PUBG Nightmare Player System

Chapter 315: King of Terrier

The two sang and got together, and the heat took off.

At this time, Ye Lang's live broadcast room once again flooded with a large audience. Ye Lang, who had already reached a top rank, found that the heat of his live broadcast room was still rising.

At first 15 million, to 20 million now, as new audiences poured in, a large group of new audiences cheered.

"Congratulations Ye Shen!"

"Fuck, Champion Sniper is on the air, let me see!"

"Looking forward to Ye Shen's performance, the game is so hungry, why can't passersby see it?"

"Haha, are you blind upstairs, look at Ye Shen's teammates!"


When parachuting, Ye Lang saw a barrage.

So I read it out.

"I heard that Ye Shen has a very high face value. I saw the photos on the scene, and I was shocked by the heavens, three hundred and sixty degrees, handsome without dead ends, why not open a camera?"

Ye Lang thought of the barrage, and a large group of people started booing again, "Turn on the camera, turn on the camera."

Ye Lang shook his head at this time, "There is actually a reason for not turning on the camera."

Hesitating is driving the free wheat, Tuantuan and Dadao are also listening carefully.

"Yeah, Ye Lang brother, you have a camera, so handsome, it would be a waste not to open it."

"You turn on the camera, I will give you a gift!"

Ye Lang immediately stopped the two girls' **** behavior.

"What are you two talking about? How can this be done? It's not easy for you to make money. A penny is also money. If you want to support me, just transfer it to me. There is no middleman who makes the difference..."

Tuantuanhe was stunned for a while, and then reacted.

"Hahaha, the middleman makes the difference. Brother Ye Lang, you want to bankrupt your platform."

"If you don't want to put up an account QR code or something, I think it will work."

The two girls grinned.

A burst of barrage 66666,

"This middleman makes a bit of a shame, and he deserves to be Ye Shen."

"It's over, I'm down. This anchor has invincible appearance, constant chatter, high emotional intelligence, and literary talent. I have a fan."

"It's the same for me."


At this time, Ye Lang slowly sighed and lit a cigarette, "Actually, I don't turn on the camera. I said it just now. It's for your good."

Ye Lang opened the parachute and floated in the air. Instead of playing a game, Ye Lang was no longer so nervous, but started to enjoy the fun of this game.

The rhythm of professional games is completely different from that of passers-by. It seems that professional games are fairy fights, even if they are hung in professional games.

And Ye Lang, the **** in the professional game, didn't need to prove himself with a passerby, so he relaxed and started playing.

"Why do you say that."

Ye Lang continued, "I am a kind-hearted person who is usually amiable. Isn't it, Tuantuan, dumb? You are right, we have all seen it offline."

Tuantuan and Dadao are idiots, and of course they immediately responded.

"Yes, yes, kind and amiable, but I didn't get to know him."

Ye Lang said narcissistically, "I, that is the kind and amiable image, yes, this is called a personage, and the current flow niche is all this personage. But, in this game, you don’t know, one by one. The lords were so murderous that they wanted to kill the other party, and the pants were all stripped off."

"So, in a while, there is going to be a war. If the camera is turned on, I am afraid that my murderous spirit will scare you."

After Ye Lang finished speaking, he stayed silent.

Tuantuan didn't say anything.

In the live broadcast room, huge question marks appeared.


"Who is your murderous frightening?"

"Our little milk cats are more fierce than you!"


After Barrage and Ye Lang got acquainted with each other, they started to play with each other.

The golden phrases Ye Lang yelled at the game have now become a live broadcast buzzword.

The most famous is this "Why are you shouting so loudly?" "Who are you scaring?" "Are you making trouble with me?"

Ye Lang didn’t care about these barrage gods, and continued to say slowly, “Hey, if I frighten you, I don’t have any psychological burden. The most important thing is that I’m afraid of frightening female fans. You have to know that this year, It’s not easy to attract female fans."

Dumb: "..."

round and round:"……"

The barrage was also stunned.

"You hurry up, please, my wife needs to be scared, or I will watch your live broadcast every day."

"You almost snatched my girlfriend away, she is now squatting in front of the computer every day waiting for you to broadcast live."

"It's just right to be frightened. I have a chance as a single mother."


When Ye Lang started live broadcast, he hesitated to be famous, so there are a lot of things that can’t be said. Those words that make ramifications must wait until they have gained a certain popularity before they can be said. That way, the effect is good, so that you can use the words of fans. According to legend, it has become a popular cultural trend.

Since Ye Lang's fans increased, the old audience found that Ye Lang was getting more and more sultry.

They believe that if Ye Lang is not a technical anchor, he can quickly become the No. 1 in the entire network, and a big anchor at the level of Tuantuan.

Become the premier entertainment anchor.

After all, this live broadcast talent is really an appreciation for the ancestors.

"What a ghost, Huya found the treasure."

"What a treasure, Fox Fang found a ghost..."

All kinds of barrage follow to create stalks, which is the beginning of a virtuous cycle of anchors.

Ye Lang likes this situation very much.

"Huh? Where is this place?"

Ye Lang froze for a moment.

"No, why don't you two remind me where did we jump?"

Dazed at this moment and said solemnly: "Private soldier Ye Lang, when you were laughing and joking just now, the deputy commander of the regiment and I have already decided on tactics. Let's start with this house.

When Ye Lang landed, his face was blue.

"When have we been wronged like this?"

Yelang said grievously.

"I'm also a professional player anyhow, a technical anchor, how come I only have two small houses."

As a result, under the leadership of Dazi and Tuantuan, this passerby game became strangely strange.

Ye Lang searched the two houses in only ten seconds, and after a minute, the two girls slowly moved out of the house and discussed with each other as they walked.

"Commander-in-chief, do you think my clothes look good?"

"No, your clothes have lost the true color of a predator, you should wear mine!"

So in the next scene, the barrage exploded.

"The well-known male anchor saw two top female anchors changing clothes with their own eyes."

"Tuan Tuan and Da Da actually took off their clothes live in front of Ye Shen. The picture is so beautiful that I dare not watch it."

"It's over, the old woman really has a horse Pingchuan on her chest, the kind that covered the board..."

Suddenly the barrage jumped up.

The player system who likes the nightmare of eating chicken, please collect it: ( The nightmare player system of eating the chicken has the fastest literary update.