PUBG Nightmare Player System

Chapter 494: Speed ​​of netizens

Ye Lang saw that Xiao Lang had been watching him, so he smiled and said, "Are you more afraid of me leaving you?"

Xiao Lang rubbed Ye Lang's body, then fell asleep next to him.

Ye Lang looked at Xiao Lang who was sleeping again next to him.

Ye Lang: Xiao Lang is so dependent on me, what should I do if I go to record the show some days later?

Ye Lang thought, you must quickly find someone to take care of him during his show.

Ye Lang: Li Yu, um, yes, anyway, Xiao Lang has spent an afternoon with him, and I feel more at ease if I bring it to Li Yu.

Well, yes, yes, let's arrange it like this.

After Ye Lang thought about Xiao Lang's future babysitter, he continued to watch his movie.

After watching the movie, Xiao Lang woke up.

Xiao Lang looked at Ye Lang with a very spirited look, and Ye Lang hugged Xiao Lang on his lap.

Ye Lang touched Xiao Lang's head, Xiao Lang also smiled happily.

Ye Lang looked so happy, "You are energetic, but I am sleepy."

After Ye Lang finished speaking, he put Xiao Lang back on the sofa.

Ye Lang turned off the TV and touched Xiao Lang's head, "I'm going to bed, good night, little things."

Xiao Lang sat on the sofa and looked at Ye Lang.

When Ye Lang got up to go to the room to sleep, Xiao Lang immediately stood up.

Ye Lang saw Xiao Lang trying to follow him, so he said to him: "You can sleep on the sofa. The living room will be reserved for you at night."

Xiao Lang seemed to have understood Ye Lang's words, and fell on his back again with an aggrieved expression.

When Ye Lang was about to leave, Xiao Lang lay there, looking at Ye Lang with that kind of aggrieved eyes.

"You can't enter the room. I have to close the door tonight, so you can't come out to the bathroom."

After Ye Lang finished speaking, he walked into his room.

Ye Lang was cautious that Xiao Lang would just come to his house and would be uncomfortable, so he left a small lamp in his living room.

When he woke up the next day, Ye Lang had just sat up, and there was no sound at the door of the room.

When Ye Lang heard the sound, he was startled at first.

After a while, Ye Lang remembered that he had adopted Xiao Lang yesterday.

"Xiao Lang should be hungry, go out and give him some food!"

When Ye Lang opened the door of his room, he saw Xiao Lang squatting at the door, raising his head, looking at him with a cute look.

Ye Lang squatted down, touched Xiao Lang's little head, and said with a lazy and magnetic voice that he had just gotten up, "You are hungry, little thing."

Ye Lang walked to Xiao Lang's nest and poured him a breakfast.

As soon as Ye Lang approached Xiao Lang's den, he smelled a pee.

As soon as Ye Lang smelled the smell, he knew that Xiao Lang was peeing.

When Ye Lang was pouring dog food, Xiao Lang had already ran over to eat.

Ye Lang glanced at Xiao Lang's dog pen, and as expected, the urine inside was wet.

"Fuck, you are such a small man, why do you pull so much urine in one night."

Xiao Lang was enjoying his breakfast at this time and ignored Ye Lang.

Ye Lang had to change the diapers in the cage and put them in the trash can.

Ye Lang said while holding Xiao Lang's urine paper, "Xiao Lang, you have my handsome father who loves you. I don't know if I saved the galaxy in my last life."

Xiao Lang raised his head and glanced at Ye Lang, with a happy look on his face.

Ye Lang sighed when he saw him like that, "Maybe it was the debt I owed you in my previous life."

After Ye Lang cleaned Xiao Lang's cage, he started to cook breakfast by himself.

Ye Lang made himself an egg sandwich.

Ye Lang ate the sandwich in his mouth, remembering that when he first came, he was just someone who could eat instant noodles.

Think about it at first I was just an obscure, handsome guy with an upside-down appearance, nothing.

And now? The gap between the two is a bit hit.

Ye Lang watched Xiao Lang playing with him while eating sandwiches.

Compared to getting up yesterday morning, this morning really has some vitality.

Ye Lang looked at Xiao Lang and remembered that he had just said that he might have owed Xiao Lang a debt in his previous life, and he would serve it again in this life.

The more Ye Lang thinks about it, the more something is wrong, "No, Xiao Lang, I'm so handsome, I shouldn't owe you a debt in my previous life? Even if there is, then with my handsome face, you should be able to eliminate it."

"Should it be a romantic debt?"

"But it's not. You are a man. I owe you a romantic debt. Could it be that our two previous lives have a tendency to break our sleeves."

Ye Lang kept talking about Barabara there, Xiao Lang squatted down and watched Ye Lang speak.

Xiao Lang didn't have any expressions, so he kept squatting there, sticking his tongue out, looking at Ye Lang, as if he was willing to listen to Ye Lang's nonsense.

Ye Lang looked at Xiao Lang very happy no matter what he said, so he reluctantly took a bite of his own sandwich.

"I don't know if you can understand people's words or not. Sometimes when you talk to you, you can understand, and sometimes I don't understand what you say."

When Xiao Lang heard Ye Lang's words, he closed his open mouth.

Xiao Lang tilted his head, looking at Ye Lang as if embarrassed.

Ye Lang ate his last bite of a sandwich, and felt that such a life was quite healing.

Talk to the dog when you get up early in the morning.

Ye Lang opened Weibo and looked at the recommended things.

Everyone is sharing their own stories, their own breakfast, and the things they have encountered.

After Ye Lang watched for a while, suddenly those wonderful words in his head couldn't resist.

Ye Lang also unknowingly posted a Weibo.

I woke up at dawn, not longing for hot soup and warm rice, not longing for fresh lemon water, not longing for hugs, even less longing, you still have a gentle smile, I just want to see you , I just want to say a few words to you, nothing more.

Ye Lang's Weibo is accompanied by a photo taken with Xiao Lang yesterday.

In the photo, Ye Lang smiled handsomely, and Xiao Lang also smiled cutely.

Shortly after Ye Lang was released, the number of likes on Weibo reached tens of thousands and there were tens of thousands of comments.

"Did Teacher Ye Lang adopt a pet?"

"Isn't it, why does this paragraph seem to be in love?"

"Impossible, Teacher Ye Lang is still single."

"Looking at the pictures of him and the dog, how could it be in love? It must be Teacher Ye Lang who got a new pet!"

"No matter, congratulations to Teacher Ye Lang for getting a lovely puppy."


Ye Lang was also shocked by the speed of netizens.

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