PUBG Nightmare Player System

Chapter 482: Where did Tuantuan go

Ye Langzhen hid in the corner and watched the people behind the car beating with the people in the airdrop.

"Brother Ye Lang, why are you hiding here? Where are you going?"

"Hey, don't you say it, it's funny to stay here and look at him like this."

Tuantuan stood behind him and ran around, wondering what he was doing.

Ye Lang had been paying attention to the two people in front of him, when he suddenly saw that there was a figure rushing through him beside him.

Ye Lang looked at Tuantuan from his own perspective, "Hey, hey, hey, Tuantuan."

"Well, what are you doing?"

"I still want to ask what are you doing? Why are you walking around by yourself?"

"No! I'm here, following you to see what you are going to do?"

"Don't walk around here, don't wait for someone to see you, is there more than one person next to you?"

Tuantuan still jumped around, "I know! But didn't you have you? What am I afraid of if you are there."

Tuantuan just finished saying this sentence, "Bang Bang."

After the two gunshots sounded, I heard Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan sound, "Ah Ye Lang brother, hurry up on me, I was killed.

Ye Lang saw that Tuantuan had climbed to his side.

"Wait a minute! Let me see, has that person come over?"

Ye Lang changed his angle and looked at a place not far away.

"Tuan Tuan, you are so dead, we are on this, and we saw that the person opposite me has been aiming at you for a long time, and he is still jumping around to death."

Just stay there with a crazy smile.

"Stupefied, you know where someone is looking at me. If you don't tell me to remind you, I was knocked down, and you are still laughing there."

"Hahaha, didn't you say that you are not afraid to have Ye Lang here?"

Tuan Tuan was stunned by the words that were dumbfounded.

"Damn, you can see if anyone is coming over, I'll help Tuantuan."

"Okay, Ye Lang."

After Ye Lang finished speaking, he helped Tuantuan who was lying next to him.

When Tuantuan was about to be supported, the last two seconds were left.

Ye Lang heard the daze standing upstairs and they started to fight.

"Ye Lang, be careful, that person is here."

After supporting Tuan Tuan, Ye Lang immediately picked up his gun and fired at the man who came running.

After a few shots, the man fell down and crawled on the ground.

Ye Lang was not polite at this time, and started his own killing.

Ye Lang first shot the man who had just been lying in the corner and saw the car behind him.

"I have been lying here waiting for the other party for so long, it is better for me to solve you."

After Ye Lang knocked down the person behind the car, he jumped out of the fence and walked to the side.

A cold in the location next to the airdrop can feel there, Ye Lang rudely beat the person who airdropped to death.

"Look, it's so good. One person resolves the grievances between the two of you, and you don't have to make another life or death."

DaDa and the liar were behind to help Ye Lang deal with those who had been beaten to the ground.

After Ye Lang finished hitting the two people, he was about to pick up the airdrop, and by the way replaced the broken three-level head on his head.

Before Ye Lang went to the airdrop, someone started beating him.

Fortunately, the bullets hit the ground next to him, and they did not hit him accurately.

After Ye Lang saw someone beating him, he hurried to the back of the jeep.

"Teacher Ye Lang, that should be in City P, it should be in our house."

"Let me see who is beating me."

Ye Lang opened his eight-fold mirror and looked at the nearest row of houses in city p.

Ye Lang looks at house by house.

While Ye Lang was still looking for the person's location, the person accidentally shot the jeep.

This shot directly exposed his position.

Ye Lang looked in his direction.

The room where that person was located was quite far away from Ye Lang.

Ye Lang was not a wise man when he saw that he was still hitting him so far.

And Ye Lang also saw that he had been up and down in the window, and his head, from Ye Lang's angle, looked just right for a headshot.

"Has Ye Lang found it?"

"I found it, he shouldn't be a powerful character, his head is right there in the window."

"Hahaha, it's great. I can't find any place to break through the iron shoes. It takes no effort to get it. Ye Lang, quickly, it's solved with one shot."

Ye Lang opened the magnifier and aimed at his head, and shot mercilessly.

"You used 98k to knock down the player who was sleeping well."

"Knocked down, I don't know if he has a teammate over there."

After Ye Lang finished speaking, he marked a spot in his house.

They said with great interest: "Then let's go and take a look."

After speaking in a daze, they ran over there with the liar.

After the two of them ran over, Ye Lang saw that there was another person downstairs who seemed to be a teammate.

But that person was still searching for things on the second floor, and probably wasn't going to save the person who had just been knocked down by him.

Could it be that someone who was just defeated by himself is already being rescued, and it seems that there are at least three people in their team in stock.

Ye Lang opened the magnifier and looked at the window on the second floor.

Ye Lang fired a shot when the man on the second floor passed the window.

After being shot by Ye Lang, the man immediately squatted down.

"You should be careful in the past, there may be a team of people there."

After a pause, Ye Lang said with a smile, "But it looks like they are not very good."

"That's good, it's not very good. Let's go to the end."

Said blankly and confidently.

Those who squat down on the second floor should go down to take medicine.

After a while, that person stopped and started to come to fight Ye Lang.

Unexpectedly, when the man stood up, Ye Lang shot another shot.

After being hit by this shot, the man didn't squat down as before, but stood there, looking for Ye Lang's position.

Ye Lang unceremoniously fired another shot when he was still standing there stupidly.

Ye Lang's shot just hit him in the head.

"You hit the dvd and soy milk in the head with 98k."

When Ye Lang saw this prompt, he said to Dadao: "You go over, there is a person on the second floor who was knocked down by me, maybe someone will save him later."


After Dida and their reply, Ye Lang saw that the two of them had passed.

There began to be gunshots over there.

Tuantuan didn't know where it was at this time, and didn't hear her say a word.

Ye Lang looked at the place where she helped her up before, and there was no one.

Oops, what the ignore Tuantuan is doing, as long as she gets beaten to the ground far away uncomfortably.


The player system who likes the nightmare of eating chicken, please collect it: ( The nightmare player system of eating the chicken has the fastest literary update.