PUBG Nightmare Player System

Chapter 48: Love Jiang Xiaoying at first sight!

Foreign language proficiency skills, as the name suggests, is a practical skill that makes Ye Lang proficient in various foreign languages.

Note that it is a variety of foreign languages, not just English...

This is a bit against the sky!

From now on, I, Ye, is also a master of foreign languages ​​in various countries!

You must know that Ye Lang used to be a scumbag who couldn't even pass CET-4. Now he is directly proficient in multiple languages, which makes him very excited.

This wave is simply a profit.

Ye Lang, who was in a good mood, took out all the things he had just drawn for the lottery. Except for a special panda cigarette, which is still useful, the other things are basically rubbish.

Oh, by the way, this set of three-year college entrance examination and five-year simulation can be kept for my nephew.

Although he is only in the fifth grade of elementary school, there is always nothing wrong with preparing in advance. It is better to prepare for the college entrance examination sooner rather than later.

Ye Lang nodded secretly, and it was so decided.

Then he took out the panda cigarettes that he had just received in the lottery, and took a sip after lighting it up.

"The taste is not bad. It's worthy of being a special cigarette. You can't buy it if you have money."

He picked up the phone while hesitating.

Wechat quickly received applications from friends who were sent in a daze.

This is an avatar wearing a swimsuit, Ye Lang swallowed secretly, unexpectedly so unexpected!

This is not from P, right?

Ye Lang quickly agreed, because it was very late, and just briefly chatted with a few words and went to bed.


The next day, Yelang received 2 million in his bank card. This was the advance payment from Huya, and the remaining money was paid monthly.

Now that he has a lot of money in his hands, Ye Lang will consider whether to change his house.

Although more than two million yuan is definitely not enough to buy a decent house in Modu, renting a house with better conditions is more than enough.

"Forget it, let's think about it later."

Ye Lang dismissed this idea. According to his current rate of making money, he estimated that he could buy a house in a few months, so he was not in a hurry at this moment.

Having nothing to do, Ye Lang plans to drive his Ferrari 488 out for a drive.

Coming to the underground parking lot of the community, the red Ferrari still looks so bright.

However, there is an eight-pointed beauty who has been standing in front of his Ferrari.

Ye Lang opened his mouth and said, "Ahem...Which... can you let me do it? You blocked me!"

Although there is a rare beauty in front of him, Ye Lang only wants to drive Ferrari, not her...

After seeing Ye Lang, the beauty in front of her eyes lit up and said in surprise: "Little brother, it's me, you helped me last time."

Ye Lang glanced intently. Isn't this the girl who met in the parking lot last time?

"So it's you."

Ye Lang smiled and said.

Ye Lang, who is very handsome in her own right, looked even more charming with a smile, and the **** the opposite side looked dumbfounded.

"Thank you for the last time."

The beauty paused and said.

"No, just a little effort."

"Um...little brother, can I add you a WeChat account."

Jiang Xiaoying's face turned red and said, she just stayed here just to ask for Ye Lang's WeChat.

Last time Ye Lang left in a hurry, she didn't have time to use WeChat, so she couldn't let go of anything this time.

Such a handsome little brother has such a sense of justice. The last time I met for the first time, she was shocked and felt love at first sight.

Ye Lang scratched his head, although it was not the first time that a handsome man like him was accosted.

But every time I get touched up, there is still a little shyness, after all, I am still a small place!

In general, Ye Lang would refuse this situation, but it seemed that the other party looked pretty and was so predestined.

After hesitating for a while, Ye Lang still agreed.

"Then I will sweep you."

Ye Lang took out his phone and said.


Jiang Xiaoying became nervous and directly pushed out the QR code for the payment.

"Uh... how many times?"

Ye Lang looked dumbfounded, didn't he say to add WeChat?

What do you mean by directly pushing a payment QR code?

What a beautiful girl, how can she go astray!

Ye Lang looked distressed.

"Huh? How many times is it?"

Jiang Xiaoying was stunned, and then realized that he had clicked the wrong QR code.

Thinking that Ye Lang must have misunderstood, he quickly explained: "No, no, I made a mistake, not this."

Jiang Xiaoying changed the QR code again, and Ye Lang nodded and scanned it with WeChat to add her as a friend.

The WeChat avatar is a fitness beauty wearing a tights. It is not difficult to find that she is herself by comparison.

"Little brother, my name is Jiang Xiaoying, what is your name? I will leave a note." Jiang Xiaoying asked curiously.

"Ye Lang."

"By the way, do you also live in this community?"

Ye Lang asked curiously.

He has lived in this community for some time, so why didn't such a beautiful beauty noticed before?

"No, no, I'm here as a tutor."

Jiang Xiaoying quickly explained that she was a little nervous talking to Ye Lang.

"It turned out to be so."

Ye Lang smiled and said, "Where are you going? Or I will show you off."

"I'm going to Fudan University, will you drop by, brother?" Jiang Xiaoying said nervously.

I was afraid that Ye Lang would not go along.

"Are you a student of Fudan University?!" Ye Lang asked in surprise.

Fudan University is the No. 1 institution of the Magic City, starting with a score of 650 in the college entrance examination. His sister Ye Tan'er is from this university.

"Right." Jiang Xiaoying nodded.

"Unexpectedly, you are still a schoolmaster."

Ye Lang sighed. Since he was a child, he has been particularly envious of those who have studied well.

Unlike myself, there is nothing good except being handsome.

"No la."

Jiang Xiaoying said with a little embarrassment: "Fudan University is still easy to take, but unfortunately I did not perform well in the college entrance examination..."

Ye Lang took a deep breath!



Is this talking human?

I remembered my sister Ye Tan'er, who was only admitted to Fudan University because of her abnormal performance...


What kind of monsters are these!

Laozi was desperate to take the college entrance examination and only took one or two exams, and he was still in extraordinary performance.

Can your tmd fail to be admitted to Fudan University? !

Ye Lang just wanted to end this topic quickly, so he said, "It just so happens that my sister is also going to school at Fudan University. I'll take you there."

Ye Lang wanted to stop by to see Ye Tan'er, so as not to talk all day about not caring about her, even her school.

"Thank you, brother!"

Jiang Xiaoying said very happily.

As a student of Fudan University, there is a dual existence of beauty and talent. Of course, there are many boys who chase her.

There are some rich second generations like those who drive luxury cars, but she has never been moved.

But since the last time she met Ye Lang, she has been obsessed with it.

Jiang Xiaoying thought, "It might be love at first sight!"

The player system who likes the nightmare of eating chicken, please collect it: ( The nightmare player system of eating the chicken has the fastest literary update.