PUBG Nightmare Player System

Chapter 388: Are you not old?

As soon as Ye Lang posted on Weibo, the entire entertainment circle exploded.

The fans are crazy when they get close to the platform.

"Ye Lang, come on, you can beat them all to death with a nunchaku."

"Yes, haha, those rap players don't know how much they are. Rap ​​is still singing after all, just in the form of speaking."

"Kill them and let them take the runner-up!"

However, some people felt that Ye Lang was too arrogant.

"Yeshen, you are so arrogant, what if you slap your face?"

"That's right, Ye Lang is too mad and full of words."

"You guys upstairs are sick, and which rapper is not crazy? But Ye Lang is definitely the top pretender. You are here to take second place."


In the rap circle, pickled peppers drank too much yesterday and sprayed Ye Lang around. Now he regrets a bit.

"This Ye Lang is obviously capable and can sing very well. He has a good foundation. But in this field, I haven't been afraid of anyone."

"Breggie, how about you hurry up?"

"Hi, that's it, I'm not afraid of anyone. I'm open and honest, and I'm not afraid of winning or losing."

Pickled Pepper was a little disappointed when he heard Brady's words. He felt that Brady had lost his rap originality, and the domineering style was gone.

But Breggie is really open, it doesn't matter if you win or lose, just be happy, this is the key.


In the music circle, Han Lei posed a huge question mark: "? Ye Lang, are you doing it? My Huaxia Conservatory of Music has prepared a professorship for you. You go to play rap?"

This is not what a top music professor should say, but Han Lei still said it.

And soon there will be other Weibo.

This is a new number.

"My father is the inheritor of Jingyun drum. In my generation, he was not good at learning skills, so he faced some difficulties. The previous songbooks were lost. Under the attack of Western culture, it is not easy for Chinese culture to be passed on to this point. I would like to express my respect to Mr. Ye Lang. "Explore the Qingshuihe" restores the rich flavor and unique atmosphere of the small song. It is indeed the Jingyun drum that has changed the past. Here I have an unsympathetic request, that is, I can sing "Explore the Qingshuihe" on other occasions. "To carry on our ancient Chinese culture well, and prevent these things from being lost in the hands of our generation."

As soon as this Weibo was published, many people started @叶朗, @叶朗工作室.

After Li Yu saw it, he felt a huge business opportunity, but when she called Ye Lang, Ye Lang said calmly: "Sing it, let's get it right, and authorize it for free."

"Ye Lang, if you can make money, then you should be the first one!"

"Cut, Sister Li, am I short of this money? Besides, it is everyone's responsibility to pass on culture. They are more professional than me in this aspect. Hey, I will use this one too, otherwise I can sing a few more songs for them. ."

After seeing this scene on Weibo, countless people were instantly dumbfounded.

"It's Lao Li's child, it's him!"

"My God, it's been these years, is he still doing this job?"

"No, I have to support it. After all, Lao Li has contributed his entire life to the inheritance of the national quintessence. If we don't support it, why don't we have a face to listen."

"That's it, go and support, Mr. Li has worked hard."

Li Peng, the son of traditional artist Li Ran, posted on Weibo in less than five minutes.

Ye Lang Studio’s Weibo quickly responded: “Ye Lang Studio respects any cultural inheritors. Mr. Ye Lang personally authorized Mr. Li Ran and his descendants to try the song and its adaptation for free. Mr. Ye Lang’s own words If we can get closer to the tradition, that would be even better. It is everyone's duty to promote traditional culture. Everyone should work hard together."

At this moment, Ye Lang once again stood at the commanding heights of public opinion in the entertainment industry.

Ye Lang glanced at his ranking. Among the third-line artists, he had already entered the top 100, which was exactly 99.

Great progress! Sure enough, something substantive has to come out.

At this time, Ye Lang glanced at the timetable sent by Li Yu. Within a few days, "China Rap" will start the audition. During the audition, he will definitely face the underground rappers from all over the world. It seems uncomfortable, but in fact they are all paper tigers.

Ye Tan'er has already begun to urge, "Ye Lang, the banquet at Jiang Xiaoying's house has already begun. I heard it's very grand. Get dressed quickly."

Ye Tan'er looked in the mirror for a long time, and finally picked out a dress that seemed appropriate among her clothes, while Ye Lang changed into a suit.

One hour later, Ye Lang and Ye Tan'er appeared slowly in the Tianlin Hotel.

After parking the car, Ye Lang was not polite, and walked over with a cigarette in his mouth. On the red carpet, the business celebrities appeared with false smiles.

Among them, Ye Lang saw a familiar shadow, Qin Dong! How dare you come?

"Ye Lang, you are here!"

Jiang Xiaoying yelled, Jiang Xiaoying in a full-length dress was radiant, Ye Tan'er blushed, and only hated that she didn't wear anything more beautiful.

"Tan'er, you two come with me. This is a family dinner. It's not so grand, just relax and have fun."

After speaking, Jiang Xiaoying blushed.

Ye Lang felt a little bad, what? Family dinner?

what happened! Let me come to the family dinner? I'm an outsider!

He glanced at Ye Tan'er, with a black thread, already on the thief ship, then don't regret it, regret is of no use.

In the hall, Ye Lang just walked to the photo wall and saw Qin Dong,

After the two looked at each other, Ye Lang smiled with a trace of evil.

"Hey, where do you not meet in life, Shao Qin, do you want to try my methods again..."

Ye Lang was very arrogant and terrifying.

Earlier, Qin Dong had his arm broken by Ye Lang. Just a few days after the fracture, the splint was still there. When he saw Ye Lang, he remembered the sound of the fracture on his arm, and the sound came to his ears.

"Huh, boy, today's occasion is not suitable for you, you wait."

Ye Lang sneered, "Oh? Just wait and wait, I'm sorry, I'm scared the least."

When Qin Dong left with a black face, a clear voice came from behind Ye Lang,

"Oh? Jiang Xiaoying, that's not bad, who is this boy, he looks very delicious."

When Ye Lang turned around, he saw the high heels and bright red lips approaching him.

The faint fragrance rushing to the face was mixed with fiery heat.

Beautiful face, seductive eyes, powerful aura.

This woman is domineering and aggressive, her eyes are full of the desire to control Ye Lang, not only for Ye Lang, but for everyone.

"Little brother, what's your name."

Ye Lang frowned, rebellious.

"Oh? Auntie, I'm not young."

It was just a temptation, and Ye Lang immediately offered a killer move.

The other's eyes were cold, "Hehe, the first time someone called me auntie, little brother, you are too much, do I look very old?"

Ye Lang smiled, pointed at Jiang Xiaoying, pointed at Ye Tan'er, "Look at them, and then at you, are you not old?"

The player system who likes the nightmare of eating chicken, please collect it: ( The nightmare player system of eating the chicken has the fastest literary update.