PUBG Nightmare Player System

Chapter 450: Three-line summit, mission completed

Of course Li Yu knew about this. As a leader in the entertainment industry and the second-in-command of Ye Lang's studio, she had already sneered looking at Weibo.

"Ye Lang, this is Star Entertainment's method to praise Wu Sige. Look at the edited picture, it's not an exaggeration to say that it was carefully released."

Ye Lang nodded. If it was not an insider, how could it be possible to find such a clear video, how could it be possible to release the video in the first place?

Maybe they will accidentally leak some, but how can such a video of the game and the carefully edited voice of the judges be exposed all at once?

"Wu Sige has a lot of scenes, and there are not many pictures after you win the championship. But it's okay. This incident is not an exciting thing. In the end, there is still an official response."

"All right, Sister Li has worked hard."



Ye Lang looked at the match videos on Weibo and the text on the hot search list, and he was confused.

There were a lot of imaginary things during the day, and now the video is streaming out, and the three songs of Ye Lang's "Laugh in the Sea", "Orchid Grass" and "Hua Xia" are like nuclear bombs in the sea of ​​Weibo.

"Star Entertainment, this is a broken tank."

Such a thought flashed through Ye Lang's mind.

Ye Lang won the championship in the show of "China Rap", so Star Entertainment's methods and other warm-ups would fail, especially in order to praise Wu Sige, Ye Lang must be trampled to death.

Fortunately, Ye Lang wins the championship. If normal program materials are released, then there will be a situation where Wu Sige is sprayed as a dog, and Ye Lang is lifted by others.

This is not the result that Star Entertainment wants.

"It's not bad to come together with a conspiracy."

First search: Ye Lang won the title of "China Rap".

Hot search second: The four-sentences of Ye Lang's works are wave after wave, "Fake Monk", "Orchid Grass", "A Laugh in the Sea", "China", "Trash Talk" and "Mortal Song" fragments , Which one do you like best?

Hot search third: Can Ye Lang's four invincible sentences in "Song of Mortals" be recorded in history.

Hot search fourth: What is Ye Lang's rap ability?

Hot search fifth: Ye Lang...

Hot search sixth: Ye Lang...


It was not until the ninth hot search that Wu Sige's information appeared.

"Wu Sige has become a new generation of rap instructors with extraordinary strength!"

Hot searches can be done, and for Ye Lang, he never had it.

The vast ocean of the people will drown those brushes one by one in an instant.

Wu Sige has a headache today. There is no information on his Weibo. He dare not speak or say anything.

Star Entertainment is very low-key today. The only voice in the "China Rap" program group is Liuzhou.

"I don't know why it leaked, but I am absolutely unaware of it."

Ye Lang saw Liuzhou's response and suddenly felt something wrong.

Isn't the final program recording at the director and editor?

The director doesn't know, it's impossible!

An hour later, Star Entertainment issued an announcement.

"The source of the "China Rap" program has been leaked. It has been found that the director Liuzhou did it. The nature of the incident is bad. We have already prosecuted. All losses will be borne by Liuzhou, destroying everyone’s sense of expectation. We are very sorry. , But although the show is over, rap is still on the way."

When Ye Lang saw such a scene, the whole person was dumbfounded.

Scapegoat, he is here!

This news is like a trickle in front of the sea, it was submerged in an instant, no one noticed this information,

The entire Weibo discussion was only Ye Lang's four sentences of convincing gods.

"Walk to the unprecedented Tiger Mountain, look out the clouds and mist to see the light... It's too handsome, this word cannot be written without cultural background."

"My favorite is the four sentences that I want to cross the Tianshan Mountains quickly. They are too heroic."

"I think the "Orchid Grass" is the pinnacle. What I am looking forward to is Liang Yuanyue, I am thirsty for Tokyo wine, I am waiting for Luo Shuihua, and I am writing Zhangtai Liu..."

For a while, everyone was madly dormant by Ye Lang.

Suddenly, a message came.

"Congratulations to the host, the third line has reached the top!"

Ye Lang looked at his ranking, the third-line artist, ranked first! Only one step away, it became the second line!

"Reward the dark treasure chest."

"turn on!"

"Congratulations to the host, acquired skills: Master of legal skills."

Ye Lang showed a huge question mark: "?"

Why do I need legal skills?

I am not a lawyer!

Ye Lang was speechless.

After co-authoring for so long, did this happen?

"nothing else?"

Ye Lang asked cautiously.

Now the system is the master, if it doesn't distribute other things, it will be busy.

"Haha, host, just kidding with you, there are millions of nightmare points!"

Ye Lang suddenly opened the system panel.

PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds Nightmare Player System

Host: Ye Lang

Age: 22

Game skills: [Sniper rifle proficiency advanced skills] [Physical proficiency] [Visual proficiency] [Throwing proficiency] [Motorcycle proficiency] [Perfect hearing] [Accurate aiming] [Pan proficiency] [Jedi boxing master] [Game Consciousness proficiency] [Punch pressure proficiency] [Skydiving proficiency] [Proficiency in case of strength] [Aura suppression proficiency]

Realistic skills: [Seiyuu skills] [Guitar skills] [Fighting proficiency] [Foreign language proficiency] [Bajiquan proficiency] [Basketball proficiency] [Piano proficiency] [Cooking proficiency] [Light power proficiency] [Actual proficiency] [Go Proficient]【World-class singing skills】【Martial arts acting skills】

[Proficient in talk show skills] [Proficient in musical instruments] [Proficient in legal knowledge]

Items: Good Luck Lianlian Soda Drink, Memory Capsules, Pills for Washing Marrow and Bone Cutting, Strength Recovery Potion, Huanggang Secret Roll, Healthy Instant Noodles...

Nightmare value: 1552750 [Redeem] [Raffle]

Ye Lang almost laughed.

At this time, Ye Lang was triumphant and howled in the middle of the night.

"Hahaha, the rivers and lakes are far away, there is no moon and the wind is high..."

From Ye Tan'er, a voice came: "Ye Lang, you don't let people sleep!"

After reaching the top of the third line, I didn't even make the top ten in the hot search. No, when Ye Lang opened Weibo again, all the top ten belonged to Ye Lang. Wu Sige or something, let's go!

At this moment, Ye Lang suddenly thought of a person, didn't that person want to enter the ranks of second-tier stars before? Why is there no sound?

Ye Lang glanced at the ranking, and the second place was Chen Yiting, who vowed to hit the second line.

At this time, Chen Yiting should be the worst person. The new movie he participated in today, "Ultimate Dawn" directed by Wu Zhenyu, was released.

As a result, he who thought he could create a wave of enthusiasm became a victim. In the eyes of Star Entertainment, you Chen Yiting is not as good as Wu Sige by one percent.

The player system who likes the nightmare of eating chicken, please collect it: ( The nightmare player system of eating the chicken has the fastest literary update.