of troubles in my work. I have to face it bravely, Ollie!"

"Life is alive, in a fight for words, Ye Shen spoke out the theme of our time in a few short words, ha ha, I always felt that my failure was the fault of others, the environment, and the society. Now I understand that all of this has to be done on my own. Children without umbrellas can only choose to run."

"Looking at this Weibo, I cried. Ye Lang said what we feel, this **** world, fight! I want to fight for my own glory!"

In a certain office building of Magic City, a programmer with little hair left looked at the computer screen in a daze, and suddenly burst into tears.

"Mom, I understand. I'm an ordinary person, but ordinary people also have dreams. I want to cheer up. I will be thirty this year. People will live for the rest of their lives. Why not live free and easy, work hard, and be more exciting! Ye Lang, thank you!"


In a small city in the northeastern region, a teenager sits in front of a monitor in an internet cafe.

"Sixth, get a pack of cigarettes!"

The young man replied lazily, "Take it yourself."

He looked at this paragraph on Weibo, and the more he read it, the more sad.

Suddenly, he went out and walked to a room behind the Internet cafe, "Boss, I'm quitting, I'm going back to school."

"Are you stupid? Go to school? Can you do it?"

There was a hint of sarcasm on the boss's face.

The boy smiled, "I'm just a little bit older, so what's the matter, people have to fight in their entire lives, I am a waste now, I don't want to be a waste forever."

The owner of the Internet cafe frowned, stood up abruptly, took out a wad of banknotes from behind, estimated to be several thousand yuan, and said earnestly: "Sixth, you are an adult, I respect your choice. Take it and study hard. No matter what the result is, you can learn as much as you can. It is better than someone like me."

The teenager nodded vigorously, squeezing the money in his hand, "I borrowed it from you, and I will pay you back later. If I fail to learn, I won't come back!"


In the small southern city, the middle-aged man was lost in thought looking at his mobile phone, and the vicissitudes of life flashed in his eyes.

"Fighting, fighting! Life is alive, how can you do without fighting! Without fighting, how can my child study? Come to this city for a long time, not to eat and die!"

He picked up his cell phone and sent a text message, "Daughter-in-law, sign up for the child, we are all like this, we can't let the child be like us, I will go and collect the money!"

After sending the text message, he picked up the towel on the side, wiped the dust off his face vigorously, and walked to the huge shelf.

The foreman took a look, "Can you stand it?"

"I can stand it!" the middle-aged man said with red eyes.

"You are hurt, just do something easy, you can't stand it!"

"No, I can stand it!" The middle-aged man did not fight or grab, did not rush or slow down, with prayers in his smile.

"You can't stand it!" The foreman was angry, his voice trembling.

"The child is enrolling in class, it's okay, I can withstand it! I must be able to withstand it!" The middle-aged man's eyes are filled with a light of fighting and fighting, fighting against himself and the world for the children's future. What if you lose?


Ye Lang didn't know that his words of communicating with his teammates had already had a great impact, and aroused the fighting spirit of many people. He just wanted to eat meat with big mouthfuls, and then fell asleep.

"Buzzing..." The phone vibrated.

"Ye Lang, the new song is released, thank you, the volume is very good, my contract with the company expired."

Ye Lang smiled and replied: "Happy for you, come on!"

Just after eating a few bites of food, another phone rang.

"Ye Lang, how was the game today? I read a lot of your news on Weibo, it looks good."

Ye Tan'er's voice came.

"It's okay, don't you know if I'm going out? Basic exercise, don't 6, sit down."

Ye Tan'er's contempt came from the other end of the phone: "Cut, just you. I will post on Weibo in a while, saying that you had to rely on me to help you play games when you were a kid, huh!"

Ye Lang took a sip of the soup comfortably, "Oh, it's too late for you to say this. When I was interviewed today, I told others, you don't know, those people suddenly thought you were the woman behind me. "

"That must be, behind a successful man, there must be a successful woman, I am so strong, OK!"

"Nothing else?"

"No, I can't find you if I'm fine?"

Ye Lang was speechless for a while: "I'm eating, I'll go back to talk in the evening."

Wei Shen was envious at this time, "Ye Lang, if you play a game, the family is quite concerned."

Ye Lang smiled, "No, just ask."

"Envy you." Wei Shen said lightly, with a chicken leg in his mouth, "Our life now is too bitter."

Aluka tilted her mouth, "Bitterness? Pain is also happy."

Wei Shen, "But I'm tired, playing games and training day by day, I still have to be a boss at my age."

A wry smile appeared on his face.

Ye Lang felt a little strange from Wei Shen, Wei Shen should want to retire.

Aluka sneered, "Bitter and tired, then you can go home, anyway, you make a lot of money."

Wei Shen shook his head, "That won't work, it's boring, and it's not free."

"This is not the case, Gao Dewei, this life is like this, suffering and tired, you have to choose one, how can there be so many good things that you take up."

Wei Shen looked at Aluka and nodded, "Yes, but you said that Xiao Wang who plays games is not suffering or tired."

Ye Lang is familiar with this term, and he always goes to his live studio to give gifts.

Aluka sighed, "Maybe people's suffering, you and I don't understand it."

Ye Lang suddenly had a guess. He knew who this little king who loves playing games might be. It must be that man, but that man has been out of this circle for a while, and he hasn't been in love anymore. Could he go back to inherit the house? Job?

Then Ye Lang reacted, "What happened today, one by one became a master of chicken soup."

The player system who likes the nightmare of eating chicken, please collect it: ( The nightmare player system of eating the chicken has the fastest literary update.