PUBG Nightmare Player System

Chapter 345: Cantonese songs are difficult?

"Has he changed his breath?"

Suddenly someone asked such a question.

This question is just a few words. In the vast barrage, it is like a drop in the ocean. It can't withstand any waves. Most people have long ignored what these words represent.

But only in Ye Lang's live broadcast room, any bullet screen, any word, is a bolt from the blue.

At this time, on the barrage, all the audience, whether they are musicians, ordinary game fans, or those passers-by who came here, took a breath.

What kind of singer is strong enough to sing without breathing?

What if Ye Lang changed his breath? Why didn't we hear the slightest sound?

There are multiple factors in evaluating whether a singer is strong or not. In the field of singing, scientific and reasonable are actually not contrary to the pursuit of beauty.

So many big players in the discourse music circle looked at Ye Lang's live broadcast room one by one, and were stunned.

Han Lei sat on the chair, his body trembling constantly, "This kid is only in his early twenties! He has just begun, and this starting point is really too high."

Qin Hong, who was watching the live broadcast on the computer with Han Lei, shook his head again and again. Shaking his head was not in denial, but felt incredible.

"The technique is very strong, especially in tone and breath control. I feel that I may not be able to do it."

Qin Hong sighed, "Do you think we are getting old, haha, old Han, congratulations, we found a good seedling."

Han Lei nodded, "Tomorrow, I will contact him tomorrow!"

Wu Dameng, who was nearly 60 years old, slowly stood up from his chair at this time, "Music inheritance is the source of a nation’s spirituality, folk music inheritance, Chinese style, powerful and perfect skills, deep soul voice, all this There are all. Tomorrow morning, we will go to the magic city to find him, let him come to the conservatory, be a teacher, and be a professor. I will give him the position and take him by hand."

Han Lei and Qin Hong are terrified. You must know that Wu Dameng is definitely one of the highest mountains on the presidential mountain in the Chinese music scene. He has always been strict and strict, and many outstanding students brought by Wu Dameng himself cannot get Wu Dameng like this. Compliment and treatment, now Wu Dameng actually said that he would give way to Ye Lang, and then personally lead him.

This gave Han Lei and Qin Hong a crit.

"Old Wu, you..."

"Needless to say, my heart is set!"


Just after Ye Lang sang, a netizen from China Conservatory of Music directly uploaded Ye Lang's screen recording to Weibo.

If someone specifically looks at the changes in the argument on Weibo, then they will find that within a day, Ye Lang’s comments went from being a clown in the beginning to the next half of Wang Yue’s talent. Children, after Ye Lang's songs were uploaded several times, they shut up one by one.

They began to really look at the newcomers in the entertainment industry, and they are also looking at the attitudes of the leading entertainment companies towards Ye Lang.

These entertainment tycoons one by one showed disdain for Ye Lang's studio. From the initial disdain to the later suppression, after being defeated by Ye Lang's strategy, they fought back wildly, but now, the entire entertainment circle is silent.

Especially after the appearance of these few songs by Ye Lang, the entire entertainment circle, especially the music scene, was completely dumbfounded.

How could there be such a person in this world?

Why does he play games so well, live broadcast is so popular, and go is rumored to be a good player. Now, he enters the entertainment circle like a killer who disturbs the situation. Where he appears, where the spotlight is him .

Many practitioners in the entertainment industry, especially those who have been in the industry in recent years, have questioned their theoretical knowledge and experience.

On Weibo, there are no more sprays.

No marketing account dare to continue to spray Yelang.

No one dared to question Ye Lang.

This has all risen to the inheritance of folk culture. Who dares to touch this mold?

Besides, isn't Ye Lang singing very well? Is it for self-interest to kill this genius?

Nowadays, on Weibo, a group of real voice-making people are sighing.

They witnessed Ye Lang's public opinion flipping within a day, and saw that those marketing accounts and fans that were extremely arrogant at the beginning are now quietly silent.

"Ye Lang's breathing sound is handled so well. I can hardly hear this song "Never Leaving". It is extremely difficult in popular music. I cycled many times and listened carefully to Ye Lang's skills. I found that, His skills are more powerful, comprehensive, powerful, and top-notch functions and talents than many big men from major classes."

"This is for you to say, everyone knows, I have to add, the host, have you not found Ye Lang's strong creative ability? A person without strong creative ability, dare to write lyrics and compose live? Have you finished the recording of a few songs? You are afraid that you don’t know the so-called popular traffic. The soundtrack is the scene of the car accident."

"Put it up, Ye Shen was sprayed miserably today, but now you see, even Xiao Zhan's fans have stopped speaking. It's not that they don't want to spray Yelang, but they can't find the spray spot. He is more handsome than your brother, he is invincible in singing, has a strong professional ability, and is a world champion who wins glory for the country. Why do you Xiao Zhan? Is he worthy?"

This person spoke sharply and pointed directly at Xiao Zhan. In fact, he was not targeting Xiao Zhan, but all the traffic stars under the background of this era. He criticized those who used inferior data to falsify and had no business ability. Of traffic.

"This is too abnormal, just listen to the long tone, it is estimated that few people in China can do it."

"After all, it's Ye Lang. If you change to someone else, you dare to go live and record the song? Just kidding, if those little meats are recorded live, I'm afraid it's not the underwear that will be stripped off.


On Weibo, at this moment, no more negative news about Ye Lang.

After all, he was originally a person with no negative news,

And as the big players in the music industry came to Ye Lang's live studio, Ye Lang was also a little embarrassed.

"Ye Lang, I bought ten planes for you, can you sing a Cantonese song?"

The speaker is called Lao Han next door.

Ye Lang said with a black line, "My friend, your name is really substituting, but it's not a big problem. I can actually do Cantonese songs."

Ye Lang's voice fell, and the barrage went wild.

"Oh? Ye Shen, don't stop blowing, I don't believe it."

"Believe it or not, just sing it if you have the ability."

Barrage is now smarter, and one by one no longer obeys the anchor, but tries to dominate the anchor.

This ethos also emerged from Ye Lang.

And the most important thing is that Ye Lang's barrage is now no longer directly dominated, and he has begun to smash the flames and stimulate the law.

Ye Lang smiled slightly, "Is Cantonese singing difficult?"

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