PUBG Nightmare Player System

Chapter 393: Yin and yang team

As soon as Ye Lang heard Jiang Xiaoying's various bragging, he instantly felt Gouye's desperate look.

No matter, the old man is also a man, anyway, it's not bad to have a childlike heart, right?

After the banquet, Ye Lang and Ye Tan'er ate and drank. They burped and drove away.

As soon as he got home, Ye Tan'er asked vigilantly: "Ye Lang, tell me, are you interested in Jiang Xiaoying?"

Ye Lang showed a huge question mark, what happened? Didn't you let me go? You and Jiang Xiaoying are roommates and best friends?

Sure enough, women are forgetful.

Ye Lang shook his head, "No, let's talk about it. You look at me every day. If I am interested in her, I have to wait. They are all neighbors."

Ye Tan'er pouted, "Neighbor, haha, remember it clearly."

"No, what do you mean? It's a neighbor, it's just a neighbor."

Ye Lang frowned, with a hunch.

Ye Tan'er sneered and said, "Hehe, man, it's like this in mind, huh, I know."

Ye Lang's eyes widened, no, what do you know? You in the clouds and mist, I am still at a loss.

"It's okay, I'll call our parents, don't bark."

After Ye Lang finished speaking, he dialed the home phone.

I thought my parents were taking a lunch break at this time, and Ye Lang heard a roar of wind when he got on the phone.

"Ye Lang, what's the matter?"

"Parents, where are you? Why are you so loud."

On the other side of the phone, Ye Lang’s father yelled, “Ye Lang, your mom and I are sitting on a glider. Isn’t your career also stable? Your sister will take care of you. Let’s go to travel. Traveling, isn’t this just a foreign country? Experience this glider...not to mention, it’s about to take off..."


Hung up.

Ye Lang looked speechless, why did these parents relax in an instant? After saying that, parents of other people's families have to ask their children how they eat, how well they sleep, how come to me, and that's it?

Ye Lang scratched his head and turned on the computer. Ye Lang saw a strange thing.

Occupying Weibo is nothing but a drizzle for Ye Lang. The problem now is that Ye Lang is going to become the top three, currently ranked 99. However, at this time, the poster of "China Rap" appeared.

"The mysterious person in "China Rap" signed up. This mysterious person is from abroad. His name is Hip Hop. Who is it? We will wait and see."

Mystery man? From abroad? It won't be the guy of Chinese descent, the guy who has won the world rap underground platform battle for five consecutive championships.

Although this five consecutive championships is to win the ultimate PK five times in a row, it is really good to be able to fight with the black and white people and win respect.

Ye Lang knows this person, Ouyang, known as the light of the Chinese, Bruce Lee in the rap world.

There are constant discussions on Weibo, and many people leave messages to Ye Lang,

"Ye Lang, what song did you prepare? Would you like to reveal it?"

"After Wu Sige sprayed with you, now it's given to you, what do you think?"

Ye Lang was stunned. After confronting Wu Sige before, the other party directly turned off the Weibo comment and didn't say anything? Why does this stand for yourself?

Sure enough, when he opened Wu Sige’s Weibo, Ye Lang saw a passage that made Ye Lang feel a little red on his face: “Ye Lang is a very talented player with great singing skills. I believe his arrival will definitely enable us. This show attracts more fans and makes more people notice the charm of rap."

Is this also called a platform?

Ye Lang's old face was hot, not because of shame or anything, but because the other party's level of squeezing money and shamelessness really surpassed Ye Lang's cognition.

"Sure enough, the entertainment industry is a group of shameless people who only want money."

Ye Lang closed Weibo and opened the game.

Ye Lang understood what Zhang Qin said before. If it was too aggressive during the live broadcast, the other anchors would not be able to play now, and they would even lose their jobs one by one.

In order to avoid this situation, Ye Lang only needs to start the broadcast on time and not adjust the live broadcast time randomly, so Ye Lang opens the game.

Not broadcasting, doesn't mean not playing games.

Single-player four-row is extremely easy for Ye Lang, getting closer and closer to the emergence of the ladder. Ye Lang is a little looking forward to the emergence of such a strong game rhythm.

Three hours later, Ye Lang sighed for a long time, watching his nightmare value rise from 9975 to 18920, and he felt comfortable.

Just as the time came, he opened the live broadcast room on time. He didn't expect that as soon as he entered, he saw the water friends frantically swiping the screen when the screen was black.

"Fuck? Not coming yet? Open the door!"

"Ye Lang turned on the light, it's too dark, I can't see it."

"No, don't you mean to feel distressed? Open the door! I'm already hungry and thirsty."


The moment Ye Lang opened the live broadcast, he said lightly: "No, brothers, why are you so early today?"

"Yeshen, Dadai and Tuantuan went out to play in a team today. We have nowhere to eat spicy food, so we can only wait for you to eat something light."

"Hurry up, hurry up, I can't wait."

"Ye Lang, if you don't kill the Quartet today, I'm sorry that I just used a rocket."


Ye Lang was speechless for a while. After opening the game, he found that Wei Shen was also online and Turaf was also online. At the same time, there was a female player who was in a team, so Ye Lang applied to join the team.

Soon, the other party agreed to the invitation.

Then Ye Lang found the yy channel.


"Fuck, Ye Shen, welcome, Ye Shen, come here, my channel is shining." Wei Shen Da Onmyoji came.

"You came back from this vacation? Turaf is also there, why, are you interested in playing a career, I will let Xian."

Turaf smiled: "Don't, I've tried my health regimen and the live broadcast is irregular."

Ye Lang smiled, "Who is this girl?"

"Well, the handle of Team Hongxing, the Jedi pro player Little Baige."

Ye Lang suddenly remembered something, "Fuck, I remember, it's the Jedi scum, right?"

The little white pigeon chuckled, and a slightly neutral voice came out: "Hey, this is all seen by Ye Shen, it's an eagle eye."

Ye Lang felt a strong aura approaching, no, why is this guy also a great onmyoji?

This team is a bit invincible, maybe, only Turaf is not a yin and yang person.

The barrage now bloomed with laughter.

"Oh? Ye Shen met a Jedi scum, which is interesting."

"Little Baige watched Ye Lang's live broadcast every day, and then became eccentric, and finally came in handy today."

"No way, this team doesn't want to watch it. It's not interesting at all. Chicken tastes so plain."

Wei Shen grinned and said, "Shall we play a game?"

The player system who likes the nightmare of eating chicken, please collect it: ( The nightmare player system of eating the chicken has the fastest literary update.