PUBG Nightmare Player System

Chapter 50: North American service, stop internet ad

After finishing his work, Ye Lang took a cold shower, which happened to be seven o'clock in the evening, half an hour before his evening live broadcast.

"Forget it, there is nothing wrong, let's open it first."

Ye Lang came to the computer presented by the system, and after a second of booting, he logged on to the Huya live broadcast platform and entered his live broadcast room.

"The anchor you are following, Ye Lang, is online! (Huya live broadcast

But everyone who followed Ye Lang's live broadcast room received this news.

Immediately, a lot of spectators swarmed in.

Wu Yanzu Jedi's ancestor: "Did the sun rise from the west today? Why the anchor is still on the air ahead of time? It's not like his usual style!"

Tao Su Su: "Come on, my little brother Tao Su checks in on time!"

The watermelon skin is not peeled: "Miss upstairs, can you stop watching the live broadcast like an online class, and check in!"

Chen Haonan, Causeway Bay: "Boy upstairs, if you don't learn from me, I will chop you!"


After Ye Lang landed in the live broadcast room for a while, many viewers entered the live broadcast room. After all, he still has a lot of fans.

"I uploaded the song "Ideal" I sang last night on the music platform. If you are interested, you can listen to it for free."

Ye Lang told me about the song that was just uploaded. Many fans in the live broadcast room immediately went to the music platform to search for the song, and the volume of the song suddenly increased.

"I really have to find time to find this platform and pay a bit of copyright fees, otherwise I am too bad."

Ye Lang murmured, and then began to log in to his Steam game platform account, ready to start today's game.

I first glanced at the game's online friends, and found that Tuantuan and Dadao were not there, and then glanced at the others. The 4AM team members were also not online...

Ye Lang thought for a while, smiled in the live broadcast room and said, "We played something different today."

Hearing Ye Lang's words, the audience in the live broadcast room was very interested.

Coffee on the left bank, "What do you want the anchor to do? Play something different, is it candles and whips?"

Huya Transportation Committee: "Upstairs, you are suspected of speeding, please come with us!"

Zu'an pianist: "What do the anchors want to play? Why don't you come to our Zu'an to play and practice your hand speed and mental quality!"


Seeing that the audience in the live broadcast room was looking forward to it, Ye Lang did not sell it: "Tonight, I will play on the North American server. Maybe I can help them quit internet addiction."

After hearing Ye Lang's words in the live broadcast room, the audience instantly became excited.

Pippi Shrimp: "666, the anchor is going to do something!"

Duan You is a family: "Are you trying to quit internet addiction? I'm embarrassed to break you!"

Zuan pianist: "The Zuan army has requested to play!"


Ye Lang quickly explained with a smile: "Just go over there and play. Quitting internet addiction is a joke, we don't do anything."

For a long time, the player strength of the North American server has always been stronger than that of the China server. Ye Lang has no other meaning this time. He just wants to experience the player strength of their server in the past.

Due to the network firewall, if Ye Lang wants to go to the North American server to play, he needs to overturn the wall. Of course, this is not a big problem for computer professionals.

Three under two divided by two will solve the problem. Generally speaking, there will be some lag when playing games across servers. This has nothing to do with the computer, mainly due to network problems.

Ye Lang took a look. Fortunately, the delay was not particularly high and would not affect his operation.

The viewers in the live broadcast room saw that Ye Lang had logged into the North American server, and some viewers who could not sit still started to act.

The wind blows and cools his butt: "The anchor, wait for me, I'll go over and play."

Zuan's pianist: "I brought a few of Zuan's little friends to greet them."

Talking and laughing: "Everything is ready, only owe an order!"


Seeing the audience in the live studio gearing up, Ye Lang couldn't laugh or cry for a while.

The relationship between their Chinese server and North American server is really ordinary. There have been cross-server battles before, and players on the two servers are fighting each other.

Ye Lang hurriedly came out and said, "I'm just here to play casually. It's really not here to do things, so don't come here blindly."

Soothing the audience in the live broadcast room, letting them not do anything casually, Ye Lang started the game.

This time he chose the two-player mode.

After a while, the match was successful and appeared on the birth island.

"Hello, nicetomeetyou!"

The foreign teammate on the opposite side greeted Ye Lang.


Ye Lang also dragged a sentence of foreign language, he possessed foreign language proficiency, all of this was beyond words.

"Are you... a Chinese native?"

The Yankee opposite suddenly spoke Chinese.

"That's right."

Ye Lang wondered how he knew, is it because his English is so strong?

"Great, I like your Huaxia culture the most. This time we have to have a good chat." A surprised voice came across.

"It's okay, of course there is no problem. China has a history of five thousand years."

Ye Lang responded kindly.

The audience in the live room was stunned.

"What's the situation? When is the North American server player so polite?"

"This is unscientific, is it because you met good people?"

"Maybe the other party really likes Chinese culture."


The audience in the live broadcast room was a little confused, because it was rare to encounter such a friendly foreigner in the North American server.

Soon the countdown to the birth island ended, and a plane appeared on the computer screen and flew to the Jedi island.

"Where are you from Huaxia? Bruce Lee is your Huaxia people. I heard that you Huaxia people are good at kung fu!" The opposite foreign team asked kindly.

"I live in Huaxia Magic City."

"As for kung fu, I don't know about other people, but I do know a little bit."

Ye Lang smiled and said, he has the skill of fighting proficiency, which is indeed a bit of skill.

The audience in the live broadcast room thought Ye Lang was bragging.

My wife is Shizuka: "Anchor, you know how to martial arts? Are you bragging, I don't believe it!"

Tao Susu: "Little brother is what he says. He says he will do it. Don't make trouble!"

Pippi Shrimp: "It just so happens that I will collapse at one point and eight poles. The anchor has the opportunity to let us discuss it."


The audience in the studio was still brushing sandalwood, and Ye Lang and the foreign teammate had landed on the top of Building One at the airport.

After landing, Ye Lang quickly picked up an s686 shotgun. Although this gun has some tastes, it is quite powerful in the early melee combat, otherwise it would not be called equal.

"I have the M416 assault rifle here, China Brothers, give it to you." The foreign teammate said suddenly.

"What's the point, you keep it for yourself."

As soon as Ye Lang finished speaking, his pupils suddenly shrank, and the foreign teammates who had just been extremely friendly suddenly shot at him.

Without any defense, Ye Lang was directly knocked to the ground.

"Hahaha, yellow-skinned monkey, do you really think I would like your culture of yellow-skinned monkeys?"

"I'm playing with you!"

Incomparably arrogant words came from the headset, and Ye Lang couldn't help clenching his fists.

The player system who likes the nightmare of eating chicken, please collect it: ( The nightmare player system of eating the chicken has the fastest literary update.