PUBG Nightmare Player System

Chapter 493: Afraid to leave

After watching for a while, Ye Lang finally decided to put Xiao Lang's nest in the corner.

After Ye Lang put Xiao Lang's things away, he remembered that the owner of the pet shop had told him that he should put some water in the house. Sometimes the dog could drink it when he was thirsty.

Ye Lang looked at Xiao Lang and saw that he hadn't had any water for a day, and he left it with Li Yu, without telling him to give him water.

So Ye Lang took Xiao Lang's other dog basin and filled a bowl of water.

When Ye Lang just put the bowl of water down, Xiao Lang quickly walked to the bowl of water and drank the water quickly.

Seeing Xiao Lang drinking water, he must be very thirsty.

"It seems that you are very thirsty. I'm so sorry that I didn't give you water for a day."

Ye Lang watched Xiao Lang seriously drinking water, and then took a bath.

After Ye Lang came out of the shower, he saw Xiao Lang lying on the sofa again.

"Hey, it seems that you also like to be familiar with this home, and you will take the initiative to run to the sofa."

Ye Lang walked to the sofa, holding Xiao Lang's little toy in his hand.

Xiao Lang was just lying there watching Ye Lang walk over, and after he saw the little toy in Ye Lang's hand, he hid it. Later, he looked very happy, his tail wagging wildly.

Ye Lang saw what he looked like, as if he knew what to look at.

Ye Lang smiled and threw the toy ball in his hand.

After Xiao Lang saw that his little toy was thrown out, he stepped on his short legs and ran in the direction of its little toy with high frequency.

Ye Lang looked at Xiao Lang's little back and those little legs running, and he felt a little cute inexplicably.

When Ye Lang picked up the toy ball in Xiaolang District, he picked up a remote control and turned on the TV.

Xiao Lang bit the toy ball from behind your toy ball and put it on Ye Lang's feet.

After Xiao Lang put down the toy ball in his mouth, he raised his head to look at Suguha Lang, whose tail was wagging.

Ye Lang lowered his head and saw Xiao Lang's happy look, and knew that he still wanted to continue playing with him.

Ye Lang picked up the ball at his feet.

After picking up the ball, Ye Lang threw it twice in his hand.

Ye Lang suddenly thought that Xiao Lang was so smart, what would happen if he lied to him?

So Ye Lang held the ball in his hand and made a throwing gesture. He did not throw the ball in his hand.

After Xiao Lang saw Ye Lang's gesture, he quickly turned and ran.

After Xiao Lang ran two steps, he felt something was wrong, so he returned and looked at Ye Lang.

Ye Lang laughed when he saw Xiao Lang like this, "You found out, so smart."

Xiao Lang still opened his mouth and spit out his tongue, still very happy.

After Ye Lang finished speaking, don't take out the ball hidden behind him.

Ye Lang did not lie to Xiao Lang again this time, and really slipped the ball out.

After the toy ball slipped out, Xiao Lang quickly bit him back.

After Xiao Lang bit the toy ball back, Ye Lang threw the toy ball out.

Ye Lang and Xiao Lang have been playing like this.

Finally, Ye Lang picked up the remote control and looked for a movie to watch.

After Xiao Lang bit the ball back, he seemed to be tired from playing too. This was putting the ball under Ye Lang's feet, jumping on the sofa, and lying next to Ye Lang.

Ye Lang leaned on the sofa, watched Xiao Lang jump up by himself, lay down beside him, and touched the back of Xiaolan with his hand.

"Stop playing?"

Xiao Lang seemed to understand Ye Lang's words, and rubbed his head against Ye Lang's side.

Ye Lang patted him on the back and started to sit on the sofa and watch TV alone.

Ye Lang put a hand on Xiao Lang's back, and Ye Lang felt Xiao Lang's belly undulate evenly.

After a while, Ye Lang heard a snoring sound.

Ye Lang was a little strange, and looked at the puppy under his hand.

Ye Lang's hand was still placed on her belly, which undulated evenly.

Ye Lang looked at a Xiao Lang under his hand and sighed helplessly.

"I thought you would watch a movie with me, but I didn't expect you to go to bed first and snore."

Ye Lang is also the first time he sees a dog snoring when he sleeps.

Xiao Lang's snoring voice became louder and louder, and Ye Lang had to increase the sound of the movie.

Because Ye Lang was watching an American science fiction film, when Ye Lang was watching it attentively.


The movie made a huge sound, it was the climax of the movie.

The puppy under his hand trembled suddenly, and Ye Lang was also taken aback by him.

Ye Lang glanced at the puppy under his hand. After being frightened, Xiao Lang looked at Ye Lang sleepily.

Ye Lang amused when he saw Xiao Lang's awakened look.

"What's wrong, I was scared to wake up, hahaha, I thought you slept so badly that you wouldn't be woken up by the sound of this movie, but I didn't expect you to wake up still by it."

Xiao Lang seemed to be very sleepy. He ignored what Yelang said, rolled over, and went back to sleep again.

Ye Lang followed Xiao Lang's hair and touched it.

Watching the movie while feeling more and more.

After a while, you always feel a little thirsty.

But when Ye Lang got up and wanted to get water, his hand left Xiao Lang's body.

Xiao Lang opened his eyes fiercely.

After Xiao Lang woke up, he stared at Ye Lang with wide eyes.

Ye Lang was also shocked by Xiao Lang's appearance.

Ye Lang: This is so tired. Why did I wake up suddenly? Did I wake him up? No way? I was already very cautious when I got up, and there was no sound! How could it wake it up.

Ye Lang and Xiao Lang looked at each other, one by one.

Ye Lang didn't understand what Xiao Lang meant.

But Ye Lang still had to get water.

Ye Lang just moved his feet back a bit, Xiao Lang stood up immediately.

Seeing Xiao Lang's anxious look, Ye Lang understood that he was afraid of leaving by himself.

After Ye Lang understood Xiao Lang, he laughed.

"Don't worry, I won't leave you behind. I just go get some water. I'm thirsty and want to drink water."

Xiao Lang was still standing on the sofa, looking at Ye Lang.

Ye Lang helplessly compared to a gesture of drinking water, "I, want, go, drink, water."

Ye Lang, after you watched Xiao Lang for a few seconds, Xiao Lang seemed to realize what he meant, so he went down again.

After seeing Xiao Lang lying down, Ye Lang left and went to the refrigerator to get a bottle of drink.

During the whole process from Ye Lang's departure to his return, Xiao Lang's eyes were staring at him the whole time, and he never left.

After Ye Lang came back, he looked at Xiao Lang, who also looked at him.

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