PUBG Nightmare Player System

Chapter 293: Landing fierce battle

The audience on the scene saw this scene and it exploded instantly!


"4am! 4am! Ye Lang! Ye Lang!"

The commentators had just calmed down, reacting from Ye Chuan's words, at this time Ye Lang attacked again.

Completed the first kill of this game!

Moreover, Ye Lang's voice was mixed in Ye Lang's lens, which spread all the live signals.

"Who is the matter?!"

This sentence instantly ignited the passion to understand the speakers.

"Ye Lang's words are too good, who is the speaker of Port G! EM is about to cry, they landed before Ye Lang, and they were still knocked down by Ye Lang with his fists, this can be a shameful collection!"

117 also began to let go of understanding.

In the barrage of the official live broadcast room, a group of people suddenly went crazy.

"Haha, this EM guy is too stupid to give you a chance to use it, you can't beat Ye Lang's fist with a gun."

"Is Ye Lang inherited Wing Chun? Master Ye?"

"Haha, I was so ridiculous that I was knocked down with a fist in a professional game. This is also something unprecedented in the past."

"Ye Shenniu beep!"

Dazed and Tuantuan looked dazed at this.

"Fuck Yelang brother's fist is so hard!"

"Yeah, yeah, I have seen him punch, he punches so hard, so fierce!"

In the two people's live broadcast room, there was a strange barrage of Yin and Yang.

"Oh? Ye Lang is hard? You didn't dull your mouth."

"Is the hard thing in this world Ye Lang's fist or dumb mouth? This is a question."

"Tuan Tuan, what do you know? It's so fierce, so fierce. You look at Ye Lang's handsome, greedy people."


The moment Ye Lang knocked down the person in EM with his fist, he shouted, "Down, down, come and support."

Ye Lang heard a noisy footstep in his earphones. This footstep belongs to the EM team. For Ye Lang, it is best to take the gun first at this time. Ye Lang can’t make up for the CROWN with his fist, so he heads straight. The container ran to the other end.

The few people who came out of the warehouse in the middle of Port G are now dumbfounded. They looked at Ye Lang's back and wanted to shoot, but found that Ye Lang was as flexible as a rabbit. Just about to shoot, Ye Lang It's gone.

This shenfa is too strong!

When Wei Shen and Aluka rushed over, Ye Lang happened to have the gun!

The spray S686 in his hand is in place.

With a gun in your hand, you don't panic in your heart. This is the charm of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds.

Sandbox games, race against time when there are many people on the ground, this feeling is extremely exciting. Even if Ye Lang is calm, he knows that if he doesn’t run, he will have to die, and his teammates have not come yet. To die?

Of course Ye Lang knew the result. The moment he got S686, Wei Shen blew the horn of counterattack.

"Chong ah, brothers, for our 4am future, for tomorrow, for the championship!"

Ye Lang couldn't help rolling his eyes. You are already a champion.

Ye Lang took the lead, Wei Shen and Aluka followed closely, and a dark figure appeared on the face. This dark figure squatted for a long time and did not save anyone.

At this moment, the dark shadow leaped out suddenly, and Ye Lang was also startled. There is no sound, no reaction time at all.

At this time, a lucky scene appeared. Ye Lang liked to maintain the preview headshot position when running, so he subconsciously shot.


The violent voice of S686 appeared, and the shadow that had just probed flew out directly.

The huge recoil directly sprayed that person's body!

This S686 is too strong!

Ye Lang yelled, "Fuck, who are you scaring? You or he suddenly came out to scare someone, don't you know I am most afraid of ghosts?"

"4am-yelang knocked down EM-COREJ with S686"

At this time, Wei Shen shouted, "Here, here I am!"

He shot, and Wei Shen was in excellent condition at this time. The moment he saw the person, M4 shot, and the opponent had almost no reaction time.

Aluka followed, and when Wei Shen retracted, he immediately refilled his gun, and it was the last person to hit EM!


The four people shouted.

Landing this catastrophe, get through it perfectly!

Ye Lang completed the punching and kicking achievements. At this moment, Wei Shen felt the evil anger in his chest suddenly.

"Ding Dong, nightmare value +2100"

"Ding Dong, nightmare value +1400."

The system prompt appeared. This sound was the sound of money. Although Ye Lang had made enough money that he could not spend in his life, he still had a desire for money.

If there is no such desire, Ye Lang can only eat and wait to die, and it is enough. Without desire, there is no dream, and without dream, it is no different from salted fish.

Ye Lang doesn't want to be a salted fish without any dreams.

"There is another team, find them!"

Ye Lang got the gun, the M16 in his hand was only a machine sight, the helmet was only the first-level head, and the armor on his body was only the first-level armor.

But now Ye Lang is in a hot state, he can guarantee that he will complete a headshot with every shot!

Headshots are difficult, but it is not difficult for professional players, and it is not difficult for professional players like Ye Lang!

Ye Lang rushed to the front at this time.

At the location of Sancang, a person stuck his head out, and then went straight through the open space between Sancang and the container area.

Ye Lang smiled strangely, "Hey, you are waiting for you to come out!"

Ye Lang shot! When Ye Lang shot, Wei Shen also shot!

The man fell down.

"4am-yelang knocked down RMG-NING with M16"

"Haha, it's him, Xiao Ning!"

"It's RMG!"

In an instant, a cheerful laugh came from here at 4am.

The RMG area at this time.

"Fuck, fuck, did you eat explosives at 4am? Didn't they fight EM over there? They came so soon! I don't have a gun!"

"Xiao Ning, don't panic, we'll avenge you, damn, Ye Lang, it's time to show real skills, let you understand that our professional players are not muddled...ah..."

Before MLG's voice fell, he found someone standing in front of him.


"4am-yelang knocked down RMG-MLG with S686."

"Fuck, when did he show up, why didn't I see him!"

MLG panicked. Just after finishing speaking, he set up FLAG, and was beaten in the face by seconds, and it became a box.

Ye Lang didn't hesitate to make up for it.

"M God, happy birthday!"

Ye Lang remembers that today is MLG's birthday. This gift may be a bit heavy, but Ye Lang doesn't mind doing it.

Ye Lang's voice was loud, MLG scratched his hair, "Fuck, this guy can fly! I want to watch the video!"

RMG panicked.

Two backbones died, they could only run away, so before Wei Shen and the others surrounded, the two remaining RMG players who were originally on the north side of Port G ran straight away.

MLG looked solemnly, "Leave the green hills, not afraid of no firewood, brothers, let's leave, and see them in the finals!"


Ye Lang blankly watched the two team members jump directly into the sea north of Port G, and then a burst of gunfire came.

The gunfire came from Xiacheng!

4am is really a thorn in the eye, a thorn in the flesh, so many teams want to kill!

Ye Lang quickly licked the bag at this time and got a sniper rifle. This is an SLR, naked, with only a triple lens. The distance of the triple lens is enough.

The M16 has only one red dot, but it is enough. This gun has a fast rate of fire. If the opponent rushes over, Ye Lang will have the confidence to head straight in close combat.

The player system who likes the nightmare of eating chicken, please collect it: ( The nightmare player system of eating the chicken has the fastest literary update.