PUBG Nightmare Player System

Chapter 348: One drop is left

If the masters of cross talk came here and heard Ye Lang's words and looked at what he did, they would definitely feel ashamed, more shameless than shameless, than cheating the audience to make gifts, Ye Lang is definitely the number one.

He dared to say second, no one dared to say first.

This kind of shameless performance is exactly the basic quality of cross talk actors.

"Too shameless! To cheat the gift and mislead the audience, Ye Shen, you are done, I want to take it off, you hum!"

One barrage acted like a baby, and a dozen barrage acted like a baby.

A dozen barrage started acting like a baby, then suddenly more than a hundred barrage started at the same time.

Ye Lang quietly covered his mouth and whispered, "Really, if this is broadcast, how will I be Ye Lang in the future."

The barrage is completely irritable, you are right!

Ye Lang felt that the time was almost up, and he was extremely satisfied with this interaction.

The anchor and the barrage are equal relations, neither high nor low, neither overbearing nor overbearing. The interaction between each other is of special significance. Ye Lang has his own judgment for every interaction, but it is completely natural to anyone.

"Hey, it's nothing, you know, I am handsome."

The barrage came one after another.



Ye Lang had a black line on his face and looked at the camera seriously, "Do you not believe this? Stand up if you don't believe it, and brush up the present for a while."

This kind of shamelessness drives the audience crazy.

But this time, the audience was not fooled.

Ye Lang glanced at the "must be next time" on the barrage, and instantly smiled, "It seems that you have become smarter."

"At that time, in order to learn Cantonese for that old uncle, I took out my one-month instant noodles for him. Hey, in this life, who hasn't been too hard to tell!"

Ye Lang finished.

The black barrage hits,

"No, my clothes are all taken off, you tell me this?"

"I prepared a pack of paper for nothing."

"After hearing your words, my wife said that I lied to her and wanted to divorce me, and that Ye Shen cheated the audience here, and said that he could not broadcast it? Is it exciting?"


Wu Dameng's face turned black.

Finally met a genius in the singing world, what's going on, how can this be?

How could this child be so shameless, saying that his face was flushed, and he felt comfortable.

Qin Hong rolled his eyes, "I haven't studied well since I was a child. I'm quite handsome, but I'm too good at talking."

Han Lei didn't feel anything. He suffered from a character loss since he was a child. He was extremely satisfied with Ye Lang's performance. "You can't say that. Ye Lang is an anchor, although he is a game anchor. But you know, the anchor. This industry is not so easy. It is difficult for a person to form his own characteristics. Ye Lang has found his own characteristics and carried it forward. I like it very much."

"Old Han, I know you like this kind of slick tone."

Qin Hong continued to roll his eyes.

Han Lei didn't take it seriously, "Don't tell me, he is like this, he is very attractive to fans, my old guy is about to become his fan."


I'm used to the bitterness of life, and my mouth doesn't taste like when I drink.

Zhao Lei is about to cry.

"Brother Liu, you don't have to worry about food and clothing now, but a few brothers are still lacking. Now in this environment, the temperaments of the few of us can't mix money."

Liu also smiled, "Or, when shall we find this Ye Lang?"

"You can have this!" Wang Feng shouted and drank the beer in his glass.

"I think it's feasible! It's really miserable to play rock and roll, and it's uncomfortable to play folk songs. You say I'm also the third-generation heir of discourse music rock or roll, half of the country, why is it so miserable now? I'm also a singer, people sing. Okay, he looks handsome, but why can people make money?"

Several idiots who played music watched Ye Lang's live broadcast and were dumbfounded.

Ye Lang laughed loudly after seeing the barrage.

"Oh, you are like masters of yin and yang. Ye Lang, I finally got back a city. What a difficult routine. Playing PCL didn't please you."

At this time, a barrage floated out.

The huge black barrage is a privilege at first sight.

"Yeshen, how do you let other anchors live like this."

Ye Lang did not speak.

On the Foxya platform, at this time, many anchors saw the message that popped up above: "There are flowers in the Yelang live broadcast room. Go grab it!"

They wondered, what's going on, why is Ye Lang's live broadcast room so lively? Go and see and learn.

La Fenglong: "Brothers, both are Jedi anchors. I think I still can't. Ye Shen just started broadcasting. Let's learn from the experience and learn Ye Shen's techniques, okay?"

BB asked: "Brothers, although I am a dish, but I work hard. Just when the broadcast started today, I saw the world champion Yeshen live. I am a fan of Yeshen. As long as I die, I am a fan of Yeshen. That kind of brain damage, yes, you heard it right, let me see what Ye Shen is doing..."

More than a dozen anchors poured into Ye Lang's live broadcast room instantly, and Ye Lang greeted him happily.

"Oh? La Fenglong, Brother Long, welcome, brothers, blow up suona."

"Welcome to ask BB, and the main anchor BB asks, humorous, full of personality and charm, is the best in the Jedi Lao Yin Bi, welcome everyone!"


Ye Lang opened his mouth, and these dozen anchors were dumbfounded.

No, we are here for rounds, shouldn't we speak?

Suddenly, a lot of barrage came.

"Everyone, come here, don't you want to buy some gifts?"

Ye Lang directly read this barrage, "I know, this is for my own good. After all, there are not many prizes in the game, and there is usually no income. Today, let me squeeze all the major anchors to death. . But you are wrong."

Ye Lang took a breath, "Am I that kind of person?"

A dozen anchors suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

Anyway, you just don’t want to buy gifts. Ye Lang has exhausted his popularity, and he has to buy gifts when he comes over. This is not a scam!

The wool can't catch one.

Ye Lang nodded and said seriously: "Hey, I really am, thank you in advance for the presents from the anchors, the boss is generous, I wish you a today and a present every year..."

All of a sudden, more than a dozen anchors blushed and were framed.

Don't brush gifts. It's too stingy. After all, it's also a big anchor. You can't be so stingy.

Brush it, it's a shame, Ye Shen is simply a powder suction machine. Recently, anchors like La Fenglong feel that they are unable to do well.

At this time, BB asked: "Ye Shen, I gave you the last rocket brush, really no more, no drop..."

As expected of the funny anchor, he drove so smoothly that even Ye Lang didn't react.

Ye Lang smiled, "You are free, I just made a joke."

"But the water friends don't know whether they like this joke or whether they laughed."

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