PUBG Nightmare Player System

Chapter 47: No loss for this wave!

After singing a song "Ideal", everyone was shocked.

For this world lacking excellent folk songs, Ye Lang’s song "Ideal" was undoubtedly detonated like a cannonball, shocking everyone!

It is amazing enough to be called!

The audience in the live broadcast room also proved their recognition of the song with their strength, and the gifts filled the screen for a while.

"Nicholas Zhao Ritian gave the anchor Huya No.1 X6!"

"Zuan's pianist gave the anchor trophy X678!"

"Leiden Master Yang Yongxin gave the anchor hot pot X666!"


The gift was refreshed frantically, and it can be seen that most of the audience love Ye Lang's song very much.

Nicholas Zhao Ritian: "Listening to this song reminds me of the days when I lived in the basement and had instant noodles ten years ago."

Coffee on the left bank: "Can you not be so sensational, I'm going to cry again...uuuuu..."

Zuan's pianist: "I cried after listening... The brother sitting next to me didn't cry. I punched him and cried!"

Tao Su Su: "I found out that I fell in love with my little brother. This song is so good that I can't find it in thousands of degrees. This is another original song of my little brother!"

Many viewers in the live broadcast room searched for this song on Thousand Degrees, but the results were of course empty.

Then there is only one explanation...this is the original song of the anchor again!

Counting the previous two songs, this is already the third original song, and one is better than the other.

When are great songs so worthless?

Is there such a talented person in the world? !

Everyone couldn't help but think so.

Even Tuan Tuan and Da Da, the two have not quit the game, they have listened to Ye Lang's "Ideal" through the game.

How amazing and shocking!

Seeing that the audience in the live broadcast room misunderstood again, Ye Lang said, "This song was actually written by a friend of mine with the surname Zhao, I just sang it."

Nicholas Zhao Ritian: "The last name is Zhao? Anchor, do you want to say that this song was written by my old Zhao?"

Zuan pianist: "Mom, I know you are low-key, anchor, but can you stop making friends out of nothing?"

Tao Susu: "My little brother must have a very wonderful past, so he can write such a story with a song. I love it!"


Seeing that the audience in the live broadcast room made up for themselves, Ye Lang could only express helplessness. He didn't want to be a copywriter, but he had no culture!

"I will record this song in the past two days, and then upload it to the music platform. You can listen to it for free."

After speaking, Ye Lang planned to drive off. After all, it was not early, and the live broadcast was long enough tonight.

Although some viewers in the live broadcast room were not too happy, they were too embarrassed to let Ye Lang sing an original song that they were very satisfied with.

Ye Lang quickly withdrew from the live broadcast room, and then Dadao and Tuantuan also withdrew from the game room.

After a while, he sent a private message to Ye Lang through the game platform.

"Brother, let's add WeChat."

DaDa had a very carefree personality, and there was nothing to be embarrassed about, so he asked Ye Lang's WeChat directly.

Tuantuan has her little brother’s WeChat account, and she knew her little brother before her. How could she not?

With such thoughts, this private message sent to Ye Lang without any hesitation.

Ye Lang is not a hypocritical person, he directly sent this own WeChat account, and then quit the game.

I stretched my waist, stood up and moved, and my body felt a little numb after sitting all night.

After stretching his body, Ye Lang clicked on his system panel.

[PUBG Mobile Nightmare Player System]

Host: Ye Lang

Age: 22

Game skills: [98k advanced proficiency] [intermediate skydiving proficiency skills] [intermediate gun pressure skills] [physical proficiency] [visual proficiency] [throwing proficiency]

Realistic skills: [voice actor skills] [singing skills] [guitar skills] [fighting skills]

Item: Constitution Boost Potion

Nightmare Value: 560 [Exchange] [Raffle]

Ye Lang summoned the system, and his first glance was placed on the object, a bottle of physique enhancement potion!

He took it out immediately, and a blood bottle filled with red liquid appeared in Ye Lang's hand.

Seeing the color like blood, Ye Lang couldn't help swallowing saliva.

Can this thing really drink?

Will not be poisoned?

Ye Lang, who was extremely desperate, asked the system again.

"System, does this thing really have no side effects? Does it really prevent impotence?"

Ye Lang shuddered when he thought of the joke that these systems were playing him. This can't be a joke!

The cute voice of the system immediately sounded in Ye Lang's mind.

"This medicine will never have any side effects, please rest assured to drink it!"

"Let's do it!"

After getting the affirmative reply from the system, Ye Lang was relieved, and he pushed aside the wooden cork and poured the red liquid into his mouth.

"It's pretty good."

Ye Lang tut, he didn't expect it to taste good, a bit like cherry juice.

After a while, there was a warm current on the body.

A strange sensation flowed all over his body, Ye Lang found that his muscles seemed to become tougher, the muscle lines were more beautiful, and his body was full of strength.

If Ye Lang could only have a full score of 80 points because of lack of exercise before, then his body can be considered as close to full score infinitely!

"feel good."

Ye Lang was quite satisfied with the effect of this bottle of physique enhancement potion.

After drinking it, my head no longer hurts, my waist no longer feels sore, and my whole body is full of energy!

This thing is much easier to use than kidney treasure!

After taking the potion, Ye Lang looked at the nightmare value remaining in the system account again.

Because there was just a lottery draw last time, Ye Lang now only has more than 500 nightmare points left.

After hesitating for a while, Ye Lang decided to have a five consecutive draw!

Seeking wealth and danger, maybe let yourself get good things!


The draw begins!

"Ding Dong, congratulations to the host for getting a pair of Bluetooth headsets!"

"Ding Dong, congratulations to the host for obtaining the full set of exercise books for the three-year college entrance examination and five-year simulation!"

"Ding Dong, congratulations to the host for obtaining Penguin membership for one year!"

Hearing the first three system prompts, Ye Lang's heart felt cold.

What kind of **** is this?

Forget the Bluetooth headset, what the **** is the three-year college entrance examination and five-year simulation?

I have graduated from university!

Forget it, find a time to give it to relatives and children.

"Ding Dong, congratulations to the host for getting a special panda cigarette!"

"Ding Dong, congratulations to the host for acquiring foreign language proficiency skills!"

Ok? ?

The last sound fell, and Ye Lang almost jumped from the chair!

Finally got something good!

This wave does not lose money, and makes a lot of money!

The player system who likes the nightmare of eating chicken, please collect it: ( The nightmare player system of eating the chicken has the fastest literary update.