PUBG Nightmare Player System

Chapter 390: Let you ten!

Ye Lang smiled faintly, and slowly dropped his son. The sunspot fell beside Tian Yuan. In an instant, the blacks on the entire chessboard became a huge encirclement.

For a moment, Gouye was stunned.

Lord Gou's friend, Lao Li, is also confused now.

"No, this is fine?"

The black chess formed a dragon-slaying sword in an instant. Ye Lang didn't rush, eating the cherries again and again, and said triumphantly: "What? Who said what to eat just now? Why can't I hear you! Oh, my ears Ah, I was almost deaf..."

Crazy taunting, the dog's face was black, "I lost this game, don't go, come again! This time, I won't let you!"

Lao Li was also on the sidelines, "Oh, children are not as old as you can play chess, you are good, you lost, tusk tusk."

The dog's face was black, and this time he refused to give up. In an instant, he took the black first.

Ye Lang followed closely and fell to Tianyuan.

Tian Yuan again!

At this moment, Gouye was dazed.

"No, can you still play chess like this? What does Tianyuan do? Why are you!"

At this time, Ye Lang said calmly: "Hey, Goo, play chess, you can win, who cares about these so-called meanings. Let me tell you, my chess approach is very powerful. I used to play chess in the software before. , Invincible, alright!"

"Then you **** shy to let me make you five sons?"

Ye Lang smiled, with a smug look on his face.

"I think you are so knowledgeable and uninteresting. After all, I can call you grandfather, so what happens to the younger generation is justified."

Gouye's face was blue and red, and in an instant, the second set started to kill.

After going through the previous game, the current dog master is not at all relaxed. The old Li on the side wandering around, and Ye Lang is also very comfortable, only the dog master is uncomfortable.

Just as the saying goes, people and dogs are all on the show, only the dog is beaten.

"Can you do it, Lord Goo, you don't regret this step, you can't regret it."

"Oh, this one is ok, not bad, no, no, you are so boring, I don't want to win so fast."

Ye Lang's all kinds of poisonous tongues, all kinds of ridicule, from time to time yin and yang, "It is worthy of the dog, this step is not understood by others, don't I understand? This is a tribute, this is a tribute to Nie Ping, Nie! The only game that I lost! Although Lao Nie lost that game, he saved the entire chess world, and the chess world has since been catching up..."

"Okay, can you be quieter when you play chess, you little thing, you are so young, and your mouth is so stinky."

The dog is not angry, and the appearance of sitting leisurely at first has disappeared. Now, he has to stand up from time to time, with his shoes taken off, and thrown aside, what kind of clothes, playing chess to rise, It's normal to take it off!

Ye Lang played slowly this time, and the dog master responded cautiously.

One hundred and sixty-one moves, the dog master smiled, and after he settled down, he lay back, "Hehe, boy, now you have to lose."

Ye Lang glanced at the chessboard and spit out the cherry pits in his mouth, "Yeah, this time, the dog is a big deal, okay, this is much better than Ke Jie's three-handed axe."

"Ke Jie, are you embarrassed to say him?" The dog master was a little angry, but he was very happy to hear that he could compare with Ke Jie. After all, Ke Jie is the number one in the world.

"Ke Jie's kid, I also often do it. It's all right to fight. Young is good. I'm old too, but you can still win."

Gouye became arrogant, grinned and started blowing.

Men are teenagers until they die, and they are the same when they are old, bragging and spanking.

"Not at all, Gouye, do you see something missing from your knife?"

Ye Lang spoke and fell, and the dog's face began to twitch in an instant, "Fuck, there is such a thing?"

With this move, Ye Lang faced the opponent's Dragon Slaying Sword, and did not respond directly to him for a while. Instead, he used the advantages of the previous layout to reach the sky in one step and condescending. In an instant, the sunspot lost nearly twenty!

The old dog's face was flushed with anger, this Nima was still playing a fart, suddenly there were no more than 20 chess pieces, and he lost.

It doesn't matter if he is angry, Ye Lang is still yin and yang strange, "As expected, he and Ke Jie often practice hands, the way to lose is exactly the same."

Old Li also lit a fire on the side, "Hey, Lord Dog, look, how to say this, young is good, we are old, we can't accept the old."

"Nonsense, you're getting old, I'm not old, you just obey the old!"

While speaking, his mouth became hardened again, and he settled down, conceded defeat, and finished in one go.

"Come again!"

Ye Lang smiled slightly, "Master Dog, don't blame me this time. I will let you five. Don't let people say that I bully the elderly."

Ye Lang started the game directly and let Master Gou make arrangements, holding Bai Zi, dangling around, and settling in Tianyuan.

According to the general Go routine, not only did it have five pieces, it might be six or seven pieces.

All fools knew that it was useless to land Tianyuan at the beginning, but Ye Lang had already landed on Tianyuan twice.

"Boy, what's your name."

"Ye Lang."

When Old Li heard it, "Tsk, Ye Lang, the next generation is terrible, hehe. This name is good, Lang Lang Qian Kun, Lord Dog, your little trick may not work in the face of Lang Lang Qian Kun."

The dog's face was cold and silent,

After thirty hands passed, Gouye suddenly got into trouble, "Look at my trick, the world is the same!"

Ye Lang almost laughed, do you think this is in anime? Middle 2 is up?

Hey, let you shine with heaven and earth, let you shine with heaven and earth,

Ye Lang settled the situation, after forty hands, Gouye found that he could not go on.

"Hmph, I'm just careless, come again!"

Ye Lang waved his hand, "Master Dog, the banquet has started, I haven't eaten yet."

"Don't eat it! I haven't eaten it, what do you call a young man!"

"That's all right, come on! I'll let you ten words."

Ye Lang said suddenly.

Master Gou yelled, his face flushed, "Who do you look down on! I'm not in good shape today, if I'm in good shape, I can make you twenty!"

When Ye Lang heard this, his rebellious mentality came in an instant: "I will let you thirty!"

"I make you forty!"

"I'll make you fifty!"


Lao Li spit out a mouthful of water.

"How many words are there on the chessboard, you can let it go, let it be done..."

Ye Lang glanced at the time and frowned, "It's been more than two hours. I haven't eaten yet. No, it's a quick decision."

At this moment Ye Lang was sitting in distress, "Master Dog, let's take it."

The dog is more serious, but he is old after all, and he has to bite the bullet. After all, how can he take it back?


After twenty-one moves passed, Ye Lang let out a sigh of relief, and Lord Gou looked at the chessboard, his whole body trembling!

"Come again!"

The player system who likes the nightmare of eating chicken, please collect it: ( The nightmare player system of eating the chicken has the fastest literary update.